Chapter 2

It was the day that summer starts her fist day of UA but she found out that mirio won't be joining her since he was in class 1-B making tamaki and nejire the ones to join her in this high school journey but they could still hang out at lunch and break and maybe after school.

"I feel bad for Mirio for not being in are class" summer said not being in the same class with mirio making him all alone I'm a class with complete strangers.

"Don't worry I'll be fine" Mirio said looking out of nowhere casing her to jump as nejire laughed in response but tamaki still kept his shy side up.

"But you're in a class with people you don't even know" summer said back as Mirio put an arm over her shoulder before gently ruffling her hair playing about.

"Stop worrying about me, you should be focused on trying to get through class today" he said with a laugh that seemed to brighten up anyone's day. Mirio parted ways from the others when he went in the classroom next to them but in a class without Mirio was not the same for summer especially when she would stare at him and his handsome smile that seemed to lift her heart no matter how she feels he seemed to always come first before anyone else.

"I wonder who's are teacher is?" Nejire said as curious as everyone else in the class since a hero was going to be their teacher for the first year.

"Whoever it is better be good" summer said sat down in a seat she chose to sit at behind a girl who had white hair and was very quiet.

"It's only for one year summer, I'm sure it won't be that bad" nejire said sat in the seat beside her way excited than anyone else in the classroom can't wait to start her first class in UA.

It didn't take long for the huge door to be opened allowing a female to enter with her black hair that seemed to be neatly held up with a bobble before getting to the desk facing the class recognising her straight away.

"Wow! Is that the number 2# strongest female hero!" A student said to another while summer sat not really knowing the woman at all as she seemed to notice summer staring at her.

"What's your name young lady?" She asked catching summer of guard as she grew hesitant to talk back.

"Summer shimura, ma'am" she replied as the teachers eyes seemed to grew or intense and intrigued about her.

"Hmm, you look like you have some hidden potential. I'll be able to bring that out before the year ends" the teacher replied back knowing exactly what she meant, summer sighed not really wanting to put more stress in her hands than helping her fathers agency since he was CEO of the best company in Japan.

"You don't like being chosen by all mights wife or something?" Nejire whispered knowing a thing or two about the woman that was going to be the head of their class for the rest of the year before they get a second or maybe final replacement.

"I'm fine just tired" summer lied to nejire pulling a face that she really didn't like to see which wasn't a good thing she wanted to tell Mirio when they meet for break.

"I hope that ain't a frown young shimura!" The teacher yelled causing summer to jump out of her skin looking up as some of the students laughed at her.

"N-no ma'am I'm just tired" summer stuttered not really ready for that unexpected surprise and very embarrassed making her feel a bit more worse than she already was.

"Alright today we'll be doing some tests to see what you can do and if you're actually strong enough to become a hero. Your PE uniform, is already waiting in the changing rooms so go and change I'll be waiting outside" the teacher instructed the students so the females and males were sent to separate changing rooms to change into their PE uniform until they have their own hero costumes that matches their quirks.

"You really need to smile more" Nejire suggested with a smile but all she did was smile just like Mirio which made summer jealous that they get have amazing reasons and families to make proud while summer has to be a spy for her father and give out important information to make him proud since he hates heroes.

"Why? I don't have a reason to smile and their isn't anything worth to smile about" summer said not showing her smile that she once had in kindergarden.

"What? Why would you say that am I not worth smiling for? Or mirio and tamaki" Nejire said making the subject way more personal that it was supposed to be.

"That not what I'm saying!" Summer yelled back at nejire that seemed to frighten the other female students who were already dressed and rushed out of the changing room knowing that a fight was brewing up.

"Then what is your problem!" She yelled back at summer as the female teacher came rushing in seeing the two making indirect eye contact.

"It's non of your business nejire it's family business" summer calmly said before moving the teacher aside before leaving the changing room absolutely pissed.

Nejire's PoV:

The way summer was acting was giving me bad vibes and suspicions especially when she actually had the guts to yell at a friend like that but what would mirio do if he got into a fight with summer.

"What happened in here?" Lilith asked quite serious not really wanting to kick out a well relented student without a good reason to.

"Nothing! She's just going through a phase that's all" I said covering up for her which is what besties do after all but I meanly wanted to get to the bottom of all of this.

Lilith sighed glad that it wasn't anything life threatening and mostly that she didn't have to write a report to her dad which would make her situation way worse than it was this morning.

"Go outside with the others I'll chat with summer when we're done with training" she said as I headed out of the changing room hoping that summer will come back and smile again or she'll get into trouble with Mirio again.

No ones PoV:

The training went just as Lilith planned without any fighting or disruption despite being stared at by some of the male students but it wasn't her fault that she was the most attractive hero in Japan.

Summer was on her way to lunch when she bumped into someone while overthinking about her options before looking up to see a tall pink haired male with a ponytail.

"Sorry" summer apologised as the dude held his hand out fir her to grab but this could be a trick for her to fall for it just like in primary school.

"Come on this is a one in a lifetime offer man" he said telling her that it was legit a real helping hand so she grabbed his hand as he helped pull her up onto her feet again.

"Thank you and again I'm sorry" summer repeated herself not wanting to be bullied by this man since he seemed to be very strong and quite popular by the way he looked and hung around with other guys his age.

"Haha! Don't sweat it! What's your name anyway?" He said with a friendly smile catching her off guard as he reminded her of Mirio which wasn't good but making more friends won't be a bad idea.

"Summer" she said as he raised an eyebrow like he suspected more to come out of her mouth.

"Well summer, I'm tsuka just let me know if anyone is picking on you I'll have a quick chat with them" he said giving her a friendly introduction but he also wanted to protect her despite just only meeting him.

"Thank you tsuka, bye" summer said quickly going away in the direction of the dinning area to eat her lunch that she had with her still intact.

"What is your latest report sunshine?" Scorpio asked summer through her mind using telepathy even though summer can't use it but she can still talk back.

"Just that my teacher is married to all might" summer said back as he hummed back intrigued about the little thing you were able to get especially from nejire which seemed to be quite helpful.

"I need you to return home now... I have a job for you" he said as summer stopped eating her food knowing that something bad was going to happen if she declines his offer.

"Fine, just ring my school and I'll come home" summer said as the telepathic lime cut off leaving summer to pack up her lunch and walk off out of the dinning hall while eyes followed her until she left the room.

Summer was able to successfully leave the school without being stopped by anyone before floating back to her fathers company where he waited at his desk for her so he could give her the first assignment of the year.

"What is it father?" Summer asked using permeation to go through the window before landing in front of his desk.

"Would you do me a quick favour?" He asked wanting to make sure that she actually agreed to this and was actually ready for it.

"Yes father" she responded not eating to disappoint her dad and giving up her dreams of becoming a hero for her dads sick desire to kill all might.

"I need you to kill someone and not get caught" he said giving her the first test which was also her first assignment he have her today as she sighed knowing that she has to use a quirk she yet hasn't shown anyone besides her father.

"I'll do it just leave my friends alone" she said as Scorpio gave her a confused look on why she would say something like that.

"Why would I hurt your friends? Have they done anything bad to you yet?" He asked really hoping that she wasn't getting bullied again.

"No, but they want to be heros so... don't kill of hurt them in anyway" summer said beside making eye contact with him showing that she was very serious.

"Alright, you have my word. I would hate to see my baby cry because of me" he said as she turned away knowing that he won't be hurt her friends anytime soon.

Summer's PoV:

I can't believe that I have to do this, a hero can't kill anyone but if I don't do this dad would think I'm weak or a disappointment so I must do this but what's the cost?

"This dude better be worth it" I though to myself seeing him look at me as I used my villain outfit my father made that covered my entire body to prevent any sharp objects to pierce through.

"Who are you? Did Scorpio send you to kill me? Tch scared much" he said being cocky talking about my dad like he was one sort of joke. People walked last like they were just seeing a normal quirkless nobody tried to rob or even hurt someone.

"I wouldn't talk about him like that, he could kill you in a single heartbeat" I said back as my voice was changed to prevent my identity from being shown to anyone. My hair was hidden thanks to the shapeshift quirk I gained when I was in primary school which mainly was used for my wings but it was extremely helpful to mimic someone's appearance by glacé than by anything else.

"Then why can't he do it himself without sending some lowlife villain after me?" He cockily responded as anger raced through my body as I slowly lifted up my hand activating my quirk as he seemed to float due to be cheating the law of physics leaving him totally unaware of what was about to happen. Some cervilians kept their distance seeing that the situation that was happening was starting to become quite serious.

"Any last words?" I asked as he looked at me with a shocked look like he recognised the quirk I was using. The threat made some people bring out their phones and record us but I didn't care I just wanted to kill this cocky bastard and go back home.

"You're quirk is anti-gravity?!" He exclaimed knowing some part of it but that's not the real stretch of it. I expected more to come out of his mouth besides asking my quirk since he was gonna die anyway.

"No... I have more than one" I said before slowly closing my hand into a fist as he slowly began to crush into a human flesh-like ball as blood rushed out like a fruit carton. Screams were heard as people fled the scene seeing that I actually had a quirk as I sighed kinda used to this since people would scream when they see my father when I young. Sirens were heard coming close to my direction and the only way to get out without any more blood shed was to either disappear or fly.

"Stop!" A huge male yelled as flames came off his body as he was several feet higher than me glaring at me with his piercing blue eyes giving me the chills, white wings spouted out of my back giving the hero a hint that I was going to take flight but it was a diversion. He stupidly used his quirk as flames sored in my direction as I actived yet another quirk 'permeation' not allowing the hero to see me vanish giving me time to get further in the ground as possible before launching myself out of the solid surface giving me a boost seeing the face he pulled which was absolutely priceless but he couldn't tell what type of face I was pulling but I can tell that he knew that I was laughing at him for falling for that simple trick before using my wings to fly myself to my dads company.

Instead of landing his office I went through the top floor wall before allowing my quirks to deactivate as my feathers decade in the air leaving nothing on the clean floors as i made my way to this office doors before stopping in

My tracks.

"What will you do if they find out that it was her who killed him sir?" Yusaku asked as I stood listening on the other side of the room wanting to know what's going on.

"They'll take her away and ruin her dreams of becoming a hero but I need you to talk with my sister about her hero agency" father spoke back to yusaku already having plans for me to join an agency, but that's not fair I want to finally have a chance to chose for once instead of my dad always choosing what he thinks that is best for me. I put my hand on the handle letting myself in looking straight at my father as he smiled at me like nothing happened.

"I did what you asked father" I said not happy at all of what he had to do but running from a hero seeing their expression of being out witted was quite funny.

"Yes but I didn't say that I wanted you on the news" he said before turning on the tv that hung on the wall behind his chair showing that hero who tried to toast me and the crime scene of the gruesome I made with one of the many quirks I prefer to keep to myself.

"Im gonna go see aunt Julia I'll be back later" I said before leaving again not waiting any longer to stand a see what my father had next plan for me.

Julia's PoV:

I sat at my office chair silently looking on my holographic computer on the data of the new UA students and their quirks to see what their possibilities are to being amazing hero's if they make it that is. My phone tinged indicating that I got a messed I looked at my phone that laid on my desk nearby my left side as i re she's for it seeing that it was from summer. "What has he made her do this thing" I thought knowing that this isn't going to be good since the poor girls intentions were to become a hero but recently she only comes by and rants about her father and what evil things she had to do so she could feel like he would be proud of her.

My door slowly opened as i expected to see summer to enter but it was the figure creeping in was taller as I sighed knowing who it was.

"Mirai, I know you're there" I said as a smiling nighteye came through which people recognise as a quite cold and scary dude but really he's just a big softy when he's around me.

"I was just checking on you" he said as I smiled knowing this man like the back of my hand from since we were little til now as he quickly turned back to being serious as summer came through the wall behind me showing that she finally arrived.

"Ah, just on time! How's my little niece doing?" I asked turning around seeing her beautiful smile she once had which was now frowning as tears streamed down her face making me panic as k got up from my chair quickly hugging the poor thing. "Let it out" I whispered as she met out all of her sons onto me as Nighteye came closer quite concerned too after all she was his neice too.

"I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!" Summer yelled in my chest as i hushed stroking her gorgeous blonde hair as nighteye same round to us joining the hug seeing how much distress she was in.

"I know you do, but I need you to calm down and tell us what he did this time, alright?" I said as she seemed to slowly calming down and controlling those tears that stopped coming from her beautiful eyes only I would wish to have when I was her age.

Everyone quickly separated when summer became strong enough to speak as all ears were ready to listen to the story she has to tell.

"What did that demon do to you?" I asked as only one in the world to have the guts to speak about my brother in such way since he liked usually call me either a mistake or a embarrassment but he normally meant them as jokes or laughs which I was quite used to but right now summer is the most important this at the moment so I can try and stop this madness if I could.

"He....he" she said trying to speak about her father obviously unsure but also traumatised of remembering what he made her do.

"Take your time" nighteye said being patient for her as she sighed ready to speak again.

"He made me kill someone... if I refuse he would kill or hurt my friends just like in kindergarden" summer replied owning up to some mysterious murders and a crime that was left unsolved for over 10 years.

"Your father has gone too far this time! You want to be a hero right?*summer nodded* then you stand up to him but that would be a problem without me" I said before quickly realising that something bad will happen that could result to death in a instant but Scorpio otherwise known as Damon was quite a menace when growing up as kids before being forced Into crime by our father before killing our mother for another woman.

"You aren't getting involved this time, the heroes are about Scorpio. Summer will continue going to school and has to forget about the murder she was forced to do without telling Lilith." Nighteye said as I quickly realised what was going to happen if the police reveal that it was summer who killed Lilith's brother she'll go crazy.

"We won't tell them about summer just that he's forcing underage kids to murder and do deeds to prevent suspicious" I said which seemed quite a good idea but it was a quick guess but it could bring some suspicion but if it helps summer continue going to UA then everything will be fine.

"But how do we tell them we got the information?" Nighteye asked as I looked at summer before groaning turning alrumd not thinking this through.

"Well let's just say summer his daughter decided that enough was enough and came to be her aunt which is me to help stop her father girl killing anymore innocent people and heroes" I said hoping that it was going to be that simple but everyone already knew that I was related to Scorpio but I chose to be a hero than wanting to hurt people for no reason like Scorpio.

"Father wants to kill all might and wants me to do but I don't want to!" Summer said as I turned to her seeing her worried expression seeing that things were getting worser than what I've predicted.

"For the first time I don't know what to do. And I usually know what to do! That bastard!" I yelled cussing but it was only summer she was used to be swearing but Nighteye wasn't.

"What is it now?" He asked me as I sighed knowing that he had to mess with the further timeline to prevent me firm stopping him from killing all might.

"He changed the future and I can't do anything about it until I actually get the chance to know what his actual plan is going to be to help him take out all might" I said looking at the both of them not wanting the hero that everyone look up to be taken away because of my brothers selfish reasons just cause Lilith chose to leave with him and live her life instead of taking over the island he conquered without her help.

"Impossible no one can change the future than you and Lilith, he hasn't got the quirk to do it..... unless" nighteye said as he looked at summer with suspicion of her quirk being used in this.

"You think he's just using summer so he can complete his sick fantasy killing spree" I said not wanting it to be true and that he would use his own daughter in this plan that she could possibly be killed or hurt if he actually went through to do it.

"Yes, but she hasn't got complete control of her quirk yet but why does it seem so similar to Lilith's?" He asked as quickly realised that he was right about it too, her quirk was very similar to Lilith's but they look nothing alike and besides summer hardly smiles anymore because of my brother.

"She my teacher for the year, but I don't like her she very loud" summer complained as chuckles knowing that it was quite like her to be loud and so energetic especially on her first day of being a teacher to some new upcoming heroes.

"This could actually work as long as she doesn't find out that you killed Liam then things will be good just leave everything or most of it to me" I said ruffling her hair as a little laugh came through which was good to hear from her.

"I'll help too so summer won't worry about you getting in trouble again" nighteye said as the smile that once left her face came back again bringing relief to my worrying heart.

Summer went back home obviously not going to tell her father the plan that would obviously save the poor girls dream of becoming an actual hero than being used by her father for his selfish needs.