Chapter 9

I started bursting into happy tears.

Isabelle comes up to me and hugs me.

Isabelle: Did you really think that forgot your birthday?

I hug her tightly and nod my head.

Timothy walks toward me and holds my shoulders

Timothy: That will never happen...

Mr.Son walks to us with a cake and two candles.

I put my hands on my mouth and tears spill out of my eyes.

Jayden: What is wrong?…

Yuri: Jake used to bring me the cake like that every year...

Jayden puts his arm around my shoulder.

Jayden: Remember what I told you.

I look at him and roll my eyes.

Yuri: When are you gonna stop reminding me that.

Jayden: When you finish grieving him.

Yuri: That will never happen, you know that he is my life.

Jayden: I know, then I will be telling you the dialogue for the rest of your life.

Sean: What is this dialogue?

Yuri: Oh here, let me show you...

I shrug my shoulders and clear my throat.

Jayden: Oh here we go…

I grasp onto Sean's shoulders and look deeply into his eyes.

Yuri: Sean… Always remember, even though Jake is not with you in person, he will always be with you …

I point to his heart.

Yuri: In here…

Everyone but Jayden starts to laugh.

I turn to Jayden with a smile.

Yuri: How did I do?

Jayden: Horrible…I don't even sound like that.

Timothy walks over to me and leans her elbow on my shoulder.

Timothy: Yeah, you do.

Jayden: Be quiet...

Timothy and I give each other a high five and so the living room.

Stephanie hands me a small box.

Yuri: Girlie, you didn't need to get me anything...

Stephanie: Oh course I did… my best friend is 18 now..

I look up at Stephanie with red eyes.

Sean: Please don't cry…don't cry! I am sick of it…

Yuri: What is your problem dude! First when I was walking with Oscar and now...what is your problem?

I look at Sean angrily.

Sean: It is just … you know what? Forget it…

Yuri: What… What is it? Just say it...!

Sean looks at me but this time he doesn't have any darkness in his eyes… his eyes have kinda softened.

Sean: It's nothing…

Timothy: Just spit it out, Sean. Yuri is pretty an-

Sean: Seeing her cry makes me sad!

Once Sean I drop the present in my lap and look at him with big eyes.

Yuri: W-What?…

Sean looks around everywhere but me.

Sean: Ugh, forget it...

He gets up goes over to the front door.

He opens the door and he freezes.

I look over at the others.

Jayden: What just happened?

Yuri: I have no idea...

Isabelle: Well go find out!

Yuri: Ok ok, ill go...

I put the present on the coffee table and walk over to Sean.

That is very weird, I see them standing in front of the door. He looks like he is frozen.

I put my hand on Sean's shoulder.

Yuri: Hey what's going on?

I look at what he is looking at and I see a girl in front of him

I point at her

Yuri: Who is she?…

Kara: Hi Seanie…

Sean: K-Kara ? H-how did you find me? How are you here?

Kara: How can I not find my fiancé?...

For some reason, my heart hurt when Kara said that she is Sean's fiancé.

Sean ran to her and she leaped onto Sean's embrace.

He spins her around while laughing.

Everyone runs over to me and they all freeze right next to me.

Timothy and Jayden look at each other.

Timothy: No way!

Jayden: She is alive?

Timothy and Jayden run to Kara and Sean.

Kara looks at Jayden and Timothy.

Kara: Hey boys… Did you miss me?

Jayden: You are alive!!!

Timothy: This is unbelievable! We thought you were gone because you didn't come back from the last mission.

Kara Looks at the girls and she got the biggest smile on her face.

Kara: Hey girls!!

Isabelle and Stephanie run over Kara.

All three of them hug each other and Isabelle starts to cry.

Kara: Why are you crying?

Isabelle: I thought I lost you…

Kara: I am well and alive now, aren't I…You don't need to cry.

I look at all of them, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to ruin their fun so I go inside.

Mr.Son: Where is everyone?

Yuri: A person named Kara came and everyone is busy with her.

I sigh and cut the cake.

Mr.Son: It is ok…I am here for you...

I look up at him and serve him the cake with a smile.

Yuri: Thank you Mr.Son, you are the only one I can trust.

Mr.Son: I mean, you can trust them… they are not bad people.

Yuri: I know that… It is just that, everyone has a different life than me, they have different people and priorities in their life other than me. You are the only one that has been by my side since I was a baby.

Mr.Son: that is because your dad is my best friend and you are like my own daughter.

I cut myself a slice.

Yuri: Aww you are so sweet, Mr.Son.

Everyone comes into the house and I look at them.

I see Sean with his arm wrapped around Kara.

I look at him and immediately look back at the cake in my plate.

I scoop a good chunk of cake on my fork but Timothy eats it.

Yuri: Hey, Tim! That was a good bite! Why do you always eat my food!

I lightly slap Timothy on the shoulder and pout.

He pats my head while smiling.

Timothy: Hey don't be angry, who knows how to eat food better than you. That's why I take any chance I get…

I look up at him.

Yuri: You eat out of my food again, I will stitch your mouth shut!

Timothy: Oh, I am so scared...

I act like I am going to poke him with my fork and he backed up with his hands in the air.

We both laugh and and he wraps his arms around my shoulder.

Kara: Ooh Timmy who is she? Your girlfriend?~

We both immediately break apart.

Timothy: Oh heck no! We are best friends, her name is Yuri...

Kara: Oh so you are Yuri…I have heard so much about you.

Kara: Hi...

I look up at Kara and see that her hand is extended out.

I look at Mr.Son and he gives me a reassuring look.

I smile and accept her handshake.

Yuri: Hi...

Kara looks around and looks back at me.

Kara: Sean? What is with all the decorations?

Sean: It is Yuri's birthday...

Kara: Oh, happy birthday Yuri!

Yuri: Thanks… Hey guys, I am tired. I am going to bed.

Isabelle: But we still have to celebrate...

Yuri: Sorry guys, I am exhausted, I am not up for it.

I give them a sad smile, take my piece of cake and walk upstairs.

*Isabelle POV*

Isabelle looks at the others.

Isabelle: What is up with her? She was fine a few minutes ago.

Jayden: I think I know what is going on…let me talk to her...