How Dare You Provoke the Power of Space-Time Creation? (1)

Mei Siren's expression was complicated.

He hadn't felt this way for many years. He was already so old, yet he still needed to be protected by his own student.

Just because the countdown to exile was about to end?

That was why Xu Xiaoshou had come up with such a plan. He was bold enough to play such a trick in front of Number Two and Yan Wuse?

But he couldn't go with him!

To leave behind the Xu Xiaoshou beside him, who he didn't know if he was the actual one or not, and to leave with the so-called 'Kong Yuhen'.

With Number Two's powerful reasoning ability, he could combine the previous ideas, no matter how bad it was and come up with a general deduction.

Almost at the same time, Xu Xiaoshou thought of this.

The second true body's mournful voice sounded at the right time. "Master Siren, take me with you!"

Mei Siren made up his mind in a flash.

If he took Xu Xiaoshou with him, the Holy Divine Palace would never let him go.