Swear to the Death to Watch the Night, Don't Forget Your Original Heart! (3)

An illusory figure whose limbs were shackled with broken chains stood on top of it. The image was blurry and his true appearance could not be seen.

"Holy Emperor!"

Yu Zhiwen's teeth chattered.

When the Holy Emperor passed through, all living beings prostrated themselves.

At this moment, the entire Yunlun Mountain Range shook. Even though the trial-takers had the protection of the Cloud Mirror World, they still fell to the ground, one after another.

Yu Zhiwen didn't lower her head. She endured the pain and stubbornly looked up.

In her last glance, she saw that the Saint on the sea of fire had lowered his head and gave her an indifferent stare. It was as if he looked at a commoner and the only person in the world who did not bow to him.


The strange sound was not directed at her.

Yu Zhiwen's pupils trembled as she realized something, "Clothes, take off your red clothes!"

When she lowered her head.