Chapter 0: Fallen Castle and Tower of Victory

December 24 UC0079 Federation Forces Began their Operation attacking Asteroid Fortress Solomon located at Largrange 5 this large space fortress were used by Principality of Zeon the area space surrounding Fortress known as Sea of Solomon, Giving the Fortress it's name and it serve Frontline base for Zeon space attack forces it's from here how Zeon began to attack Earth federation during the opening of the war.

But now Federation has the upper hand by Launch fleet attack towards the Solomon with help from White base and Gundam at same time Trafalgar-Class ship Gratz also participate the operation by support the front attack. Philip only watch his Captain and few of his squadmate sortie since he was order to standby Philip grew bit impatient for this he requested his Captain to sortie by guarding Gratz.

Since he was eagerly the Captain allow him to sortie but he not permitted to go far from Gratz. Meanwhile back on Battlefield Mikhail and his squadmate are struggling with incoming Zeon forces some of them are part of Dozle Zabi Personal Guards unit due the MS-06 Zaku 2 Color.

Mikhail warn his squadmate about the enemy Elite Unit but he was bit late when two of his squadmate were shot by Enemy Gelgong Jager Mikhail move his Heavy Gundam towards the Gelgong Jager. He quickly use Frame Launcher and fires towards the enemy Gelgong Jager but the Gelgong have good mobility in space that make Mikhail attack miss.

The enemy began fire the Large beam machine gun but Mikhail Heavy Gundam armor are impenetrable he began Shot missile from Frame Launcher the missle flying towards the Gelgong Jager but it hits one of Propellent tank and cause the Gelgong losses their mobility. Mikhail took this chance he fires beam cannon towards the Gelgong thus the Enemy mobile suit destroyed in process.

Mikhail look for his squadmate turns out everyone is dead he began to felt something like he feels long time ago the Malice that Carried by him Everytime he went sortie everyone dies only he survived. he kept blaming himself but he need to keep fights as long he still breathing he will keep fighting till he perish Mikhail Charged towards the Battlefield with his Heavy Gundam....

After the Battle Earth Federation Space Forces turn Solomon to Stagging are for next invasion The Gratz captain inform the crew to make final preparation for next Invasion Philip tune up his GM Type C since he was Assigned as Mikhail second command. He find out Mikhail had same burden like him losing a squadmate and Comrade are something in common. as War rages toward the Tower of Victory.

" Hey! Kid! need a hand" a voice calling Philip below as he look down it was Mikhail came to help him he grabbed the Crane move the 90mm bullpup machine gun away and replace it with HFW-GR*MR82 90mm Machine gun for secondary weapon, then he Replaced the 380mm Hyper Bazooka to BLASH HB-L-03/N-STD Hyper Bazooka for main weapon. After finishing all preparation Both of them went to take a rest at cafeteria Mikhail treat Philip a lunch as he promised and both sit face each other.

" So are you prepared for this last fight" Mikhail asking Philip he's ready for final push but Philip just look at the spaghetti while Philip drink his coffee.

" Tell something Captain is your burden hold you from dead " Upon hearing that Mikhail began look away as Philip repeat the same question Mikhail couldn't not answering it he tried to evade the question by start making a funny sounds. But Philip eyes tell otherwise Mikhail look through Philip eyes and finally Understand why he asking that question...

" I was stationed at North Africa under 86th Autonomous Mechanized Corps we were sent to Eliminate Zeon Forces under command of Desert Rommel with low supply and only three mobile suit we March from Libya to Egypt. But everything changed when we were ambush by Desert Rommel and his units. out team leader order us to repel back that time it was too late most of our mobile suit were shot down only me and my Captain was left alive. My teammates doesn't give up easily he began attack the enemy but his mobile was sliced in half as for me I was taken to Zeon POW cap at Uganda there I was torture for information most of Federation are giving up their information to the enemy in exchange their were spare. But not me I tried my best to endure all torture I can till the Camp was finally being liberated by Federation main force i was finally saved by them and sent to Madras for recovery. then I decided to go space I sign as Saberfish pilot and then here I am....the person that Carried the Burden from the past still keep fights till today"

After hearing Mikhail story Philip began to felling bit sad towards Mikhail he also took a pity at him as both of them finished their lunch and return back to work. After finishing all preparation Trafalgar-Class ship The Gratz left the staging area and heads towards Zeon last line of defense A BAOUA QU.

December 30 UC0079 Earth Federation Space Forces commence Operation Star One by attacking Zeon Last line of defense Space Fortress A BAOUA QU the Largest Asteroid ever it fusion by from two different Asteroid, forming a shape like Umbrella. it's size about 33.75km tall and 22.5km in diameter.

At same time Zeon leader Degwin Sodo Zabi are make a peace meeting with Federation Leader General Johann Abraham Revil at Geldova Line.

The Gratz captain began their attack by firing cannon and missle towards the fortress along other fleet Zeon began deployed out Mobile suit to stop Federation Marches. Mikhail and Philip are began to suit up their pilot suit.

" Don't dead kid..." Mikhail pat Philip shoulder before went to line up the Gratz captain began his speech he Assign New pilot from to Mikhail unit and also he pray for their safe return. After finishing his speech everyone went back to their station Mikhail put two new pilot under Philip while he lead the rest.

Philip jump to his Mobile and prepare launch as he waited for his turn the he began to remember his past back on Australia when he loss all his comrade he know this battle he surely will not survived but he made promise to Mikhail to not die. as his turn came his GM Type C step the catapult and prepare for Launch.

" Philip Buer GM Type C Launching" Thus he sortie along with others he also saw The rumored White base carrier from afar Mikhail lead them to safe zone after that they will split up as planned. Upon their arrival Philip group was ambushed from left side he order his squadmate to repel the attack meanwhile Mikhail group are facing enemy Mobile armor. MA-05 Bigro Mikhail and his Group are bit struggling with this new type mobile armor it can move fast and he almost caught by it's claws.

Mikhail order his squadmate to evade their attack especially the Mega particle Cannon mounted at its nose also he warned about the giant claws. But one of his squadmate disobey the order by Charged towards the Bigro but his arrogant got best of him when The enemy Bigro managed to hold his mobile suit with claws and begin slowly crushed him.

Mikhail quickly thrust his beam saber at the Bigro head thus kill the pilot He gather up his squadmate and move to next Target. Meanwhile Philip managed too keep all his squadmate alive by using hit and run attack they managed to keep enemy away from Federation position then Mikhail arrived at Philip location he inform that they all got orders to withdraw for awhile when Federation 3rd fleet were destroyed solar Ray attack.

Mikhail and Philip return to Gratz for resupply and waited for further order Mikhail losses another one of his squadmate under him as Philip are trying to cheer him up. Both of them including their squadmate hanging out in Hangar Mikhail seems bit down he still blaming himself for what happened that time. Then Suddenly Captain inform all crew and pilots that tommorow they will Launch a massive invasion toward A BAOUA QU he gives all pilot to take a rest and make preparation for tommorow Mikhail and others went to rest till tommorow but not for Philip as he repair his GM Type C for better mobility and replace the hyper bazooka to BOWA BR-M-82L-9 L-9 Type Beam Rifle and He also Installed Sniping Target System he took from Arianna GM Sniper 2.

After Finishing everything Philip sleeps inside the Cockpit meanwhile The Captain are still woke monitoring the enemy sudden move then he review Philip file record.

Name: Philip Andrew Buer

Age:. 19

Sex: Male

place of birth: Northern California ( unconfirmed)

date of birth: UC0062

Parent: none

Blood type: O

Occupation: Mobile suit pilot

Rank: Earth Federation Ground forces- Ensign, Earth Federation Space Forces- Lieutenant Commander

Comments from superior; One of Federation assets loyal soldiers, obeying orders perfect candidate for Cyber-Newtype test but need more information about his past.....

After reviewing it he email it to someone Named Q then he went to rest.

December 31 UC0079 Earth Federation Space Forces Began final push to Zeon by attacking A BAOUA QU Philip and Mikhail are make their preparation for final sortie by rechecking the mobile suit. as the Captain make his final speech he also got orders to navigate The Gratz towards the frontline then Finally Philip and Mikhail launch off as everyone in Ship Salute them and pray for safe return.

" This is it Everyone final push and then Home" Mikhail and his Squadmate went to Battlefield for this last mission Philip will act as Support sniper he will find vantage point where he can support his squadmate from afar. While Mikhail well take front Zeon had begun sending their Mobile suit to Defend the fortress. While inside the fortress Federation Ground Forces Platoon 13th has landed at Zone 7 and began their assault plus Federation Elite Squad 2nd Survey team had begun their Break in.

The Gratz and Three Salamis-Class ship are engaging enemy Musai-Class and Chivay-Class at Frontline assault The Gratz lost one of main cannon. Philip are Monitoring the perimeter using Sniping Target System that he salvage from Arianna GM Sniper he can predict where enemy coming and when they will evade. plus He Arianna advise the true sniper has to be patient and clear they minds before he can shoot.

" Assault team this is Eagle eye I am in the position" Mikhail began to move forward after as Philip are Monitoring his squadmate from afar. Then suddenly his Radar detect something came from 3'o Clock from Mikhail position he quickly warn about incoming enemy at Three o'clock from their position.

" Look out!... Enemy Mobile armor " One of Mikhail squadmate warn them Mobile armor Philip began his aiming as soon the enemy entering his sight while Mikhail and his Squadmate are engaging the Mobile armor attack.

" Come on Kid shot that damn thing we could hold much longer" Philip are aiming the mobile armor as Mikhail and others were struggle with it. then Philip fire the shot and hits the thruster and course small burning the mobile armor began to withdraw as Mikhail and his Squadmate are Gather up.

" Nice one kid at least they retreat" Mikhail continue towards the Fortress while Philip follow them from afar. But Suddenly Philip was ambush from behind when looked around it was enemy Rick Dom and Gelgong he quickly inform to Mikhail to proceed while he busy engaging the enemy.

But Mikhail refused it and went back to support him then another ambush coming from left flank Mikhail began repel the attack while his squadmate are support him. He fire Missile from his frame Launcher then change it Machine gun and fire towards the enemy mobile suit.

" Mikhail sir! more enemy coming from right flank" another enemy came in this time from right flank Mikhail and his Squadmate were outnumbered but he didn't not give up yet with his Heavy Gundam he began to charge towards them while his squadmate giving a firing support. meanwhile Philip managed to kill two of four enemy Mobile suit only two more left he fire his 90mm machine gun but the enemy managed to blocked by shield.

Enemy Dom draw it's heat rod and began heading towards him Philip tries to blocked by his shield but the heat rod managed to penetrate it. Philip throw away his shield and tried his best to evade the enemy from attacking him While Mikhail managed to decrease the enemy numbers but one of his squadmate were shot down by Gelgong Jager.

Then Mikhail Frame Launcher were shot by enemy machine gun the weapon are useless anymore and it's malfunction he detached the frame Launcher and use beam rifle the secondary weapon. Philip finally managed to eliminate all enemy that ambush him then he quickly went to help Mikhail but he were bit late Mikhail Heavy Gundam badly damaged and the squadmate are killed by single Gelgong Jager.

" Philip you came thank you here as you see all our squadmate is gone and only left is us that Gelgong Jager has to pay for what he done" Mikhail was driven by anger he want to attack that Gelgong Jager directly but stopped by Philip.

" Since the enemy alone we have the advantage plus the Gelgong arm are severally damaged" Philip Explain the situation and plan to take that Gelgong Jager. First Philip will distract till he get their attention and then Mikhail will finish it with final shot. Philip began his plan by distracted the Gelgong Jager while Mikhail aiming it but Mikhail had better idea He move his Damaged Heavy Gundam towards the enemy then hold it.

" Mikhail what are you doing " Philip told Mikhail to stop but he didn't listen Mikhail began the countdown for self-destruction.

" KID!...LIVE!!!...goobye my friend" Mikhail Heavy Gundam suddenly explode kill both him and the enemy Philip that time couldn't hold his tears by crying out watching his friend died again. suddenly he get distress call it was The Gratz call for support That time Philip made up oath he will not allow his comrade died again then he flying towards the Gratz location...

1st January UC 0080 One year war has finally ends with the defeat of Principality of Zeon Federation began Re-establishment with new Republic of Zeon to sign a peace treat at the Lunar City of Granada...but is it really end for them the war still going on till all turn to Ashes.....