A twisted girl with a scared heart.

The building collapsed fiercely, causing smoke to form.

Then, coming out of it was Ryo, carrying a girl in her arms. He is unscathed nor is the girl.

Then, following him was Eri, with the kidnappers walking behind her, all cuffed.

"Sensei, we did it."

Eri yelled out with a happy smile, in contrast to her eerie expression earlier.

"You even had the time to cuff them, that's wild."

The Sensei remarked as he scribbled down on his papers.

"Anyway, you both pass. A hundred points."

He said as Ryo put the girl down.

"Let's return back, Ryo!"

Eri exclaimed as she tip-toed towards Ryo with a happy grin on her face.

Ryo ignored her and proceeded to walk back towards the school.

"Aw, so cold."

She said sarcastically before following behind him.


It's now 6 pm, and Eri is in her bedtime pajamas, sitting in a chair at her table with various things scattered around.

It seems like she's researching something.

Then, she brought out the similar blue magic from earlier, then proceeded to put it on the table.

Then, summoning another magic, she combined it with her blue ball. Soon after, a series of words and sentences in a hologram manifested before her.

"The flame magic... There's no doubt about it."

She then grabbed a book and began rummaging through it.

"Found it."

She then stared at that certain page, 

"Black flames magic..."

She then brought up another huge and thick book and proceeded to run through its pages.

She was studying the sample amplitude she got from Ryo back from the test. Trying to find possible counters and weaknesses, and perhaps dive deeper into who Ryo is.

Just then, the sound of someone knocking at the door startled her.

"Just who the hell wants something from me at this hour."

She muttered, clearly annoyed as she stood up. She opened the door with great force and greeting her was her childhood friend, Souta.

"How are you, the woman of complex personalities?"

He said in a teasing way.

"If you're here to disturb me, just do that tomorrow, I'm busy." She said with glower eyes. 

Souta peeks up behind her to see multiple books scattered around her table.

"Seems like you got your samples."

"Yeah, I did. I'll just look into it."

"Whose is it?"

"Kyosuke Ryo."

"That boy..."

"Yes... Yes... Now, since you're here, might as well come in for a chit-chat."

Souta entered and sat on her bed which was full of colourful fluffy stuffed toys. 

"I know you like stuffed toys but I never expected them to be this bad."

Eri glared at him for his remark, as she let out a sigh before sitting down once more and continuing with her reading. 

"Did you also get other samples?"

"I couldn't. I'll get them next time."

"The next point competition is just around the corner."

"You mean the dual-competition?"

"Yeah, I heard that the grand prize will be 300 points."

"I know. That's why I'm gonna be entering."

"And who's your partner?"

"You, of course."

"Figured... Hey, do you know anything about the new transferee?"

"Cezina Laura?"

"Yes. Your left eye could read people's amplitude, right? What do you think of her?"

"She's fine, I guess. Strong? Maybe."

She nonchalantly replied as she grabbed a magic ball sample of Ryo's amplitude and stared at it. 

Then out of nowhere, her left eye pupils started forming into what seemed like a star-shaped glowing light. Then, a radiant yet smudged blue glittery light appeared between her and the ball, as if her vision was leaving traces of blue glitters. 

Souta looks at her as he thinks about something.

I remember those star glitters. She always used them back at the laboratory. She used to always observe people, hence the reason why she always wins a duel. I've never seen her lose in a head-on duel battle. Not even once. Her dexterity in using a rapier exceeds everyone, along with her high-level observing skill and her all-seeing star glitter eye. And considering that she's still in high school, that's what makes her the prodigy from the slums. Even I don't stand a chance against her. 

"Hey, what are you thinking so deeply about? I've been talking to you for minutes."

She said, eyes frowned and mouth pouting.

Souta snaps out of his pondering, and replies,

"S-Sorry. Just got caught up in my imagination. What were you saying?"

"I said, let's go to the convenience store! I need a little break." She replied along with a stretch.

And now, she's back to a happy-going yet eerie personality. A woman with multiple twisted personalities, crafted by the most evil yet smartest scientists, along with skills above others, she's a freakish nightmare to all. However, she's not bad. She's just a twisted girl with a scared heart.

Souta thought to himself. However, he doesn't dislike Eri, but it's more of the opposite. Ever since the beginning, it was the two of them against the world. And from those years of bond, he has grown quite attached and got to know her better, hence he knows who she is. A twisted girl with a scared heart. 

The more that I think about her, the more that she becomes complicated. 


Souta then remembers what Eri said. 

"I don't want to see another innocent child getting tortured for the sake of power. I will overturn every one of them to achieve this."

However, she's acting like an antagonist. What if she just became herself and not put up her multi-persona? Maybe through what they call the "power of friendship," she'll be able to achieve her goals more easily. However, that's much easier said than done.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Eri Said as she tilted her head towards him as she walked. Plastered on her face was a curious expression.

"I'm thinking about you."

"You should always be."

She replied with a giggle as she turned to face the road, tip-toeing every step she took.

"Hey, I think you should just approach Ryo about your goal. And ever perhaps make some true friends who can help you along the way."

I said. Then, she stopped in her tracks and her happy-going aura disappeared.

"I'm certain that I won't enjoy it.

"How are you certain?"

"Because after what happened, I can't bring myself to trust anyone. They are a bunch of selfish creatures and are only something you can use. Humans are the worst kind of life that exists on earth."

Then, she turned around and looked at Souta with her perplexing yet beautiful eyes. It pierced through his soul as she displayed a melancholic smile that shaded her a mysterious aura. The moonlight dimly shined behind her, making her much more mystifying than ever.

"That also includes me, Souta. I will do everything by myself. Who knows? Maybe the person you're close to right now will be the one to bite you in the end. Maybe, I will betray you, and you'll do the same."

She muttered in a sincere, yet chilling voice. It sent a shiver down his spine as he stared at her amused.

"The world is too complicated for me to take such risks in entrusting something to others. I know I'm capable, so I'll do it."

She's not just complex. She's also a mystery. I can never decipher what she thinks.