Chapter 13

Sam's POV

I was in the living waiting for Eduard, mulling over my feelings for Eduard when his car arrive.

The butler announced his arrival and that's the time i really know that Samatha should have him as a husband. I'll make sure of that.

"Hi Princess!"

" Wow you look amazing Baby!"

" I will not kiss you, we will not have lunch if I do, Let's go,"he smiled and give his right arm for me to hold.

As we park on the parking lot of the Royal Kitchen, I saw an elegant lady interring ahead of us, She look back and smile when she saw Eduard and changed into a frown when She saw He is opening the car door for me, I thought Eduard know this lady...

I accepted Eduard's hand and got out of his car, I smile at him and said thank you.

As we entered the restaurant a lady in waiting told us of our table and all those who are in their table have their eyes on us..

I smiled and they all made a vow recognizing me..

As we approached our table I noticed that food are already served..

Eduard let me sit on the chair and he sat also beside...not across me..

I said, "Wow food, look delicious Eduard"... Thank you for inviting me Eduard.

We had a wonderful lunch, Then He said we will go first to his office fir there are documents ti be signed before bringing me home.

At his office we lingered for an hour  then after signing papers  he brought me home.

"Sam, can we stay at the garden before you going inside?"

I looked at him and smiled, "of course."

"Eduard can I ask you something?"

"Of course Baby, what is it?"

We were sitting on the bench looking at the flowers mother planted, its beautiful and fragrant.

" Why are you so interested in me, why do you like touching me when you have plenty of women who are willing to answer your needs?"

" Sam I know you wouldn't believe me when I say I like you so much, I can' t let the day pass without seeing you."

He moved  closer to me holding my face in both hands.

" When i am close to you its heaven to me, when i looked at you just like now i feel emotion so new to me that i don't feel when i am with other women. I know i am considered a playboy by media but in truth you are the only woman i am waiting. "

" Sam I love you"

Then he kissed me with so much desire that the true Samantha will be surprised.

To myself, I am wondering if this new feeling will be acceptable...It  is hipocrisy if I will deny that i enjoy what he is doing to. He is handsome, sexy and i feel that He loves me so much, or rather Samantha.

"God please help me to decide."

To be continued

***this story is fiction and it is formulated thru the imagination of the writer. Please dont copy...***

thanks for reading... see you on the next chapter✌️💞💕🥰