Chapter 11

JC: Ok then what happened after that?

Yuri: I told her that I was afraid of my brother dying because he is my everything. And after I told her that, she looked at me smirked, and left through a door. I was confused about why she asked me that so I followed her through the door…

JC: You shouldn't have gone through that door…

Yuri: Yah!, listen to the whole story, would you?

*In the dream*

Yuri: Why did you ask that? And what is this juice for? Hey…answer me!

The lady looked at me smiled and left through the door.

I ran towards the door and turned the handle.

Right when I opened the door everything went white and I was back at my old house.

My dad is knelt down and my brother has a gun to his head.

Yuri: How am I here?

My dad looks at me and starts to yell.

Dad: Leave! Yuri Leave! Run as far away as you can!

Yuri: What? What is going on?

Mr.Cha: Ooh who do we have here?

Mr.Cha appears behind me and grabs my hair pulls it.

He grabs a knife out of his pocket and traces it across my neck with it.

Mr.Cha: Tell me where you hid my 50 Million dollars worth of diamonds or she is dead!

Mr.Cha tightens his grip on my hair and puts pressure on this knife that he held up to my neck

I take a big gulp and glance at my dad. I have never seen my dad in so much fear.

Dad: Ok…Ok I will tell you where the diamonds are. Please let her go!

Dad tells Mr.Cha where the diamonds are located.

He throws me to the floor and tells his henchmen to releases my dad.

Yuri: What about my brother?!

Mr.Cha looks at me again and bends down to my level, which makes me take a few steps back.

Mr.Cha: I agreed to let you go…but not him.

He signals the henchman that is holding Jake to kill him.

Mr.Cha: Now if you don't mind…I am leaving...

Yuri: Wait you can't leave! Please let my brother go!

Mr.Cha: Too late…

Yuri: No…NO! DON'T KILL HIM! Please…I beg you!

*End of Dream*

Yuri: So now I don't know if he dies or not because of YOU!

I point at Timothy

Timothy: I am sorry, you were crying and yelling in your sleep so we got worried.

Jayden: Anyways, we have to go now…we have training.

JC: Don't leave the bunker like last time…Please stay here. It is too dangerous for you to go out unassisted.

Yuri: Yeah…yeah I know.

They leave and I get out of bed to get ready for the day.

*Time Skip*

I take a shower and go downstairs.

??: Hi, there…did you miss me?

Yuri: How did you find this place?

Henchman: Did you really think no one was following you?

Yuri: That is impossible! I haven't interacted with the outside world…except for…

Oscar: Me…

Oscar walks through the door wearing a black suit with two more henchmen behind him with guns in their hands

Yuri: What? You are one of Mr.Cha's henchmen?

Oscar: I am not a henchman… I am the heir of Mr.Cha's Mafia gang...

Yuri: You deceived me! I thought I had an actual friend outside the bunker.

Oscar: Oh sweetie…I was never your friend.

He walks closer to me and I back away.

Yuri: Don't come near me…don't touch me!

Oscar: How can I kill you if I am not near you?

He grabs my neck and starts to choke me.

Oscar: I will make you have a slow and painful death.

Yuri: why…are you…d-doing all this?

Oscar: To avenge my father…

Because of the pressure, he is putting on my neck, I wasn't able to call for help

I try to find something to hit him with, but there was nothing in reach for me to grab onto.

Oscar: There is no escape for you now...

Oscar has this evil smirk on his face, and I wanted to slap it off him.

I smirk too and spit in his face.

Yuri: You think I am afraid of you? Think again…

He slaps me and the corner of my lip starts to bleed.

Oscar: Fine... here is a deal...I will give you 2 minutes, try and kill me…but if you don't, I'll kill you

With that, I run to grab the closest thing near me, which was a lamp, and try to swing it at him.

He dodges it.

I try swinging at him again.

He dodges it again.

Oscar: Two minutes are up…

He pulls the lamp out of my hand and aims it towards my head.

Right when the lamp was about to hit my head, a bullet comes out of nowhere and shoots the lamp.

The lamp shatters and Oscar lets go of it.

I turn around seeing Mr.Son with his gun pointed at Oscar.

Your: Mr.Son!!

Mr.Son: Ma'am…get behind me!

I try to run up to him but Oscar gets a hold of my waist and pulls me towards him.

He grabs a sharp piece of the broken lamp and puts it towards my neck.

I close my eyes because it feels like Deja Vu.

A tear falls off my eye and I take a big gulp.

Mr.Son: Let go of her!

I open my eyes and see the rage in Mr.Son.

He takes his gun and shoots all the henchmen.

Oscar gets startled lets go of me.

I immediately run to Mr.Son and hide behind him.

Mr.Son walks towards Oscar, which makes him fall to the floor, and Mr.Son bends to his level.

Mr.Son: Don't ever try to hurt her again…you will really die the next time you try.

He takes his gun which is still hot and presses it to Oscar's cheek

Mr. Son: Here is a little present for you…go tell you Danky little father to not touch my people again.

At this point, Oscar is crying like a small baby and begging for savior.

Oscar: I-I will…please don't kill me!

Mr.Son: Get out!

Oscar starts to run out.

Mr.Son: Wait!…

Oscar stops.

Mr.Son: Who is going to take these people out?

Oscar runs back and picks up the two henchmen lying dead on the floor.

And immediately runs out.

And to Oscars surprise, all the henchman who was supposed to keep Mr.Son out of the house were all dead or barely alive.

Oscar: WHAT THE -

Mr.Son looks at me and gives me a worried look.

He runs over to me and wraps my slightly bleeding neck with a cloth.

I cry and throw myself onto Mr.Son.

He holds me and strokes my hair.

Mr.Son: It's ok, everything will be okay.

The others run into the house and see the living room destroyed.

Jayden: What happened here?

Timothy: Yuri…what happened?

Everyone looked at me but I wasn't able to talk because I am still in shock.

Mr.Son: Mr.Cha's people came to attack us…

Everyone: WHAT!?

Mr.Son: And his son showed up.

Sean: Who was it?

I look at him and lower my head.

I whisper Oscar's name.

Sean: Who?

I whisper his name a little louder but I don't think he heard me.

Sean swiftly walks towards me and grabs me by the shoulder and starts to shake me.

Sean: Who is it ?!?! Speak louder!

I couldn't take it anymore.

Yuri: It was Oscar! It was Oscar okay!

I break down crying.

Sean gets even more furious and puts his hand on his forehead.

Sean: I knew he was no good!