Chapter 1: The Glepnir and New Formed Knights

4th April UC 0081 one year after one year war Philip Service in Gratz has end the ship was sent to Stagging hangar The Captain also congratulating him for promotion become Captain plus he promised to buy him a drink. Before returning to Earth The Captain give him something a letter when he flips back it's from The Glepnir the new forming Division under person called Miss Q.

The Captain say Miss Q want to recruit Philip as part of The Glepnir crew as for he still Confused he thought the war was end a year ago.

" War never ends Kid as long the people who started it spread it like a fire if you not contain the flame it will engulfed and spread around us" upon hearing Captain words Philip began to understand the meaning is but he still Confused about it.

" I thought by taking down A BAOUA QU it end all war" On Philip perception if want to end war is by taking down Zeon defense or HQ like but he's wrong about it.

" Zeon is not people Kid....Zeon is Vision originally made by it's Founder Zeon Sum Deikun he's vision is to formed the Republic of Zeon like today everything went down when he mysteriously sick and some believe it was Zabi family who staged his death and took all by storm. Thus Zeon began their so called war of independence their main goal to control earth and all colony then the opening of One year war began during Battle of Loum Earth Federation Space Forces were easily defeated by Zeon new Autonomous humanoid machine they called Mobile suit".

The captain tell the story How Zeon from beginning and how it ends because some people doesn't want peace he also told The Operation British Zeon use Colony dropped the plan was originally to fall at Jaburo but due to miscalculated the colony changed it's course towards Sydney Australia. Millions of live perish that day after finishing their drinks both of them walking on the park.

Philip look a group kids playing around the park with joy and happiness at their face even their parents were smile it's so pure Philip childhood was not good as them The Captain has decided that he will return to London to see his family.

Both of went to Space port The Captain went to Earth while he will stay for while before they split up The Captain mentioned him about the offer from Glepnir.

" You should take that offer kid who know you might someone you falling love with" The Captain finally left by boarding civilians transport ship and depart from the hangar watching by Philip. He went Federation office to Submit his Paperwork for transfer to Glepnir.

Meanwhile at Granada Zeon Fallen Cross attending secret meeting with Zeon remnants among them is Captain of Zeon Airborne Unit and Commander who works under Kycillia unit they gather here today to ensure the war of independence is still going.

" Gentleman we all here to find capture this man Major Malek Zahad a former Earth Federation Forces who changed side with us once but then he disappear from our radar. we believe he still hiding on Earth probably has joined some Cult-Faction group to cover up his safety". Upon hearing that the Commander asking what this Man did back then Titus explain that Malek stole all data that Contains Newtype research and plus A prototype of EXAM system.

" EXAM system? what is that some kind of weapon" One of the Zeon asking questions about the System. EXAM system known as EXAM Newtype Simulation Control System Originally made to mimicking Newtype power and also Increasing Ability and performance of the user. The System is created during One year war by Chlust Moses a Professor who actually worked for Zeon. But there also rumor that main components of them system was actually a soul of Newtype woman named Marion Welch.

The First EXAM were installed at MS-08TX(EXAM) EFREET, piloted by Nimbus Schterzen a Zeon Ace pilot but sometimes after that Clust Moses has defect the System was given to Federation and install it into RGM-79BD-0 Blue Destiny unit 0, follow by RX-79BD Blue Destiny unit 1, which piloted by Federation pilot named Yuu Kajima.

Upon Destruction of Unit 1 and Efreet Custom in duel the System once again were installed into two newest Federation Mobile suit RX-79BD-2 Blue Destiny unit 2 and RX-79BD Blue Destiny unit 3. But Zeon special forces along with Nimbus they attack the base and stole Unit 2 plus he kill Moses in process. to Ensuring him to not replicate the System ever. During final battle Unit 2 and Unit 3 had clash till both of them Perish then Titus discovered how replicate the System again with help from Malek they managed to create the EXAM back with full control of the System.

But After failing to capture Forrest Malek disappear from Zeon radar they thought He wen to Space but they wrong he was hiding in Earth from beginning. Titus Shown a Piece of Photo it shown Malek was actually in Madras India and the Girl next to him was Alannah Woods Titus believe she was Newtype because back then Malek introduce her to them as Pilot of Black Gundam.

" So Gentleman will you join us for our quest" Titus open his Offer to everyone the Commander and former Kycillia unit are agree to join in while the others are still discussing about it. the Commander introduce himself as Michael Valmir, and The former was Azurh Baran after finishing discussing they all agree but under one condition the will they get their own Mobile suit and Titus agree they all shake hands together and Formed the New Knight order.

Meanwhile Philip just arrived at Lunar 2 base there he pass the paperwork for transfer unit when the administrator review he were bit shock.

" Whoa Glepnir you got transferred to Glepnir well congratulations Kid" The Administrator congrats Philip for his transfer and he was bit confused he asking The Administrator why he congrats him.

" You everyone get to Glepnir easily well you wrong kid only the selected person can join the Glepnir last I checked only 6 plus you 7 are join the Glepnir most of them are youngsters like you" The Administrator giggle when he talk about it. Philip asking who is Glepnir but Administrator doesn't know much about it all he knows that Glepnir were formed After One year war by women named Miss Q.

After finishing checking paperwork The Administrator points the way to Glepnir hangar Philip were bit excited but not so much he care about. When he reach the Hangar his eyes was popping out for what he saw Large Assault Carrier and it reassemble the rumored White base who destroyed during One year war. But the place were crowded he thought the ship about take off but he was wrong again he guess the administrator guy prank him just to entertaining.

About 15 Mobile suit were loaded inside also the ship were set with Long distance communication also not just mobile suits Other transportation like Mobile suit Landing craft, Four FF-S5 RAVEN SWORD, two Core Fighter, and one CB-X5(SGT) Gunperry Assault type.

The Ship has Four Launch pad two at the front and two from behind as Philip kept looking the ship weapon he suddenly bumped to someone when look at the person turns out was Girl sitting down floor. Philip tried to help her but rejected immediately then her friends come over she explained to them what happened and they all giving that look but Philip doesn't pay attention he had something like he say apologize and left them with frustrated.

Philip continue his observed till he finished it he calculate the ship is two times Larger than Trafalgar-Class ship and Plus longer than any Pegasus class ship. then the door is finally opened and everyone went aboard. The ship interior were huge with long hallway then a voice came from mic he introduced himself as Captain of this ship and his name was Nathan Black.

He giving trust for commanding the Ship known As Glepnir before take off he instruct everyone to prepare because they will going to Entering Earth Atmosphere. After finishing everything up The Glepnir finally take off from Lunar 2 meanwhile back on earth Zeon Remnants are engaging the unknown enemy in Caspian Sea 13th Panzer Division were wiped out by Unidentified Mobile suit 6th Panzer Division are began their withdraw but the Unknown has waited them.

" Captain what your orders.... Captain!" Just before their about fire The Unknown mobile suit had sliced them all till no one left the pilot open the cockpit to breath when the pilot opens the helmet turns out it was Alannah Woods. She once a former Federation pilot until she met Malek Zahad

" Sir this sector is clear should I proceed to next phase" Alannah talked to someone through radio the voice order her to return for resupply and waited for further order. Alannah went back to her mobile suits and quickly left the place. at same time The Glepnir has reached Earth Atmosphere Nathan began to cover the window with metal hatch then he instruct everyone to hold on tight because the Entering should be getting bumpy.

Then The Glepnir began their Entering Philip feel vibration was like something he felt back then The rumbling sound from metal and temperature were hotter everyone was screaming but not him because he gets to used it this feeling....

Then finally The Glepnir has passed the atmosphere and they finally arrived on earth Nathan opening nthe the metal cover as suns was coming up and sign for new days coming...

The Glepnir heading to Brunei to pick up The Director Nathan instruct every crew must wear the uniform they prepare for them in their cabin Philip look at uniform it similar to Federation Standard Crew ship uniform but with Blue and Black color that was new for him. As for female they uniform basically has no long pants only skirts but female crew allow to wear long pants to cover her panties. since it was raining Philip wear his old Unit jacket.

As The Glepnir began their landing everyone making a line to welcome the Director aboard the Glepnir Philip Stan at end line as he saw Helicopter landing. then a women coming came out wearing rain coat she walked like a super model with high boots she walked pass everyone till she stop in front Philip. She took off her sunglass and shown her two pair blue eyes but Philip doesn't care it either he giving a Salute as respect towards her.

The Director just smile then continue her walking towards inside the Glepnir while everyone watching Philip making first impression then a new unit are just joined the Glepnir crew they known as Federation Head Hunter Corps.

After finishing up The Glepnir take off Nathan order everyone to gather up inside briefing room Philip was about to heading inside he bumped again to the same girl this time she became annoying with him she slapped Philip in front everyone. But Philip just keep walking inside left her with more frustrated. while sitting He rubbing his cheek he doesn't feel hurt about it he guess maybe he doesn't care about it........