The Giant Couple (2)

The void attendant finally felt that there was a question that it could answer. It was afraid that its old friend would be immersed in its past memories, and it would not be able to adapt to the situation.

However, in the face of this question, the void attendant couldn't find an answer for a while.

"I don't know," It shook its head slightly.

The loss of the Herb Garden of Divine Farmer this time was not as simple as losing a few stalks of spiritual herbs. The entire garden had disappeared.

The crime involved was too great!

The void attendant reckoned that it would have to visit the First Hall of Sins to ask for forgiveness, and then it might have to go to the Holy Execution Ground later. However, it would bear all the punishment itself!

In order to save it, its old friend almost risked their life. There was no reason for its old friend to share its dereliction of duty.