In the Eyes of the Holy Emperor, All Living Beings Are Dogs! (3)

In what seemed absurd, but on Abyss Island, was there anything truly impossible?

"Xu Xiaoshou!"

However, the Water Ghost bellowed, interrupting his fantasy.

Once Wangze Holy Emperor successfully overcame the obstacles and descended, the stakes would become irreversible if he were unable to break through.


Xu Xiaoshou briefly set aside his thoughts, realizing something. He tightened his grip on the Time Ancestor Shadow Staff.

"Time acceleration!"

Onlookers saw Xu Xiaoshou pointing into the void, and the aura of time in the entire world became dense.

Then, like a madman, the Water Ghost accelerated wildly.

His movements were so fast that no one could see them clearly. The part of the supreme saint calamity targeting the Water Ghost in the sky fell like a frenzy, without a moment to catch his breath.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..."

The dense and overlapping thunder made people's hearts tremble.