Chapter 8

Samantha's POV

Mom, can I talk to you?

3 days after I'm home i followed her in their room,

Ah Baby come in, what is it Baby, you want to shop?

No Mom i want to know about the accident...

Eloise stared at me and motion me to sit beside her..

"Baby are you ok now? Do you really want to know everything I am afraid that it will hurt you..."

"Mom it is much better if i know what really happen so i can defend myself..."

Ok, Baby you were with Kyle, He invited you to the victory ball they had with his team and as he is driving you home the accident happenned,Kyle was drank the alcohol level in his blood was above normal as well as you....Kyle died on the spot she said with tears in her eyes, we love Kyle and you were very close and we even thought when Kyle reach 20 and you reach 18 we will announce your engagement but now it will not happen anymore...

Oh Mom i am so sorry for Uncle Edmund and Aunt Ann, I can still recall anything but as what i can see on them they love Kyle so much..Thanks for the information Mom maybe I can visit them sometimes....

Yes Baby we will schedule sometimes next week...

Ah baby by the way, you should also thanks Eduard, he visited you regularly almost everyday and the whole weekend...reading you books, novels that you like...lets you listen music on his phone and talking to you...

Upon hearing this i was do i deal with him...I see anger, loathing in his eyes...are those mask?

What do i do? I have to answer things that this body i am in least that's how i return my debt to be responsible of her needs...

I was at the garden with Eloise when Bryan arrived. He is with someone, a man with exceptional built. As far as i can deduce he is into martial arts or a gym enthusiast...

Baby Bryan started, this is Luke Montgomery our chief security... I would like you to train, he will be your instructor in taekwondo jujitzo and after that how to manage and use guns...

Darling are you crazy!!! Eloise was flabergusted, do you want your daughter to do that? We have securty you know, she can go around with them no need to train...

I was also shock but i have to think wider, maybe this is an oppurtunity that i can use in the future...

Mom, looking at Eloise, it's ok ...Transferring my gaze to Bryan, i said, sure Dad i will be happy to do so...Luke was surprise, as i see his reaction i thought this maybe was a topic and idea brought up before and Samantha refused...Bryan was smiling  and Eloise was extremely surprised...

Bryan then said, then its a deal now Baby....Luke when will you start Bryan ask Luke....Tomorrow in the morning will have a few hour  session starting at 5am, Can you do that Missy?

I answered; Yes of course Uncle Luke

Ok then that's sorted out..

Bryan accompanied Luke to the main gate and talk for some minutes then climb to his car...Bryan return to the garden eat some pie and drink some ice tea....He said...I am free this afternoon ladies, you want to go shopping? Eloise was biming with smile...Yeah Darling, Wow this is a rare occasion Sam when your Dad accompany us...

Let's go change clothes, she held my hand and we entered and climb the stairs together...Eloise was happy, they are really a happy family

When we finally came out...

Bryan smiled and said, my favorite ladies, the love of my life them he placed his 2 arms in our shoulder.,

As we park, I saw a 7th stories huge building with a name sculptured in bronze...oh my God its Princess Samantha!

Eloise was looking at me and said Sam we have a hundred of this mall in the country and a hundred all over the world.. these is yours we built it for you...

With my eyes full of awe i embraced Eloise and blew a kiss to Bryan who is busy on the phone...

Eloise said let's go inside baby...

Employees headed by the are forming a line...bowing their heads welcoming us...I smiled to all of them..

We had so many bags, from shoes to dresses and lingeries ... "We'll have cakes and teas at the restaurant Bryan how about you?""Bryan said he will follow and just order for him anything...."

So we ordered cakes and juice...

As we returned home i ask Eloise if its ok for me to take a nap...She said its ok Baby...I will be in our room but Daddy will be in his study.

After dinner i immediately retire in my room and Bryan knock on my bedroom door bringing me my outfit for tomorrow...."Be early tomorrow Baby" he said ,"Luke will probably arrive before 5am..." Good night and kiss me on my forehead.

"Good night Dad, and thanks" i smiled at him...

Eloise also said good night as this is always the habit in the everynight....