Chapter 4

Home that is not a home

As the Limo stopped, my eyes was on the house, wow! the house is not just an ordinary one, these is a mansion...maybe i was showing my emotion Eloise said, "Baby the place have some happy memories maybe there will come a time that you will remember everything". I felt guilty...then I promise to myself I will make them happy this 2 wonderful people whom I call Dad and Mom.

As we get out of the limo, people came out from the main door, 3 women and 1 man..

"Good afternoon Master Bryan, "

"Good afternoon Mistress Eloise"

Each of them greeted the master and mistress of the house.

And as they saw me, their eyes were joyful , the man who is in his late 40's i think older than Bryan said, " oh little one we are happy to finally have you home again" he bowed, Butler Owen is at your service little one...Thank you I said, happy to be home too finally!

Then the rest of them expressed their happiness of my healthy return especially the young Claire who Eloise said is my maid companion...I was accompanied by Eloise on the second floor, as we climb the winding stairs she said my room has been always ready...she said " Claire cleaned your room everyday"

The room was the room of a princess, i was not really surprise, with the mansion, the limo, the butler i thought they are rich....the thought that God given me this, then I have to do something for this family as well as the family i left behind...just a little time more...i have to accustomed myself first and then make a plan...

But first i have to know what is the age of Samantha....if i am not mistaken Sam is not yet on her twenties.

Eloise said, "Baby just relax what is remaining of the afternoon, ok...just call me or Dad or Claire if you need something..." Daddy will be in his study for some papers to sign ok, i will be in our room next to yours...dial 1 on the phone on your bedside table then it will be connected to our room, 2 to Daddy's study and 3 to the kitchen where Claire is when she is not with you..

Ok Mom thank you!

"Baby we love you dearly we want you to know that...everybody here is your family even the maids and the butler."

I am grateful Mom, tears in my eyes is flowing down already...

Eloise hugged me and said "I am happy you are here Baby."