First day

We stepped inside the rectangular ink on the floor and summoned each of our weapons. He summoned his own katana. He held it in front of him using both of his hands, quite similar to the Kendo stance; Kenjutsu Chudan no Kamae, also known as the "middle-level posture".

He held it with such fierce eyes. I also assumed my stance where I hold my sword on my dominant hand and leaving my other hand open.

"Now, let's start!"

He yelled. He was the first one to jump in. He swiftly dashed in towards me and as he entered my range, he swung horizontally. Although it's not as fast as I expect it to be, It's also not slow. He then continued by swinging his sword back again. I adjusted my abdomen part as to not get slashed. Then as I do, I summoned an energy of fire in my other hand and raising it towards it. He goes back into his original Chudan stance and jumped back.

Now is my chance. Since he's still in mid-air, He only has few options to block, therefore, enhancing my winning probability if I jumped in now. I put some force on my feet and swiftly jumped towards him. I resonated my amplitude with my sword, causing it to release a huge blazing fire. As I finally got near him, I swung my sword towards the direction of his waist. my sword was only a few inches away from hitting him, He disappeared in front of me, only leaving several small flashes of lightning. It's like he completely disappeared from this room. Wait, no, not exactly. He didn't disappear, I can still sense his energy.

Where though?

I heightened my senses to read where he is.



There it is, behind me.

As I finally found the strings of his presence, while in mid-air, I twist my body around along with my sword. The sound of metals clashing echoed throughout the room.

"Teleportation Magic? Not bad."

I parried his sword and pushed him back before landing back into the ground and reassuming my stance. Looking at him, he's out of breath already.

Teleportation magic. Whatever your amplitude is, it doesn't matter. But, there is a requirement in order to do the teleportation magic efficiently. That is you must have a high-energy capacity because if you don't, you'll be out of energy in no time, just like in his case, he's already panting and catching his breath because of using it. And depending on how far you are teleporting affects the energy that will be drained from you.

But despite his condition, he still charged forward, this time the tip of the sword pointed towards me.

"Not giving up, huh?"

His body momentum is much slower than before, mostly because of his condition, the amount of energy drained away from him really affected him.

He continued running towards me and then thrusts forward. I tilted my whole body to the side and avoided it and from that, it was checkmate for him. I grabbed his arm with my hand as he passed through and I threw the sword on my other hand and then proceeds to use it and push him down on the ground.


He groaned as he slowly stood up, using his sword as a support. I extended a hand and pulled him up.


"No worries."

Looks like I did much than I planned. Whatever. He was the one who asked me to do it.

"Looks like I still need to practice."

"Yeah, good luck. Anything else?"

"Nope. Thanks once more,"

"Yeah. Sure."

He walked towards the nearby bench on the side and sat there while holding his arm. Hina then frantically walked over him, anxiously. She then proceeds to look around his body, possibly looking for any injuries.

Well, If you find one, don't come rushing to me like a madwoman and blaming me for it.

I then walked over to the weaponry section and put my sword back before summoning my own.

I guess it's better to practice with the real one.

I walked over to the dummy once more but before starting, I took a look around. Everyone is so absorbed in their training, Arata wielding his sword on his own while Kyouko and Airi do a friendly parry.

In their battle, Airi was pushed to the corner by Kyouko's overwhelming speed and accuracy. She somewhat reflects the skills of a female shogun, where her refined skills are second to no one.

As she continued to severely and smoothly slash through her Ices, cutting her close, she successfully trapped her, making Airi fall to her butt and lean on the wall. She then jumped around and spun elegantly, cutting all the excess ices, landing on her feet, and then pointed the tip of her sparkling blade to Airi's neck.

"I lost,"

Airi sighed and raised both of her hands, showing actions of surrendering.

"That was a short, yet good match."

She retracted her sword back in a majestic way. Just then, she suddenly looked in my direction and our eyes met. She glared at me for a few seconds and I returned a lifeless look at her before she turned back and made her way upstairs.

That is somehow...uncanny, to be fair. I feel bad for the guy who'll date that girl, or if she's ever gonna have one. Whoever are you, you're in for a rough time, and don't ever cheat, you'll be diced alive.

With that, I continued my own training.


Kyouko took a dip in the hot springs for girls in their room. She then stared at her palms.

"I've gotten quite weak, haven't I?

She stared in disbelief. She sighed again and again and again until a particularly familiar voice echoed throughout.

"Kyouko-chan, you'll get old too early if you sigh too much, by that way, no one will date you anymore."

Footsteps slowly approaching towards, looking behind, Kyouko recognized the incoming figure,

"You are-...??"


The figure puts its finger to Kyouko's lips, stopping her half-way her sentence

"S-Senpai?! W-What are you doing here?!"

Kyouko spoke in a whispering manner. That senpai sat beside her and lets out a sigh of satisfaction.

"Ahh~, now this is life."


"Oh, Kyouko-chan! How are you?! Are you doing great?! The council is really on a weak condition right now and, and-"

"P-Please calm down!"

That senpai embarrassingly covered her lips with her hands.

"Sorry, I got too excited."

"It's okay, what brings you here?"

"I just thought to take some load off from the council work, it's stressing me out!"

"Is it about the starting of the classes?"

"Oh yes, it is sweetheart. Shiouru asked me to be the representative speaker from the council for the opening speech."

"T-That's really quite the hassle,"

"*Sigh*, you could say that again, Kyouko-chan, and Ayako-san wants me to report about the test,"

"So you'll be spectating from the sidelines?"

"Yes. I just want to rest,"

"If I could help in any way, please just tell me!"

"How sweet! That's why I love you, Kyouko-chan!"

She embraced Kyouko in her arms and rubbed her cheeks to hers.

"And another thing, Shiouru said that the council will not be introduced in the opening ceremony."

"W-Why is that?"

"I don't know myself, Let me just rub your pillowy cheeks more! It reminds me of my pillows that now, I never got to hug again."


She broke contact and stretched her arms as she said,

"For some reason, Shiouru said that he doesn't want the council to be introduced, I don't know the reason but, he wants it somewhat hidden for the meantime."

She's looking somewhat perplexed when she said this.

"For the longest time I've known Shiouru, he's somewhat greedy. He only does things that he thinks are beneficial to him and the school, like for example, another highschool wants to have a alliance with us but he said,

"I don't see any merit from here. Decline it."

So Ayako-san, who was the representative of our school, was forced to decline their offer. But he's a kind and inspirational man,"


"Anyway, let's just enjoy our time together!!!"


They then proceed in doing such girly acts and talks.

After that, they both got out, still talking about this and that, the guy they like, and many more. They both changed into their casual attire and casually made their way to the student council room for a meeting.

Arriving upon the room on the 7th floor of the whole building, they entered inside the room. Inside waiting was all the members of the student council, sitting all-around a huge circular table.

"You two are late, simply unacceptable."

One of them said in a disappointed and hotly way,

"Calm down, Calm down," Ryujin said, trying to calm the atmosphere down.

"Oh my, I apologize for that. Come on Kyouko-chan, let's go!"

She dragged her to her seat, And once everything was settled down, The president opened his mouth to speak, and so, the council meeting began.