The Giant Couple (3)

Xu Xiaoshou was so touched that he was trembling. The next second, his hands, which were about to reach into its arms, suddenly stopped and became very steady.

There were more?

His facial features contorted, and his tears almost spilled out.

He held back his tears, which were filled with emotions, and did not withdraw the hand that was holding the void crystals. He only trembled and held them in front of him. He bent his body and his tears flickered.


"Keep them well." The void attendant released its grip and held its old friend's shoulder.

Xu Xiaoshou thought in silence, "Of course, I'll keep them well. I mean, do you have any more? Please give me more.". Xu Xiaoshou still hadn't taken back his hand. He still held it in front of his chest.

"Brother, I..."

"This is what you deserve, and it's also my thanks!" The void attendant interrupted again with a solemn expression.