Chapter 5

Creating a life for the new me

I woke suddenly startled of the sorroundings, then I remember I am in Scotland with the family of Samantha.

How are my children in the Philippines, how are they coping up with their Papa and Mama's death. Today is the 25th of August 2019 and the incident happens August 22...I hope Adrian is coping for being the head of the family now... God i will contact you soon my dearest sons when it is already more clear here. I need to make a plan..

It's almost 6pm already, there is a knock on the door, Missy are you awake now? It's Claire. Come in Claire...Claire open the door, Oh missy Madam said you will have to change into something beautiful the Blaire family are here to have dinner with you. They probably miss little master kyle...As she finish, she put her hand to her mouth and look at me aghast..oh my missy sorry i never intended to remind you about the young master, Claire said.

Who is He Claire? Oh my God, forgive me Miss, I can't tell you about him the Master and the Mistress will be angry, she is crying already..ok Claire i told her forget i just have to ask Mom about it, ok...Now Claire help me decide what to wear....we opted to a flower printed dress that has garter on the waist and the helm just reach above the knee..i just let my hair down. Claire said, you are so beautiful Missy Sam. " Claire how many people are there aside from Mom and Dad?

Claire answered, you have 3 visitors Missy, Master Edmund, Mistress Ann and Young Master Eduard their eldest kyle is the youngest son..

I thought ok i have to find out who is Kyle...

Claire let's go...its almost 6:30pm

Ok Missy let's go down Missy you are very beautiful when you smile she said.

We came down, on the stairs i can hear people talking and their conversation stop, I look down and heard a gasp from the woman with brown hair and brown eyes...

Oh my God Sam you looked beautiful. Come here child let me look at you. I  am now on the 2 last step...Oh a young man who is staring at me with so much hatred in his eyes shocked me I almost lost a step down..He is around 25 years old I think, muskular, handsome even in his anger ,with dark brown, tall around 6" 3" i think. What captured my attention was the hatred in his eyes but now it is mask with the emotion of annoyance.

Ana then hugged me, she was crying,why? A puzzle in my mind, another problem to work out and know why....

A man that I did not notice a while ago said, " Come on Ana you are upsetting Sam....Eloise then said, Baby this is your Aunt Ann, and this handsome matured man here is your Uncle Edmund, and that handsome man there at the corner is Eduard..

I kissed  the check of Ana and Edmund. Glad to meet and smiled...I glance to where Eduard is and find him looking at me with the same anger or probably loathing in his gaze...I shivered, I'll just have to avoid him.

Eloise said suddenly, dinner is ready.

As we sit on the dining table i was placed beside Eduard...