Chapter 10

*Yuri POV*

I sulked up the stairs and sat on my desk.

I take a bite of my birthday cake and my phone rings.

*On the Phone*

Yuri: Hello?

Oscar: Hey, is this Yuri?

Yuri: Yes, may I know who is speaking?

Oscar: It is Oscar…you forgot me already?

Just then Jayden walks inside the room.

Yuri: Of Course I remember…Umm I am a bit bust right now…can I call you later?

Oscar: For sure… make sure you save my number...

Yuri: Of course…Bye.

I hang up the phone and look at Jayden.

Jayden: You know we all love you right?

Yuri: Huh? Yeah of course I know that. Why are you asking me that now?

Jayden: No one is gonna forget you because of Kara.

I give him a fake smile.

Yuri: Who said that she bothered me...

Jayden: It is written all over your face.

My smile goes down and I stare up at him.

Yuri: What are you talking about?...

Jayden walks up to me and I stand up.

Jayden: Don't think that you are alone…everyone is here because they care about you.

Yuri: No you guys are only here because it is your job.

Jayden: No we are not… you know we pick our missions, right? We picked you because we all love you and care about you...

I smile

Jayden sighs in relief.

Jayden: Oh thank god, you finally smiled.

He hands me a box.

I look at him all confused.

Yuri: What is this? We never give presents to each other… Why this year?

Jayden: Just open it…and you will understand.

I open the box and I start to laugh.

I pull out a small bottle from the box and show it to him.

Yuri: Ahaha! Omg…you bought me a new hyaluronic acid serum?!

Jayden: Yours spilled so I bought you another one...

I koala hug him and he catches me.

Yuri: You are an idiot!

Jayden: You scolded me so I had to repay you… conveniently I found it yesterday at the mall. Did you know this serum is so popular? it was sold out everywhere...

Yuri: Well of course, just look at me…it makes the face look flawless...

He bends down to my level and examines my face.

Jayden: Where I don't see it?

I grab his hair from the back and pull it.

Yuri: Hey! Don't say anything about my skincare.

Jayden: I'm sorry, I'm sorry… let me goooo. I will never talk bad about your skincare ever again!!

I let go of him

Yuri: Never underestimate my skincare… you will never know the effects till you try it.

Jayden: Mhmm…sure, it can't be that good...

I pull him to my chair and sit him down.

I put my spa headband on and started washing his face.

Jayden: W-what are you doing?

Yuri: Shut up and let me do my magic..

I dry his face and put a face mask on.

Jayden: It feels like a piece of paper is on my face.

Yuri: That is because it is a piece of paper…it is called a sheet mask...

Jayden: Sheet mask? How long do I need to put it on for?

Yuri: At least 15 minutes...

Jayden: Can I at least get some water?

Yuri: Fine go… wait, I will come with you…

We walk to the kitchen and I get two cups out of the cupboard.

I fill them up and put a straw in one of them.

Jayden: I don't need the straw...

He takes the straw out and starts drinking it straight out of the cup.

Yuri: Hey! What are you doing! The chemicals from the masks will get in the water!

Jayden immediately spits the water out and unfortunately, I was in the splash zone.

Jayden looks at me and starts to laugh.

I run to him and start to hit him.

Yuri: You crazy idiot!

Jayden: I'm - sorry …. I said I was sorry...

I start to pull his hair and shake him from side to side.

Yuri: You spit all over my face! And it got on my dress! Who is going to wash it! Who is going to wash it!?!?!

Jayden: sorry, sorry…it hurt! Stop hitting me!

I stop hitting him and stand in front of him.

Yuri: Do you know how expensive these masks are…you are lucky that I am using one on you. Now let's go and take that mask off, there is still a lot to do.

Jayden: There is more!?

I pull his hand and he lazily follows me back up to my room.

I put his head over my vanity and start patting his face with the product.

Jayden: Slap my face harder, would you?

Yuri: Oops…sorry. Anyways you are done. How do you feel?

He looks at himself in the mirror and touches his moisturized, glowing skin.

Jayden: Wow…if this running away thing doesn't work out, you can change your identity and be a skincare specialist.

Yuri: Oh is that so?

I chuckle and we go downstairs to the living room.

Jayden: Everyone!!! ~ Don't I look pretty?

Everyone in the living room looks at Jayden.

Yuri: I put my blood and sweat into his face… so you guys better appreciate it.

Timothy: You know he is gonna sweat it all off tomorrow during training, right?

Yuri: It doesn't matter… by tomorrow morning, it will seep into his skin.

*Time Skip*

It has been a few months since my birthday and I have finally have gotten fully adjusted to the bunker and the people around me...especially Oscar.

Yuri: No…NO! DON'T KILL HIM! Please…I beg you!

Jayden and Timothy run to my room and try to wake me up.

Timothy starts shaking my shoulders and I sit up and take in a loud gasp.

I hide my face with my hands and start to cry.

Timothy: Why are you crying? What happened?

Yuri: I-I thought Mr.Cha killed my dad!!

JC runs into the room and hugs me.

JC: What happened? Are you ok? Are you hurt?

Jayden walks over to me and rips JC away from me.

Yuri: I am fine…just had a bad dream.

JC: What was it about?

Yuri: Ok, it started with a woman in her late 50's. She handed me a green juice and asked me what I was afraid of…