How Dare You Provoke the Power of Space-Time Creation? (2)

"Transformation" salvaged his last shred of dignity, tinting the purported Kong Yuhen's fair complexion with a rosy hue.

Xu Xiaoshou cast a graceful glance over his shoulder. Controlling the muscles on his face that were on the verge of twitching, he maintained a calm demeanor with a slight smirk at the corner of his lips. He spoke slowly and deliberately, enunciating each word as if they were precious pearls:

"The feeble light of ants, how dare you provoke the Power of Space-Time Creation?"

With a strike of his Time Ancestor Shadow Staff, a glint of amusement danced in Kong Yuhen's eyes as he shouted in a chilling tone, "Get lost!"

The void trembled with a loud explosion.

The power of the sun failed to radiate its glory and was reversed by Yan Wuse with a twirl of his fingertips.

Instead, the intense fluctuations of time within Xu Xiaoshou's palm erupted.