Shino Kazuo

I've passed the test and so did the other students. Our activities after that continued as normal. The next day, classes returned and this time, Sensei gave us a brief explanation of the upcoming school activity.

"And so, all of you got their first hundred points."

Everyone applauded along with cheerful voices.

"However, the council is giving us no time to breathe. The next we'll be preparing for is the upcoming written test. Of course this school also overs general subjects such as science and mathematics."

Then, Sensei began writing something on the board.

"You will be given a 3-day independent study session between the test. Meaning, for those two days, you will be given several topic points on each subject that you will research about. We don't want to spoonfeed you information, we want you to learn the information by yourself, so that you won't be restricted with the knowledge that we'll teach you. You'll have more chance to explore about the topic."


And that leads us to this situation. I find myself in the corner of the library with the rest of my previous group members.

Airi, Hina, Haruto, Arata, and Kyouko.

"The test is only a week from now, and yet, I hadn't had the chance to study! Huhu, I was so focused on improving my magic."

Hina said as she sheds tears.

"Now, now, we can do it. I'm sure we only need to study a few topics."

Airi said as she tries to comfort her.


A few days later,

"I thought we're only gonna study a few lectures!!!" Hina yelled out, her tears flowing much more than last time.

"This is bad. I didn't study for this at all."

Arata added with his whole body trembling in fear.

"C-Calm down guys... We can do it!"

Airi said as she tries to cheer up her two friends.

"How come you, Kyouko, and Ryo aren't fazed and nervous?!"

Arata exclaimed as tears too began flowing down his cheeks.

"I already studied these topics in the past."

"Me too."

Kyouko and I nonchalantly replied.

While I was locked up in my room, I learned several general subject topics, especially modern computer. That was the only thing I did to pass the time aside for thinking about killing myself.

"Then, why don't we have a study group?"

Haruto suggested,


And, here we are now, at my dorm again.

"So, why my dorm again?!" I exclaimed.

"So anyway, we should start here and there,"

"Don't go ignoring me, Kyouko!"

I sighed a sigh of frustration as I slowly walked over to the door.

"Where are you going? Don't you want to join us?" Hina said worriedly.

"I already know those topics. I'll just go out for some fresh air."

I said as I closed the door behind me.

I slowly walked along the corridors of the dorm building with a phone in hand.

Then I noticed at the side of my eye, far into the distance, in the depths of the forest, was someone.

There was someone rustling through the trees.

What could they be doing?

Our dorm is placed behind the school grounds. And behind that school ground is a vast land filled with trees. That's also the area where we tested our amplitude before the upcoming exam.

Confused and suspicious, I made my way towards that forest.

I cautiously walked towards the clearing as I pushed several tree branches in front of me.

Then, I came to the vast land we used to train in.

Under the moonlight was a shadow holding two guns, dwith many dummies a few meters away from him.

I can't really recognize him as shadows from all over covers him.

Then, in a single fluid motion, he executed a stylish move that simultaneously fired many bullets at once, the bullets leaving a bright, blue trace.

It looks like he did everything so fast that the many bullets he fired was fired all at once from his two guns.

Just then, he turned his head in my direction and from the looks of it, he was startled.

Panicked perhaps,as he pointed both of his gun in my direction,

"Who are you?"

He said in a fierce voice as he slowly and cautiously walked towards my direction.

As he does, he slowly comes to light. I could now see who he was. It was Shino Kazuo. If I'm not mistaken, it was the one who defended Aoki Eri. A boy with orange hair and dark blue eyes.

"Wait, are you Kyosuke Ryo?"

He asked as he squinted his eyes in an attempt to see much clearly.

"You're Shino Kazuo, aren't you?"

"I-I am! You really are Ryo. I'm sorry for the way I acted."

He said. Earlier he looked quite cool. However now, I can't say the same with those soft demeanor.

"Anyway, what are you doing here?"

He asked a he continued to retract his guns and walked towards me.

"Nothing in particular. What are you doing here?"

"Well, you see."

He sat down on the grass beside where I'm standing at before he looks at the distant view before continuing.

"The dual competition will be held next week. I plan to join that competition as I heard the point reward for the champion is quite generous."

"How much?"

"I don't know the specific price. I'm sorry."

"How do you enter?"

"The council has a special room for those who wants to enter. I think you need to fill up several forms."

"I see."

"Do you plan to join? If so, what competition would you choose?"

"What do you mean?"

He looked at me with a chuckle,

"Asahi-Sensei mentioned that in the afternoon class. The dual competition.Now, those who ranks among the 3 bests duos in the competition will proceed to the upcoming National Magic Tournament that is held annually in the biggest Magic School nationwide, the National Magic Academy in Tokyo. I believe that those who will bring back an achievement from that tournament will get a minimum of 1000 points."

"That's quite a big number."

"It is, hence why I plan to join that competition. It is divided into three years, us, the second years, and third years. The competition is different between all of those years."

"I see."

"Do you want to join?"

I pondered to myself. I could join, as this could increase my score much faster. However, it's a hassle. It's tiring. And I'm too lazy. Moreover, I don't have a partner.

"I'll think about it."

"I see. If you'll join and you don't have a partner yet, feel free to call me. After all, no one will take a weakling like me."

He said as he flashed me a rather affirmative smile.

"I'll be going back now."

I said as I turned around and waved him goodbye, heading back towards my dorm area..