Chapter 1

"Is it ready or not?!" Scorpio yelled at one of the scientists eagerly wanting his creation to finally be made and walk in a path of his villainous life.

"Y-yes sir!" The scientist replied allowing Scorpio to unleash the creation he so badly wanted free out of the glass bulletproof tube as the little infant floated down slowly with the liquid before gently touching the bottom of the tube before it lifted up giving the man access to hold the little being in his arms.

"Finally! The perfect creation I so carefully worked for! Just you see allmight I will get my revenge on you for taking my sister away from me!" Scorpio said lifting the child in his hands before letting out a sinister evil laugh knowing that his plan was finally falling into place but the baby yet has years to grow and see what quirk it must have inherited from the two DNA samples he used to create it.

"What will you name it sir?" A female scientist asked with fear of being scolded at my the evil man as he looked at her with his pearcing red eyes making the woman coward in fear not wanting to die in the hands of a villain.

"Her name will be.... summer, summer shimura!" Scorpio said again giving his child a worthy given name which sounds innocent but would it match her quirk? Or her future personality?.

3 years later Scorpio moved to Japan with his daughter summer to see if she could be of some use here when she gets her quirk, but he wasn't expecting her to make some friends while staying there either.

"Papa!" Summer excitedly exclaimed running to her dad who stood at the entrance of the kindergarten waiting for his daughter as adults kept their distance from the man knowing who he is and how dangerous he was but as long as they don't do anything to piss him off them they can walk away with their life and child.

"Wait that's his kid!" A mother said to any other who was trying to keep her voice down while summer was in his arm but they could tell the difference between them as summer hand gorgeous blonde hair and blue and green eyes as he had black fading to red hair and deep crimson red eyes and devil horns and tail.

"Let's go my little angel" he said before walking away with his baby ignoring the woman entirely not wanting to show his daughter a sight of death just yet.

"Papa? Why was that woman talking about you?" Summer asked so innocently confused looking her father in the eyes as Scorpio huffed with a smile knowing how much she means to him.

"They were jealous of daddy that he has such a good girl!" He said back as she gasped before laughing believing him since he was the only one she trusted so much at the time.

Scorpio was able to get to his office without getting chased by any hero's there especially allmight who he hated so much.

"Yusaku, babysit for me while I go to my meeting" he demanded handing summer to his most trust worthy coworker as he took her to Scorpio's office where they normally play until he arrives.

"Yu, yu!" Summer said pointing at the windows that was as tall as the walls that surround them but only at the back and left right side of the office allowing them to see the city from the highest building in Japan.

"What do you see?" Yusaku asked noticing that she seemed to be glued onto something down below and wanted to know what's got her attention.

"Hero!" She yelled pointing at a big bulky man that seemed to be standing at top of another nearby building before spotting at the girl giving her a wink and jumped off leaving her in total aww seeing the symbol of peace ignoring yusaku who was totally shaken by the interaction but what would Scorpio think?

"I think we should keep this from daddy, he doesn't like hero's remember?" Yusaku said reminding summer as she mimicked his shush finger over the lip motion knowing not to speak of this despite being a smart little girl.

"Where's papa?" Summer asked looking Yusaku in the eyes serious learning her fathers intimidating methods on his employees who try to take summer without permission even though she asked them to play since Scorpio was so busy in his office not having time for summer at all.

"He's in a meeting and you known that"Yusaku replied as summer huffed copying her father when he picked her up from kindergarden.

Hours later Scorpio came back into his office seeing summer sat near the window again with yusaku by her side like a little due.

"Papa why do you hate hero's?" Summer asked looking at her fathers reflection on the window as he froze surprised from the sudden question she asked him which wasn't like her at all.

"They were mean to me and took your aunt remember" Scorpio responded not wanting her to think that he was the bad guy but he was a villain and villains are usually the bad guys.

"But I just saw a big man with yellow hair like mine on that building! He wink at me" summer said describing the best she could of the hero she saw on the opposing building that was a couple blocks away from them as Scorpio clenched his fists.

"They want you to think they're nice but then they'll back stab you and leave you to die that's it end of story" he said before sitting down at his office with his head in his hands not pleased. "You were supposed to prevent this yusaku" he said not looking at the man what so ever as he sighed dissatisfied and hit disappointed.

2 years later!

Summer was drawing in her dads office as she began to feel a strange and painful sensation all around her body letting out wimpers of pain and tears catching Scorpio's attention as he rushed over to see that she was finally getting her quirk but why the pain what quirk would be worth so much of this suffering.

"It'll be over sunshine daddy's here!" Scorpio said panicking holding his daughter in his arms worried of what would happen if her quirk might be the end of her.

10 minutes later the pain seemed to subdued allowing summer to sit back up and face her father but what quirk she she inherit from the DNA he made her from of the two possible hero's quirks which one would it be or could it be a mix of both or could it be a malfunction?.

"How do you feel?" He asked skipping the question of the quirk he just wanted to know if she was alright.

"Y-yeah but why did my left side hurt so much?" She asked as he sighed holding both of her shoulders.

"It's your quirk but I'm unsure of what it is you have but we need to go underground to do some testing" he replied as slowly as possible not to startle her but she sighed knowing that she had to do this so she can know what quirk she has been given.

"Yusaku keep guard for any unwanted guests summer and I are going underground and wish to be u disturbed" Scorpio demanded before entering the elevator with summer pressing one of the buttons that quickly took them down and down the building and then under it.

"Will it hurt?" Summer asked not a bit fan of feeling pain or anything but she would need to fight to activate her quirk.

"It depends on what activates you quirk sunshine, but don't worry I'll make sure it isn't anything life threatening" he replied reassuring that everything will be alright as long as he was there watching everything.

Scientists were seen everywhere but they showed fear to Scorpio their leader and his daughter who waited for the room to be ready to use.

"What's does the room do?" Summer asked curious of what will happen as soon as she enters inside of it.

"It is a simulation room that can mimic anyplace but it every place has an obstacle that you must complete before leaving" Scorpio explained as the doors opened allowing summer to enter inside of the solid walls that surround her but it suddenly changed when they turned in the simulation showing a clear green field and flowers while the breeze blew through everything even her hair showing that everything in the simulation was alive and could possibly hurt her.

"It's so pretty" summer said innocently as a 5 year old would be not really knowing the horrors of the world just yet.

No voices came through shaking that she had to go through the fields alone without Scorpio for the first time which made her feel nervous and scared.

"Adding opponents" a scientist said adding some easy level villains into the simulation as they were hidden in the nearby grass causing it to russle catching summer's attention before charging at her with no intention of stopping startling her. Nothing she did seemed to work so she curled into a ball as her hair flowed as a blue/green shield appeared out of nowhere Colliding with the villain as she looked at the being as her eyes glowed histerically and bright.

"GO AWAY!!!" she yelled as the shiel seemed to aggressively ex's tens at the speed of light blasting the villain several yards away from her as more came at her wanting to either hurt her or worse kill and with a simulation like this it could be possible.

"I said..... GO AWAY!!!" She said lifting her hand before yelling using the force of gravity to crush the villain as blood dripped from his crushed body as she dropped it onto the ground below.

"Stop the simulation!" Scorpio yelled wanting the simulation to be taken down at once but as he looked back he seemed to get a quick glance of her body randomly pop out white ears and white 9 tails which wasn't good so as soon as the simulation was taken down he forced himself through the door and headed to his daughter hugging her tightly wanting her to stop. "Daddy's here sunshine! Daddy's here" he said as summer seemed to calm down allowing her quirk to deactivate before passing out with her ears and tails still out.

9 years later!

"I can't believe I just got another quirk! Ugh why can't I can't stop getting quirks I was happy with the ones I had when I was 5!" Summer though to herself with her head on the desk as Mirio chuckled at her knowing that she was mad about something again.

"What's got you so messed up this time?" He asked with a smile catching her off guard as she gulped not knowing want to say especially not knowing that her father was Scorpio a highly dangerous villain who has a soft spot for his daughter that he raised for 14 years now.

"My quirk" she said as Mirio sighed knowing what's he was on about but not the part of gaining another one.

"Is it making you pop out wings again?" He asked but he was wrong but summer had to act or he'll totally think that she's word or something for randomly gaining permeation.

"Yeah...but my dad is gonna help me hopefully he isn't busy today though" she replied acting like everything is fine an all she she had plans for going into UA but Scorpio had other plans.

At lunch!

"Hey look it's the weird chick! How many quirks does she have?" One of the bullies said to another since she wasn't around her Friends at the moment making it a perfect opportunity to get bullied.

"I bet her father thinks she such a disappointment" a girl said which seemed to snap something inside as summer clenched her fists ready to take on the girl but something else happened Instead, Mirio seemed to be walking towards the 3 bullies that were just taking the mick out of summer causing them to freeze.

"You better watch your mouth or I'll be the one making sure you won't be going to UA" he threatened which wasn't like him but the empty threat was nothing but fake Mirio would never ruin another's opportunity to go to UA but he definitely won't let his friends get bullied either.

"You alright?" He asked as summer nodded showing that she was okay but really she was incredibly insecure about her quirk and hated almost everything about having friends besides firm Mirio, tamaki and nejire they seemed to be the soft side of her hated conflicts of making friends.

2 years after summer was able to go to UA and participate in the exam and hopefully get onto the hero course like her father wanted her to do and get information about the hero's. The exam was easy for summer as she had an equal amount of rescue points with her points when she took out the robots with her bear fists and strength not hurting any parts of her body leaving the hero's who were watching shook seeing the resemblance of a future rising star hero at its finest.

"I can't wait to see what class I'll be in what about you summer?" Mirio asked excitedly Finally reaching his goal he settled himself when he was a kid.

"I'm rather be patient and stick to what I get" summer replied not really in the mood and very tired and wanting to go home so she exited the doors of UA with Mirio by her side noticing yusaku in the distance ready to pick her up and take her home. "I'll text you when I get my results" she said waving before taking off leaving the boy with his two besties that followed after him.

"How was your day?" Yusaku asked with a smile before opening the door to the car as she sat inside closing the door after her.

"It's was good and very tiring, now I know how my dad feels!" summer groaned leaning back of the car as it began to go and take her back home to where she'll be staying until her letter comes to tell her what course she'll be in and if she'll be in a dorm or not.

"Good I guess you are doing as your father wants you to do while you're in there?" Yusaku asked as summer sighed knowing that excitedly what she needs to do in UA and stay out of trouble.

A couple of days past and summer is yet again I'm her dad's office on his chair waiting for him to come back from another meeting while yusaku went to fetch some mail that came a few minutes ago.

"I'm back lady, shimura and you w got an letter" yusaku said giving her the letter allowing her to open it without Scorpio around seeing that it was only paper which made her glad seeing that she made onto the hero course and was in class 1-A the top highest hero courses out there in Japan which would definitely make her dad proud but he is a villain and hated hero's so would be hate her.

"Should I notify your father?" Yusaku asked as summer nodded giving consent allowing him to leave the room and whisper the news to his boss.

Scorpio's PoV:

A knock was heard at the door as yusaku made his appearance looking like he had something Interesting to tell me.

"Come in" I said as he made his way to me before whispering the words I couldn't believe would be true, my baby got into the highest hero course in UA meaning that my plan was ready to be put into action but that would be too quick so I must wait until the perfect suspect comes into hand so they could take the blame. That could take years but 2 was enough for me after all allmight was getting weaker thanks to toxic chainsaw giving a mostly like chance of him choosing a successor to carry on his work like my mother chose him as the symbol of piece just like I made the perfect daughter and hero to help take down the number #1 hero once and for all.