Swear to the Death to Watch the Night, Don't Forget Your Original Heart! (2)

"Basically... there had been no response..."

"No response? So what does that mean?"

When she saw Lan Ling's red eyes, Yu Zhiwen couldn't bear to look at her, so she looked away and said.

"The red-clothed people you mentioned should have followed Sword Deity Rao to the Lone Cliff. Therefore, they must have been swallowed up by the deep sea..."

"I searched four times! However, the spirit mirrors that belonged to those names basically didn't respond."

"This means, it means... Yes, Senior Xin, Senior Heiming, and the others should be dead..."

All dead?

Lan Ling reeled back and almost fell.

Yu Zhiwen tried to soften the blow. She knew what this meant. She shook her head in disbelief. "That's impossible!"

How could they be dead?

The last time the seal in the White Cave broke, a sealed ghost beast emerged. Everyone survived and didn't die.

That was a seal attribute that had rarely been seen in hundreds of years.