Chapter 12

Chapter 12


I notice a flicker of soft touch on my lips, like a breath that passed by and then a kiss on the corner of my mouth gliding towards the center and to the opposite corner then a soft bite on my lower lip...I open my mouth to protest then feeling the opportunity He homed his lips on mine and let his tongue inside feasting on my tongue, sucking, nipping on wall of my mouth...I am groaning, I enhaled his perfume, I know it is Eduards' I responded to every erotic thing He is doing to me...his hand beginning to loosen the thin strap of my upper night mounds are opened to his eyes and to his touch...I can see how the his eyes changed into dark brown as his libido intensified ... I can see the love and the lust that he has been trying to hide before is now showing... He molded my nipple in his thumb and finger making me squirmed and then He licked it..,it hardened, i moaned and he moan body began to writhe to the feeling he is giving me....

Then the sound kriiiiiing kriiiiiing ....,.of an alarm woken me up...

Great huh!!!! I am dreaming him already...what am I a teenager? Jesus is this what Samantha want me to do? Fulfill her fate?

I have to wash this off my system...i change into my sports- ware and went down to the basement for my morning martial arts enhancement in the Gym. After an hour refreshed from the shower i went back to my room and change to a shorts and an off shoulder blouse...Then i notice my phone, it has several text messages. I know who it is from before opening.

E: Goodmorning Princess😍

E: How is my baby this morning?

E: I miss you...

E: Don't forget our lunchdate..I'll be waiting ....kisses

Wow huh a very pleasant morning indeed.

I replied to his text messages...

Me: Hi! good morning to you too. Just finish my morning gym session, showered, and texting you then will have breakfast...

E: Ok Baby enjoy your breakfast, by the way are you still taking those medicines given to you by your Doctor?

Me: Nope, I am ok already.

E: ok bye for now Sam, see ya lunch. Don't send a reply hehe we will not stop this conversation if you send your reply.

Then Claire knocked on the door

"Good morning your highness, the morning is brilliant your highness and you have a big smile on your face Princess."

" Claire thinks you're in-loved your highness"

" Oh no Claire, I'm just happy I finally made friends with Eduard,''

"You know apart from you and my parents Eduard is the only one I know."

"By the way Claire we set a luncheon date with Eduard today please help me choose what to wear"

" My honor Princess".