Chapter 2

Dr Hanzil Montero enters Samantha's


Dream so many, many instances that I can not connect...

Noises....afar...whispering. . why are they whispering? Then a voice of a man, clearly said, "let us wait darling, i know our daughter will come back to us"...

Then a woman voice said, with a voice trying to be strong " yes she will definitely, i am sure of that Bryan, we just need to be strong for her."

I open my eyes, acquianted myself to the light, its blaring, i blink many times and again saw the white ceiling and walls, so i am still in the hospital i thought...

"Oh baby, you are awake, Bryan look darling, Sam is a awake!"

A man in his early 40's came over my bed... " Ok how is my darling daughter, you gave us quite a fright Baby... you have been sleepping for a long time" Do you recognize me baby? He asked... I replied after seconds " I am sorry i really really don't remember anything, maybe you can tell?... I can see the emotion of hurt disappointment and anger in his eyes but it was masked with a deep sadness that i need to know why...i made a promise to myself from this day on i will be objective...i will find the answers to all my questions.

Bryan said, "Sam i am your father Bryan and this beautiful lady here who is crying her eyes out is your mother Eloise...." " We love you so much and we are thankful for a very long 6 months of waiting for you to open your eyes, here you are gracing us with your presence and opening your beautiful eyes to us" We love you so much baby, Eloise crying said...This are tears of joy that finally our prayers are answered Eloise continue saying...

Bryan ask me then, do you like to eat something? Dr Evans said you can now eat anything you desire..

Eloise was bimming with smile...I can see how happy they are that their daughter have woken...but how would they feel if they will find out that I am not Sam anymore....but first i need to find out how i look, from what i know of theirs the idea of my face looks like them is immenint.

" May i ask for a mirror Mom, Dad?" Looking at them both. Of course! they muttered with smile on their faces ready to please me...

Bryan then ask one of the nurses through the intercom to bring a mirror asap.