Annual Test

The annual test has come. The irritating buzzing of my alarm wakes me up at exactly six in the morning. After quite some preparation, I find myself standing in the gymnasium along with the other first-years and the "group" I've joined, all scattered all across the room.

This gymnasium is surrounded by iron walls and several pieces of equipment. It's also very developed just like the other parts of the school, with high-tech windows along with huge screens on the sides.

From the looks of it, it seems like there are no teachers no other higher up organizing this crowd. How careless, It's already six-fifty-five in the morning.

"It's quite crowded, isn't it? ten-thousand students are all here in the gymnasium, and the test...It's worrisome." He said in his nervous voice. He looks so tense, in fact, not just him, no one in the gymnasium is as friendly and talkative as they were previously. All of them were nervous and tense, that no one dared to talk.

Just then, a sound of footsteps coming from the stage echoed throughout. All of our attention was shifted toward it. It was a man wearing a black suit and sunglasses, with his hair brushed up. He seems like the spy that you see in typical movies. l

"Good morning to everyone in this gymnasium. I am Akifumi Watanabe, the professor in charge of 2-A. I'm here to announce that we will begin our departure. Outside this gymnasium, there are a total of Ten buses assigned for each respective section. In order to eliminate any confusion, the names of the sections are written on the front window of the bus. With all that aside, does anyone have questions? ...It seems like there are none. Well then, first year's, you may depart!"

Just then, the walls covering the room were all slowly lifted upwards, revealing the morning blue sky. Outside, there were Ten buses in total lined up. And as he said, there are screens attached to the front window of the bus. The bus for our classroom was on the second-to-the-last place.

"Class 1-B, gather up!" Asahi yelled to us from the front of the bus. We lined up and slowly and one by one got on the bus. I was assigned at the first and front row or the bus along with Kyouko. I placed my bag on the ground and sat near the window while she sat beside me, reading a book with her headphones on.

"Are you nervous?" I asked.

"I'm not. What about you?" She replied without taking her eyes off from the book she was reading.

"I'm not."

"I see."

With that, awkwardness and silence reigned over us. Looks like she isn't up for some conversation. I closed my fist and leaned my face onto it whilst looking out in the window. Just then, someone from across the bus called out to me. I looked to my side to see Hina and Haruto across our seats, both waving their hands to us.

I forced a smile in response before turning back to the window. Looking around, I students are one by one entering the buses, and among that crowd of students, I could feel a gaze staring at me. It's nothing similar to when Keina followed me, it's like it desires to somehow do negative things to me, an evil smile, that is.

But I can't seem to notice someone staring this way. All of them have their attention on their own buses. I shrugged off the weird feeling and decided to close my eyes, trying to take a small nap. I removed my hand from the window edge and crossed my arms before closing my eyes and letting my sleepiness take over me.

Although it didn't last long. Just as I was almost falling into a deep slumber, the teacher's voice exterminated my sleepiness. I forced my eyes open and it seems like Asahi-sensei is reminding us of the things to do and the lessons he taught "us".

"Not planning on listening?" Kyouko asked,

"No. It's not like it's gonna help us."

"I see."

"Why do you ask?"

"No reason, in particular, just curiosity."

"It's unlike you to be curious."

"Are you surprised I'm acting like a normal high school girl?"

"Utterly. I thought you were some nerd who isn't a fan of talking."

"I'm neither of the things you said."

"So, you like to talk?"

"Somehow. Depending on the person I'm talking to. Maybe to only those whom I see as special to me."

"So, I'm special?"

"No. I forgot to mention but I also talk to those whom I think today is their last day in this school."



"I know you're not gonna answer this honestly but...Are you connected to the council?"

"What if I am?"

"Then I'll add you to my list "

"List of people you will lose to?"

"I don't lose."

"That's nice."

"So are you?"

"I never was, I was."

"I see. I need to take a nap."

We go back to her listening to her music and reading her book while I closed my eyes shut. Eventually, I fell into my deep slumber until the time we arrive at the venue. I slowly open my eyes and the first thing I did was look out in the window.

We're in front of a huge building, somewhat resembling a five-star hotel. Asahi-sensei then proceeds to stand up in front and began speaking.

"We've arrived at the venue. This is a hotel owned by our school. Behind that school is an enormous forest, also owned by our school. That's where the test will take place. We'll stay there for a total of five days. Days one, two, and three is a preparation day. You'll also gain access to a special training room, where you can hone your skills even further for the test. Day four is where the test will start. at exactly 7 am until 12 pm. After that is where the failed and passed will be announced. Remember, if ANYTHING happens to the badges we're gonna give you, you'll be considered as failed even if it's only a mere scratch. Now for the last day, day five is the departure day. You'll be preparing to leave the venue and will be given a three-day break before going back to school. Any questions?...Looks like there are none. Without further ado, step out."

The door to the bus opened. Asahi-sensei was the first to step out, and we students soon followed. We line up outside the bus per classroom and once all was settled down, we slowly marched our way towards the hotel. Arriving inside, it was glamorous, with expensive-looking chandeliers and a red-carpeted floor. At the end of the hallway, we were separated from other classrooms and we turned to the right corner along with classroom 1-A. And in another corner, we parted ways with them and turned to the opposite corners.

After some minutes, we arrived in front of a huge door. Asahi-Sensei slowly opened the door, revealing what lies inside. Inside was a very big room. Inside was like the inside of a million-dollar villa. We walked inside.

"Now. This is where you lads will reside during the preparation days. There are two floors in this room. The left side of the upper floor is the bedroom for the boys and vice-versa. On this floor, you have everything you need. Remember what I said earlier on the bus about having access to a special training room? Well, to your right is the entrance to the basement training room. And another thing, if anything is broken inside this room, you'll pay double the amount of it, got it?"

"Understood!" Everyone answered in eagerness excluding me. Sensei then dismissed us and left us all alone. All were excited. Just imagine spending roughly 5 days inside a huge luxurious room for free.

Just then, Hina walked up to me with such eagerness in her eyes that I've never seen before.

"Hey, Hey! Let's walk around!"

"Me? You'd have to ask another person for that."

"Why? Come on now!"

"Pass. There is Haruto and Kyouko, ask them."

She pouts before turning her head away from me and heading towards them. Now that no one is interfering with me, I got upstairs and made my way toward the boy's bedroom. Inside were several beds with a huge window at the end of the room with red curtains.

At the foot of the beds, there are names written on a glass screen. I found mine located near the window, just like my seat in the classroom. I put my bag on the side and threw myself on the bed and just stared at the ceiling.

I raised my hand up and summoned my weapon. Holding it in front of me and just staring at it. Remembering the days when I used to wield a sword with my father, the good old days when everything around me seems colorful and full of life. Now it's just a monochromatic view, plain and lifeless. It's amusing to think about how my life has changed ever since I stepped into the world of teens.

Never finding the meaning of life, and one day, just realizing you're still breathing and yet you're nothing. Not caring if you are to die and yet wanting others to live on. I don't know why I live on with this contradiction.

After my father passed away, I've had thoughts like this. Self-slaughter once crossed my mind, but my mother encouraged me to go on. Find someone to live for, someone to fight for, someone to protect, someone to care for and that life isn't always about downsides. She said that someday, I'll definitely find an inspiration to live on.

I sighed as I retracted my weapon back. Just then, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled out as I stood up from my bed.

The door opened and entering inside was Haruto with Hina behind him.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked,

"Oh, Airi suggested we train, and we're here to see if you're up."

I declined Hina's offer earlier, and she might be quite mad at me for that. But never mind her, I have nothing better to do anyway.



Hina then met my gaze, pouts one more, and frowns her eyebrows.

"W-What is it?"


She turns away angrily. Quite the annoyance but that's just how some girls are. I left the room and followed downstairs and towards the training room. Before we enter, we are required to change into our battle outfit, in simple terms, our PE outfit, using the designated dressing rooms for separate genders

After changing, we entered the training room, where lies several training dummies on the side, and there are also different weapons on the other side. Not to mention that the basement room is as big as a football field. Another feature that stood out is that there are several black rectangular inks on the white ground all across the floor, indicating that they are small fighting grounds designated for those planning to train using combat with another person.

"This is like, ten times much bigger than our classroom! No, twenty times!!!" Arata exclaimed in excitement.

Although he's a little annoying, I can't do anything about it. As they looked around in amusement, I walked over to the weaponry section. I picked up one of the swords. Just from the handle and grip alone, I can tell this is an expensive sword, and they just let us use it for absolutely free. Well, he did say that anything broken will be paid double the amount.

I get into a stance with this sword and did some slashes. It feels very light and the blade is very thin. I resonated my amplitude with it and as expected, the fire grew brighter and stronger in this sword than mine. I continued doing some of my moves, slashing here and there, doing a backflip, and following up with a dash toward the dummy and all sorts of things.

And eventually, unable to take more damage from me and the sword, the dummy was burned down into ashes...Wait, what? Does that mean I have to pay for whatever is the price of that dummy? Oh, hell no.

Just as I stared at it dumbfounded, by whatever piece of technology there are using, the dummy was replaced by another brand new one. It's like it simply disappeared and was miraculously replaced by another one.

"What the hell just happened?" I thought to myself. Well, it doesn't matter, as long as I don't have to pay anything, that's all that matters.

Just as I sighed to myself, Haruto walked up to me with his usually smiling face.

"Hey, are you finished?"

"Yeah, go on."

I was about to walk right past him when he continued talking.

"Oh, actually, I was gonna ask if you can perhaps be my duel enemy?"

I was surprised, to say the least.

"Why me? There's Kyouko, Airi is also there, not to mention the couch-potato Arata and the free girl Hina."

"I mean, you're the strongest person here."

"I don't know where you've heard that, but I can tell you one thing and it's not me."

"I'll just test my new spell, it won't take long."

Argh, so persistent. I hate people when they're acting like this.

"Fine, don't blame me for any injuries."

"Yeah, Yeah, Sure."