Chapter 11


Samantha's unexplainable ability

Samatha's POV

I know Bryan was proud that I am now capable of protecting myself, I know he is also surprise that I can do it when a year ago I don't have the desire of training.

Even myself the true me was and still is surprise that I did it. Why? Why do i have to prepare, should go back to where I came from when I already that shooting incident case of my husband and me is solved already?

Deep in my heart and in my mind is the desire to go back there and find the what was the reason that there was an order to have my husband killed. Soon, I promise myself but again I have to thank Samantha by making her life organized.

" Missy"

"Hi, Claire! What is it?"

" Master Eduard is in the living room Missy, He is asking for you"

" Ok Claire tell him to come."

What could be the reason why Eduard is here when it is early in the morning...No office...

The door opened.

" Hi Baby"

"Don't call me that, what is it? Anything wrong? Why are you here so early?"

He is really good looking, what will I do with this good looking guy in front of me in my bedroom...

"Just passing by, had a thought dropping and asking to have dinner with me tonight.."

"Sure, at 7pm then..."

Smiling, Eduard said; Ok then I will be here 6:30pm ....

He sat in my bed and said... " You look delectable Sam, do you know that?"

and grinned...Bye til tonight Baby!



Claire do I look alright"?

Claire looked at me very carefully assesing how I look.

" Missy, you know you are beautiful but tonight Master Eduard will be smashed hit by a lightning of your beauty hehehe"

With a white off shoulder cocktail dress i can see that i look perfect in the mirror...

"Ok Claire I'll wait in the living room".

I heard the sound of car on the driveway...

The butler opened and let Eduard inside the living room

My God, he is really an epitome of a greek god. He looks awesome. Handsome and those brown eyes can make your panty goes down at ine look. Those lips, thinking how it works on me makes me forget i am not who i am.

Jesus, how lucky those women who are link to him, who spent 1 and more nights in his company.

" Hi Princess, you look delicious tonight, he smiled. Are we ready?"

"Hello Eduard, Thank You! But, I am not a food you know. Anyway Father and Mother is in the study. Maybe we should speak to the before going out?"

"Sure" Eduard said.

The plush restaurant was crowded in this time of night.Plenty of prominent people are dining and i don't any of them.As we enter a lady showed us our table near the piano. Eduard made me sit down opposite to him first, then as we comfortably sat, another lady came ang ask for our orders.

Eduard choose food for the 2 of us. Then the lady waitress offered us the special menu for the night the crab in coco milk soute, I made a go for it for this is the first time i am going to eat crabs again after my my so called "death and resurrection".

As we wait for our food, I notice Eduard staring at me.

" Something wrong, your staring at me Eduard."

"You looked beautiful Sam, can we start again to be friends starting tonight?"

I smiled and said, of course, why not. To tell you frankly you are the only one I know aside from my parents and your parents, and I will happy and honored to be with you when all of the ladies are watching you with hunger in their eyes and bitching on me I giggled.

He laughed and said, You have my undevided attention Princess from now on.

Our food was then served.

My God the crab is so delicious and Edward was looking at dumbfounded...I ate the whole crab..And he was shock were did i know how to eat those with the hard shells ... I told him, its courtesy of the youtube.

As we are on our desert, the piano played " Where do i begin"

Eduard ask me to have a dance with him, my G my palms are perspiring i am very excited maybe this is how Sams feel i am just emoting here feelings but then who am I to complain I already promise myself to give this beautiful body what iy deserve and i thought she deserve Eduard. I know from what i observe and from what Claire and Eloise told me the hunk of man named Eduard has feelings for her.

So we get to the dance floor.

I put my arms to his shoulder, am 3 inches shorter than him in my 3 inch hill. My forehead is on his nose, my eyes is looking directly on his "wow" lips.

He incircle my waist with his two arms bringing me closer to him.

God, in my mature me this is entoxicating.

Sam are you alright? just go with my motion..

I said, I'm ok just a lil awkward.I look at him and there at that moment my world stops.

Those eyes home on me, as if I am the most beautiful woman in the planet, those eyes creating a world of emotion in me that i can't comprehend.

He said then to my surprise, "You are my thoughts everynight, I know this is a surprise for you Sam, but since my brother is not around let me be your companion and we will start from that." He further said, " Let's date if it is ok for you".

Wow my heart is jumping, I thought this is Sam in me.

I said of course let's date i smiled to him masking my excitement..

Then the song ended.

We came back to our table. And had our tea.

We talked for awhile his eyes not living me and i enjoyed the attention he has on me. Its like the whole world is on me giving me butterflies. I really love how He looked at me, sometimes in between our talks He strokes the palm of my hand, giving me goosebump.

Then time to go home....

As we parked, he assisted me going out of the car, as i strengthened we came face to face... He said, thank you for the memorable evening, his breath fanning my face...his lips inches from mine and his eyes shooting ideas I don't want to recognize, he is like he wants to kiss me....

"Sam i really like to do something i hope you will not be afraid,ok?"

Then without waiting for my response, his lips landed on mine.


Since the day The Princess recovered from coma, I was apprehensive of doing anything. I devoted myself in my work making myself busy but after work all I did is think of her. I don't know how to approach her without her being confused.

I busied myself dating women I don't like, they are way out of Samantha league. Nobody really can be compared to her. During the times that She and my brother Kyle was involved I was so jealous that I ignored both of them, I let myself emersed into my new job as the new CEO of Blaire Tech forgetting my feelings towards Samantha. Perhaps doing what is expected of me I will forget everything but then the accident happened my brother left us leaving a unconscious Samantha behind, it was a revelation to me that whatever happened in the past still my feelings for Samantha stays the same. This feeling that consumed me, sometimes I am afraid I will hurt her. But now i am decided to make my emotion known and make her mine.

As we stood beside my car, She was shocked, her eyes open wide as i kissed her slowly, just a soft kiss but as I felt the softness of her lips that quivered on my touch i can't control myself anymore. I devoured her lips, she put her arms on my chest to ward me off and she tried to open her mouth to say a word but i slip my tongue inside and and found hers, she moan and trembled in my arms as if some sort of electricity passed on our bodies. I began to caress her back, I made her body mold to mine, she perfectly fit. God, she began responding to my kiss, copying how my tongue do to hers. I know i am beginning to show how excited I am and she can feel it on her lower abdomen that I am beginning to hardened.

Suddenly the door opened..

" Oh, sorry children i was waiting for you to come inside and you did'nt so I thought to just open the door for you," Brian was widely smilling.

I let Samantha time to recover and when i know she is I lossen my hold on her waist.

" Uncle Brian sorry for disturbing you at this hour," I apologized.

" The pleasure is mine Eduard and thanks for spending time with Samantha we are very happy you enjoy the evening together. Come on in Eduard for tea or chocolate drink perhaps?"

" Some other time maybe, I'll let Samantha rest for the night and thanks Uncle Brian."

" Sam, thanks for the night again."

I look at her eyes, she recovered already but there something in it that made me happy, an emotion of want, promise and longing. It's like she does't want me to go... I wish i could but I'll make sure i am a permanent object in your life Princess that's what i promised myself

I kissed her on her lips

" Goodnight baby''

" Good night too Eduard, drive carefully and text me when you're home".

" I'll go now Uncle, kiss Aunt Eloise for me" I waved.

" Drive safely Eduard."

I hop in my car and with a wave I drove going to my penthouse with a smile on my face.


I was so shocked of what Eduard did, at first I didn't respond I just savored the feeling of his lips on me and then i have given him the opportunity to penetrate his tongue on and that triggered it..I thought why not, so I returned what his tongue is doing on mine. He is so hot, Jesus He really knows how to excite a woman and I didn't know I was already fisting his hair and my other arm on his chest, thought of warding him off fly out of my mind instead my hand carressed his chest and i molded to him, i feel his excitement and i become oblivious to everything but his lips and tongue doing havoc to my system, and i heared the front door open and the voice of Bryan talking to us. Eduard ended the kiss and I leaned on his shoulder to recover and can't utter a single word and just smiled to Bryan an look down....

Never heared a single word of their conversation I was zoning, analyzing my emotion and Eduards. Does he really like me? According to his body langguage he really do, I felt how excited he is.

Then he kissed me again, that feeling is there again.

Then i blurted out for him to text when he arrives home

To tell I am excited, its an understatement, I am so excited of this emotion I am feeling and confused, but still i have Samantha's memory to take care of.

"Baby are you alright? Brian said as we entered the living room"

" Dad yes, just a little suprised of what Eduard is showing me, the attention and the new feelings He is giving me."

"Sam whatever your decision your Mom and I will always be with you, We will support you"

"Thanks Dad you are the best, good night. I kissed him and climb the stairs to my bedroom.

As i entered my phone vibrated.

Eduard: Hey, in my penthouse already, how are u?

Me: in my room, going to shower.

Eduard: Oh, can I join Princess hehe😍

Me: really? Sure why not...but you

have to come back here hehe

Eduard: Wow princess that i will keep in mine ok..and you know how to flirt now huh.,just for me ok. Not to any other man.

Me: Eduard stop now, i am going to shower. Byeeeeeee.

Eduard: I'll wait for you, msg me when you're done.

After i showered i changed to my night dress and opened my text messages.

Me: Hey!

Eduard; facetime? Will call you...

Without waiting my answer, he video called me.

Hi! He said.

"Why are you video calling me, i am going to sleep now you know and its late you still have work tomorrow."

I saw him on his bed too., torso bare..Jesus he looks so good, no i closed my emotion of anything whatsoever.

"Sam good night again, if we will linger on this I know for sure can't get sleep imagining you...You are so beautiful baby...Bye see you tomorrow.

" You will come tomorrow? You will be here?"

" No, is it ok for you to spend lunch with me, I will let my driver to collect you at the mansion if its ok.."

" Sure, but I can go there in your office in my car you know, there is no need for you to send a car I can drive myself."

" Ok then lunch is set, sweet dreams baby."

" Night"

And he closed the call.

I sleep thinking of him and excited of what will happen tomorrow.