Chapter 9

with Luke

As the day of the training came, Bryan was right Luke was there at the living room waiting for me.,He let me drink lemonade before we went jogging...Its still early but people are already jogging at the park...

Luke said we we will stretching after this...

That was the thing we do everyday for 2 hours for 3 days then on the fourth he is started teaching me the basic of taekwondo..My body seem to adopt everything that Luke wants me to learn, i was surprise...but i thought maybe because Samantha is still young her stamina for this is great...compared to my age of 54....yes i am 54 years old but nobody knows about this...this is my secret for this body i am in is not mine it is a gift that God wants me to protect....

1 month passed and Luke told Bryan over dinner that my training in martial arts is now finish....Samantha is now a black belt he said

I can see pride in Bryan eyes...,"So when can I see this Luke?" Luke answered, " after we finish...this week we will start on shooting...

Looking at me Luke said, " right missy?

I nodded and smiled..

I then ask Eloise, " Mom when can i go to school?"

Eloise said, " On the next term Baby...

If you want we can have private tutor here in the house..."

I said, Ok so I will not get bored....I'd like to have a tutor on accounting and bookeeping Mom...

Eloise laugh, Oh my God Darling Samantha would like to follow on your footstep..looking at Bryan with love...

Oh really Baby? Sure I'll be happy to teach you looking at me with a big smile on his face.

"Oh no Dad you're too busy I'd rather have somebody who is comparable to you of course"

But Baby, showing sadness on his face, I'm hurt,.teasing me..but He smiled...I'll make it possible after work I'll spend 1 hr with you in the study...We will study our own accounts...Let's focus on it...

By the way you have a new laptop and a cellular phone..Claire brought it to your bedroom already, Bryan said.

" Yehey, thanks Dad!"

Im excited to open my gadget, I ask them to excuse me and immediately climb the staircase...

Thank you Lord, i did not ask them in directly i want them to give in their own accord...and here it is i have my own phone and a laptop...Excited i open the laptop...and immediately tap a media....and find my account there...Hanzil Montiero...its always offline for those who are listed as my friends so i am sure nobody will know i log on it...There i saw pictures of the ceremony of our final resting....the pictures was tagged to my account by Adrian...

I can't help but tears pour down my face....i miss my children..they are mature now, they are men now with no parents....

I then saw a newspaper screenshot tagged again by Adrian, about the group of armed men that killed us ...they where captured in the hinterlands of nearby mountains...

At least the case has been solved, it is said on the news that it was an order of battle....

When i have time and capability I'll visit them and that's a promise to myself.

Then I open one link on the screen i found the account of Samantha...

I studied it carefully...there i found that Samantha model of her own line of clothing in all the malls in and out of the country.. The mall name after herself...She has also few friends I notice, pictures with Kyle are mostly the one posted in her account..They are very close...

Then i remember Eduard, i search his name on Samantha's friend list but nothing....maybe He has no account, but on metro mag Scotland Eduard is the cover....Young CEO it said...

My phone blink twice...i got a message,its from Bryan and Eloise,

Good Night beautiful Baby...don't forget tomorrow is your first day on shooting lesson. Luke will be here at 8am..." Love you"...

"Good night too Dad, Mom. Love you too!" I texted back.

Then I lay down and sleep, the first i have that no nightmare the whole night.

I woke up refreshed...

Suddenly, Claire knocked and interred bringing a tray of sandwiches and chocolate drink..." Missy breakfast in bed, with a wide smile on her face. She also told me that the Master and Mistress look up on me awhile ago and they don't have the heart to wake me since I am peacefully asleep and instructed her to bring me breakfast and to remind me that Luke is coming at 8AM...

I showered and change for the shooting and went downstairs ...Since I am early, I saw the paper and as I was browsing the front page I saw a picture of Eduard and on his side holding his hand is a beautiful woman, the caption reads ,

" New lady of the heart for CEO Eduard Blaire? Is wedding bells soon to be heard?"

Hi Missy Good morning! Luke greet me...

As he saw what I am reading, he said, "those are one of the women of Master Eduard tomorrow you will see another set of long legs again, he laugh...I look at him and chuckled..."Let's go and start now Uncle Luke."

After 3 hours we stopped...Luke said, " Bravo Missy you are the first I have trained that learned and mastered everything in just 3 hours....your father will be very proud and happy when he will see you in seem to be an expert there young lady."

"Thanks Uncle Luke!'

But to me it was a new dimension of myself, i never thought how i can easily adopt this training when i don't even like sports before and why I have the guts to do things I never did before, Is it because of Samantha?

This is all new to me, throwing dagger was just perfect for me, no hassle...bow and arrow is easy...

Luke said, final tomorrow for shooting gun as well as dagger and bow and arrow then a show for your Dad and your Mom...Let us see what will be the judgement of your father....he know Missy you even surpassed your fathers agility....He will be shocked..i know...

On your martial arts you will facing 20 opponents...let's make it a show of a lifetime will be wearing a mask...only your father will know that it's you....Excited to see their faces then hahaha...

So it will not be Bryan and Eloise who will be there...I did not ask Luke. I dont want to know in case I will be destructed..