Chapter 1

Samantha's new beginning

I open my eyes, it's blinding, a blink it 3 times and i can see a white ceiling with a flourescent light bulb in the center..what is this place?...white all i dead?

Suddenly a voice on my side said, Oh my God you are awake baby, she was smiling and her eyes was brimming with tears...i can feel she is happy...who is the woman, i don't recognize her...she is a foreigner...she has blue eyes, long nose, blonde hair..

She then pressed a button and speak to the other side to hear, "Oh my God Doctor Evans come, She is awake!"

suddenly the door opened and a man came he is wearing a white jacket that i recognized as a doctors jacket because i am always wearing it.

" Oh you are awake now young lady, open your eyes" the doctor said. " Then count my finger please" I said 1,4 ,5 as he showed me his fingers..ok young lady do you remember your name? He asked me...What do i answer? I asked myself...If the lady is my relative then i am not certain if the name i have in mind which i remember,  is this the right one for them to hear? I said "I don't know" The lady gasped and she covered her mouth in horror,at least that's how i analyze her reaction..

Dr Evans then asked me, " Do you recognize the lady here?" After seconds which i thought it was minutes, with a furrowed eyebrows i replied, " Im sorry Doctor i don't recognize all your faces" i was then crying, i was devastated, i thought the world crumbled on my feet...a was desperate and then recollection of what happened to me and jimmy crashed like a bomb, enveloping me to an emotion i can not control....i was crying, i was violently crying....

I can not control myself, being a Doctor I can not understand what happened to me. In the periphery of my eyes i can see the lady beside me when i woke up,  was crying so hard and talking on her phone but i can not decipher what she is talking about because that time a nurse gave an injection of sedative to relax me....Darkness came again.