What's the Rush? (1)


It was too huge!

An azure finger pierced the sky, carrying an infinite force, wiping away everything from the sight of onlookers.

It was as if the entire world had condensed into just this one finger.

It inevitably brought to mind the fearsome strike of the Demonic Emperor Black Dragon, lifting the Ghost City of the Netherworld with its tail and shattering the Fallen Abyss.

As insignificant as a mayfly in the boundless universe, as tiny as a grain of sand in the vast ocean.

Compared to the power of the Holy Emperor, even a demi-saint felt insignificantly small.

Xu Xiaoshou, at the forefront, could not help but feel his heart pounding.

Wangze Holy Emperor could manipulate his one finger to counter threats and protect Rao Yaoyao.

Facing the opponent's finger, Xu Xiaoshou had no direct means of delay or defense.

"Is this the end?" Xu Xiaoshou's thoughts raced.