Chapter 12

Yuri: Why are you yelling at me! I didn't do anything wrong!

Sean: How can you be so immature! You know how dangerous it is for you to go outside!

Yuri: I am sick and tired of being babied in this bunker! I am eighteen years old and I can take care of myself!

Sean: Apparently you can't! You could've almost died today!

Yuri: How would I know that Oscar was Mr.Cha's son!?

Sean: that is the problem! You are so stupid and dumb for leaving the house that day!

Yuri: Well, I wouldn't have if someone in this house actually talks to me and cares about me!

Sean: We do care about you! Why do you think we are here!

Yuri: Because you are doing your job! No one even cared to say Happy Birthday to me last week or even say good morning! What do you expect, I just wanted someone as a friend for once.

Sean: Why are you being like this!

Jayden: Sean-

Yuri: Why?! You wanna know why?!

Timothy: Come on guys, why are you being like this?

Yuri: It is because I am hurt! You all hurt me! I have no one!

Isabelle: Yuri-

Yuri: No one… you know what? You all can leave. Just leave

Sean: Maybe I will!

I run-up to my room and Sean walks out of the house.

Everyone is just standing there dumbfounded.

JC: What just happened

Kara just looks at Sean walk out

Yuri's POV*

I don't know if I was being too dramatic, but I was almost killed and now I am, traumatized. And that guy just starts to yell at me!

Yuri: I can take care of myself! Who does he thing he is…yelling at me

I sit at my desk and do some online school.

*Sean's POV*

I leave the house after Yuri storms out and sit on the bench press and I rest my head on my hands.

Sean: Okay…I know what to do now.

I get up and get a big whiteboard from the basement

*Time Skip*

*Authors POV*

Sean walks up to Yuri's room

Sean: Hey come downstairs

He doesn't even look at her, and leaves

Yuri: What?

She follows him down stairs and out the door

Yuri: What is this?

In front of her, there is a big board with an entire workout and strengthening routine.

Sean: I am gonna train you to be stronger…and I have also decided to take you special training at the headquarters

Yuri: Why tho?…

Sean: I realized that you won't listen and stay in the house, so I have decided to make you strong so you can defend yourself and not get yourself killed.

Yuri: Aww how thoughtful…

Sean smiles and then immediately puts a straight face

Sean: Stand up…and lets get started

I look over at the board and there are 20 things written on it and the first thing on there is something that I despise the first thing written on there

Yuri: Running? Really? Do we have to start with that?

Sean: yes…get up…

I lazily got up and we both started to jog around the house

We jog for about 15 minutes and I started to pant so much that I thought that I was gonna pass out of hyperventilation.

Yuri: Wait…hold on…give me a minute

I stop running and sit on the floor

Sean: Come on, no stopping

I catch my breath and get up

Yuri: How much longer do we have to run

Sean: Until I say stop… Now come on, get those feet moving

We run for about 30 minutes and he finally says stop

I am sweating in places I didn't even know I could sweat, and on top of that, today is a heat wave so I am literally frying.

I grab the hose in the backyard and start spraying my face so that I can cool down.

*Sean's POV*

We finish an hour of cardio and I go inside to get some water for Yuri

I come back to the gym area at our front lawn but I don't see Yuri

So I go to the backyard, and I see Yuri splashing water on her face

And I get this feeling towards her, My heart skips a beat

Yuri looks at me and smiles, she walks towards me and closes my mouth

Yuri: Close your mouth before fly come in

I immediately close my mouth and take a gulp

I hand her the water bottle

Sean: H-here, hydrate yourself and comeback to the front yard

I walk back to the front yard and chug some water down

Sean: What am I thinking, I have a fiancé…I cannot have feelings for Yuri

*Yuri's POV*

I splash water on my face and turn the hose off

Sean walks towards me with two water bottles

I chuckle at him because he had his mouth hanging wide open

He gives me one of the water bottles he was holding and walks away

I walk to the front of the house and sit on the ground

Yuri: So what are we doing next?

Sean: We are gonna work on some weights, how much can you lift?

Yuri: I don't know, I have never lifted before

Sean: Okay then lets start off small

We both walk over to the dumbbells stand and hands me 5 pound dumbbells

Yuri: Easy, I don't even feel them

Then he hands me 15 pound dumbbells

Sean: Try these

He hands them to me and the dumbbells pull my hands down to the floor

Sean: woah woah woah, careful

He takes the dumbbells out of my hands and hands me 10 pound dumbbells

Yuri: okay yeah, this is more like it…

Sean: okay to 15 on each sides please

I struggled so much to lift the dumbbells but I finally finished 15 lifts on each side

Sean: okay put those down and take a break

I was so sick and tired of lifting these stupid dumbbells, I literally threw them on the floor

Sean: hey careful! These are so expensive

Yuri: you are a literal FBI agent, I think you can afford an entire house of these weights.

Sean: stop stalling and bring the yoga mats

Yuri: why? What are we going next?

Sean: we are gonna work on our core for a bit

I nod my head and bring over a yoga mat

Sean: Lets start with planks

Yuri: nooooo…not planks

Sean: Yes planks, for one minute

*Time skip*

My core feels like it is ripping apart

Sean: 13…14…15!

I collapse to the ground and spread my legs and arms out like a starfish

Yuri: Let me just stay like this for a little while

Sean: You did pushups, not lift a boulder…get up we have one last thing before we end today's workout

I just up in happiness because we are almost done with today's workout and I can take a shower to take all this sweat off of me

Sean: Its sit up's time!

But I was happy too early

I look at him with terror

Sean: oh come on, it won't be that bad, just 20

Yuri: oh good

Sean: I am going easy on you today, but tomorrow will be brutal for you

I lay down on the floor and Sean holds on to my feet

Yuri: yay I can't wait

Sean: enough with the sarcasm and start crunching

We do ten crunches and I am feeling difficult coming up

Sean: come on, you can do it

I slowly sit up and Sean locks eyes with me…I break eye contact and go back down

We lock eyes again…and again

I smile because this is my last sit up, I difficultly sit up, and again we lock eyes

But this time it was different because we stayed like that for a couple of minutes

Sean leans towards me but I snap back to my sense and move my head back

Yuri: Sean, stop…you have a fiancé, so let's not make any mistakes

I stand up and walk away from Sean