Meeting for the first time.

As that "certain" person rummaged through the paperwork, seemingly looking for the paper of Kyosuke Ryo, another person entered inside.

"What are you doing...Ryujin?"

Ryujin looked up and stopped what he was doing.

"Oh, Kibou-san, what brings you here?"

He said in an informal way, despite knowing he's talking to someone superior to him.

"You're as friendly as ever."

"It's not wrong, is it?"

"It isn't! Anyway, that's not what I came for."

"What do you need?"

"I came to remind you that the annual test will take place just two days from now!"

"I know, I know,"

"And If I'm allowed to ask such questions, May I ask why are you rummaging through the papers of the first-years?"

"I'm looking for the paper of a certain student."

"I see, Tell me! Who is it? I may be familiar."

"Kyosuke Ryo."

"I see. I'm quite familiar."

"Really?! Can you tell me about him?!"

"But, I'm a forgetful person so I don't really remember much from the past. Haha!", He guffawed at his own remark.

"You're as boisterous as ever."

"Oh, really? Anyway, that's all! I wish you good luck!"

With his boisterous goodbye, he turned around and left the room. Kajiyashaki Ryujin lets out a tired sigh as he continued looking for his papers. Eventually, he found it.

Kyosuke Ryo - 16 years old - address - ---

"This place huh..."

He mumbled to himself. Seeing the familiar name of the address, he was fascinated.

To think that someone who changed his life was connected to a new student in this school, he became more interested about him, getting more eager and excited in meeting this new student, Kyosuke Ryo.


The next day.

With just one day left before the annual exam, we are recommended to attend the last lesson for this week.

Even though it's Saturday, and it's supposed to be our free day, we have classes to attend.

And by tomorrow, from exactly 7 am until 12 pm will be the annual test. Ah, What a drag.

Attending our classes, with me learning nothing, the school lunch came. With no appetite, I decided to pay a visit to the school rooftop. Walking up the long staircase, I finally arrived at the top.

Fresh, cold air greeted me, which is quite refreshing. I slowly made my way toward the railings. The scenery displays quite a prepossessing sight, from ant-sized houses and skyscraper buildings to the blue sky covered with white clouds, nothing could be more relaxing than staring at this.

That is until a certain noise obliterated my serenity. A noise from behind the door building.

"Is someone here aside from me?"

I slowly and cautiously walked around and hid behind a wall. Slightly peering over, I noticed four figures in total, all their backs turned to me.

There was a person that stood out from the rest, there are two people beside her, one holding an umbrella over her head while the other one is writing some sort of notes on a paper. While the other one seems like she's looking around for anyone near, luckily, I'm not noticed.

I shouldn't peer here, I should get going before I get into trouble. Coming to my decision, I turned around and left the rooftop.

The woman on the rooftop looked behind her shoulder, and it looks like she noticed a presence staring at them.

"What is it, Yukinoshita-sama?" One of the girls beside her worriedly asked.

"Worry not, It is merely nothing."

She turned her back and stared at the scenery once more. Although she has a pleasant expression, caution is still lingering inside her.


I arrived at the hallways leading to my classroom. Feeling a little bored, I decided to skip the afternoon class. I walked past my classroom and head down the stairs. As I was walking down the open hallway, I came past a group of students who are picking on a student. I looked in their direction and noticed that the student they are picking on is quite recognizable.

Such troublesome students, how the hell can the council or whoever is in charge of this school let these students roam free?

The other students are only staring at them.

Darn, seeing this irritates me to the core. As if my body was moving on its own, It slowly and automatically walked towards them. I pat one of them on the shoulders. That big guy looked at me with a piercing glare.

"You're making quite a dramatic scene here"

I said as I also shoot him a glare. I don't care much about others but this scene just ticks me off, and reminds me of something from my childhood that I try my best to forget.

"What do you want?"

He turned around and looked down at me. He's like the one I've encountered at the alley, a very big and muscular individual.

"Even though it's not me to stop someone for the others, I want you to keep your hands off that weak student."

"Trying to be a hero huh?! Don't be a dumbass!"

As expected, he raised his fist up and strikes forward. But with ease, I blocked his fist with my palms. His strength and power are nothing compared to his body. Very weak.

I was about to grab my sword when suddenly, someone from the distance began speaking.

"The 7th rule states that any form of battle engagement without the permission of a higher overseer will be considered immoral. "Thou shan't engage in any physical or magic battle without permission unless it's defending one's self. Anyone who dares to break this rule shall have a one-week suspension. "

A very unfamiliar voice spoke. I slightly looked to my side and saw that someone is walking towards us. I quickly broke contact with the muscular man and slightly jumped back.

"Tsk, what a drag, who are you?!"

The thug called out to the approaching person.

"It's been a long time, the council has been looking for you."

Council? Is this guy from the council? As he slowly got closer and closer, I can slowly make out his appearance.

A boy with light blue hair and green eyes, with both of his hands on his pocket while walking towards us. He has a smirk on his face, and another thing I noticed is his aura, somewhat giving off a strong aura.

"Tsk, council."

"Oh, remember us? Haha! Kibou-san told me a lot about you. It seems like today is your unlucky day for encountering me."

"Tsk, like I'll surrender without a fight!"

Suddenly, the man lunges towards the councilperson.

"Unless one's defending themselves, I'm not breaking any rules am I?!"

In response, The boy from the council swiftly summoned a katana and held it upfront, pointing the tip towards the boy running towards him. Then, in the speed of light similar to Fujimoto Kyouko, as the man steps into the councilman's range, He rapidly swung his sword horizontally in one motion, the sword slashes leaving blue traces, or what seems like water, with several droplets of water dropping on the ground.

In the next instance, the man fell down and fell unconscious.

"Sorry for the disturbance."

So this is the council, talented and skilled individuals whose skills are honed to the sharpest and refined.

I can see that everyone around me stared in awe at the scene. The rest of the man's gang ran off crying.

"Now then,"

The councilman slowly walked up to me.

"Thank you for building up courage and stopping those bullies. The council greatly appreciates your work."

He said as he flashed a friendly smile, but, something doesn't feel right about it.

"I'm Kajiyashaki Ryujin."

Kajiyashaki... Ryujin...Oh, the fourth seat? So this is the fourth seat. Looks like tomorrow is quite the challenge. Water amplitude, dual sword, and he knocked out that man in one single effortless blow.


"Kyosuke Ryo"

"Kyosuke-san... I see, very interesting."

As soon as I said my name, something changed in his facial expression. He was still smiling but his smile is now unpleasant.

"Once again, I thank you on behalf of the council for your cooperation. I should get going now."

He turned around and began walking away, dragging the unconscious man's body along with him.

I let out a sigh before turning around and walking up to the student.

"Classes are starting why are you here?"

I asked the trembling students.

"I-I was about to go upstairs when t-they ganged up on me."

He said in his trembling voice.

"Now, off you go. There is no one to cause you trouble anymore."

"T-Thank you, Kyosuke-kun. I'm Hiro Sato."

"I don't need your name. Now, go."

I turned around with those words and began walking away. Hiro Sato, I see. Eventually, class ended, and with some luck, I never got caught cutting my classes.

I returned back to the rooftop and to my surprise, the woman was not there anymore. I walked up to the railings and relaxed my mind. Zen and serenity taking over me, I closed my eyes.

But once again, the feeling of Zen was utterly destroyed. Someone opened the door and spoke.

I turned around and looked. It was Horoshi-Sensei.

"Kyosuke Ryo, what are you doing here?"

He said in a serious face and voice.

"I skipped classes. It was boring."

"Think you're smart enough to pass without any guidance or tips from the ones stronger than you?"

"I'm competent enough on my own."

Just then, he quickly summoned a giant sword and threw it in my direction. Am I supposed to dodge it? No, based on the way he threw it, he is gonna get on another stance, a stance used for teleportation magic.

As I predicted, with my face just a few inches away from the blade, He teleported behind it and grabbed it by the handle, stopping it in its tracks. It unleashed a huge and strong gust of wind that shoots in all directions as he stopped it.

"Not easily intimidated, huh?"

"Why would I be intimidated when I can easily read your gestures?

"Keen observer I see"

He sheathed his sword and lets out a chuckle.

"I see. Well, do what you want. I'm doing my job in teaching you and if you don't listen and fail because of it, you only have yourself to blame."

"I can don't see myself failing, but sure."

"Haha! Confident huh? Do what you want. I hope I can still see you in my classroom after the test."

With those parting words, he turned and left whilst waving.

Don't worry Sensei, You'll see me in this school until the day I graduate."