Chapter 3

Knowing how beautiful she is

As i hold the mirror that the nurse, Ms kate gave me, I was afraid of what I shall find.

Mirror in a trembling hand I slowly move my hand so I can see myself in the mirror, I was stunned! Stunned being an understatement..i saw a young lady so beautiful that i can only imagine in some fashion magazine.

Blond straight hair, blue eyes, a nose just like Eloise and lips that is formed like those of i know this body i am in is really the daughter of Bryan and Eloise...

A man interred the room as i was inspecting myself in the mirror said, "We restored successfully 99% of how you look like before the accident Miss Sam". After 5 and half months of waiting we finally have the result of so many surgeries that we've done on you he continued, by the way I am Dr Wood your plastic surgeon...

Oh hello! Thank you so much and nice to meet you i said..

Eloise then bat in, "Ok baby let us feed you", looking at the group of hospital people she said, thank so much for visiting our daughter..Dr Wood then said with a smile and respect you are welcome Madam I am honored I am of service to the family. They exited then the room was quite and peaceful with only me Eloise and Bryan who is currently talking on the phone.

Baby what do you want to eat, your favorite? I was wondering what is Sam's i replied " yes Mom".. a knock on the door came, Eloise answered, "come in that must be the food Baby". True, when the door opened a uniformed lady came in with a cart full of food. Eloise then said, Samantha this are all your favorites, come on Bryan darling lets accompany Sam tasting the food...."Sam I will let you sit ok? I'll help you". Ok you are ready now my darling, she said.

Bryan then came near and brought the chair near Eloise for her to sit then another chair in the opposite side for him....I can see that they are very happy watching me...When Bryan opened the cover the food looks delicious, beef steak with broccoli and on top peanuts...chicken soap, another bowl of shells with leaves i don't recognize....i began to eat, im hungry,.i began stuffing my mouth ... Eloise said , " Baby slowly"...i laughed I said, " oh sorry mommy as soon as i tasted the food i am hungry, Bryan said, "Sam we are very happy that you finally with us...ok to take your time.. this afternoon we will have your hospital discharge and finally you will be home. Finally our beautiful daughter will be home! Yes Eloise honey, the house will be home once again. They kissed me...

After eating I ask Eloise if it is possible for me to take a shower...She said, " of course I'll accompany you, I said yes but only to the door.." I can manage now to take a shower, I know, i thought to myself, beside I am a doctor...Dr Hanzil Montiero...of course it's a secret i have to keep.