Chapter 4

Caskets, pictures, flowers, and a black dress. I never thought I would be in this situation again.

It has been a few days since my mother's death… and today is…funeral day.

I got ready, put on the black dress I wore for Jake's funeral, I stand in front of my mirror putting accessories on.

*knock knock*

I turn around and see my father leaning against the door frame.

Father: You look amazing...

Yuri: thank you… I can't believe it still fits.

Father: Here wear this.

My father shows me a necklace set with earrings.

Father: Your mother wanted to give you these for your birthday next week.

My father hands me the box and I take the necklace and earrings out of the box.

I put them on and turn to my father.

Yuri: It is beautiful...

Father: It sure is…

Father: Is Sean coming?

Yuri: I don't know, I haven't seen him since the incident.

Father: Oh…

Yuri: Yeah, He didn't come to school for the past two days as well.

Father: Hmm… Interesting. Anyways, let's get going. Or we will be late.

*After the funeral*

Funerals are always hard…but this one was way worse than Jake's.

I was the closest to my mom because my dad was barely ever home and now that she is gone, it feels like a part of me is missing.

And what sucks is that it is a Wednesday, so I have to go to school.




My driver drops me off at school and everyone looked at me weirdly.

Yuri: What are you people looking at?

Stephanie gives me my uniform and shoes.

Stephanie: They are looking at you because you look like a sassy rich kid.

I look at myself.

Jayden and JC walked up to me with flowers and chocolates.

Yuri: What's up with the gifts.

JC: We know how much your mother was important to you.

Jayden: And you love flowers and chocolate.

Yuri: Aww thanks guys…you really didn't have to give me these.

JC: You deserve it…

We walk to the class and once again, Sean is not in class.

Mr.Kim: Oh Mr.Min is not here again…Anyways, let's get started with today's lesson.

*After school*

I was walking home and I felt like someone is following me again.

Yuri: Why can't people just leave me alone?!? I am so sick of this.

I turn around and I see no one there.

Yuri: I swear that I felt like someone was behind me… Maybe I am just paranoid.

Once I get home I see my father packing things up.

Yuri: Why are you packing?

Father: Oh good, you are home…start packing.

Yuri: Wait why? Where are we going?

Father: We have to get out of here, you are not safe here.

Yuri: But we have bodyguards who can keep me safe.

Father: The bodyguards won't be able to be with you everywhere you go. And Mr.Cha will find any vulnerable opportunity to kill you. It is better if we leave.

Yuri: Where are we going to go?

Father: It is our bunker in xxxxx-xxxxx.

I quickly go upstairs and take my suitcases out.

I take all my things in my room and stuff them all in my suitcases.

Closing the suitcases was such a hassle because it was stuffed to the rim.

Yuri: Bodyguards!!

My bodyguards come into the room with guns in front of them.

Yuri: Woah calm down...I am safe.

They both put their guns down and tell the other bodyguards that I am safe and there is no threat.

Mr.Kang: How may we assist you?

Yuri: Um… If you don't mind… Can you please help me close my suitcases?

Bodyguards: Sure ma'am...

I get on top of the suitcase and one of the bodyguards help me close it. And they do the same to the other 3.

Yuri: Thank you so much…

Mr.Son: Happy to help ma'am...

Mr.Kang: Is there anything else that we can help you with?

Yuri: Can you guys please take them downstairs?

Bodyguards: Of course ma'am...

They take them downstairs and I check my room one more time for things that I miss.

Then I remember that there is a secret room in my closet that Jake and I used to hide out in.

I go into my closet and press the hidden tile which will open the door.

The door opens and I walk inside.

I see all the drawings/paintings we made on the walls and the friendship bracelets we made together.

And then when I saw this item, I start tearing up.

Father: That was the locket your brother gave you when you were 10.

I turn around and see my father behind me.

Yuri: You knew this room existed?

Father: Of course I did…I am the person who designed this house.

Yuri: I completely forgot about this room… This room has so many memories.

My father comes closer to me and wipes the tears that rolled down my cheeks.

Father: And those memories will always be with you in here.

He points at my forehead.

I smile and nod my head.

Yuri: I know...

*Boom Boom*

We hear big blasts and then gunshots right after that.

Mr.Son: Sir they are coming!

Father: You have to get out of here!

Yuri: What about you?

Father: I have to stay behind to stall them.

Yuri: No, I am not leaving without you.

Father: Don't worry, I will unite with you soon…But you have to leave now. Jayden and Timothy are waiting in the car downstairs. They will take you to our bunker.

We hear more gunshots.

Father: You have to go now! Take her.

I give my dad a big hug and leave with Mr.Son.

We go downstairs and see Mr.Cha's henchmen in our house.

Henchman: Just the person we are looking for...

He charges at me but the Jayden and Timothy kill him.

Jayden: Get in now!

Mr.Son and I run and get in the car.

Timothy: Go Go!

Jayden steps on the pedal and we leave the house.

I look out the window and see my dad fighting the henchman.