Chapter 3

A week later and summer is still in US and way more full of emotion than last weeks incident making things way better for the other three especially Mirio.

"tsuka, do you really need to play with my hair?" Summer asked as tsuka tried to style her long hair that she kept on a ponty tail half of the time since she had no time to change it.

"Girl, I ain't gonna let you go around looking like a mop bucket!" He said continued to do her hair as he would do if his friends had the same problem.

"Just don't pull any of it out, my father would kill me" summer said as tsuka chuckled along with her as Mirio, nejire and tamaki watched from afar.

"I'm glad that she could make some friends especially tsuka" Mirio said quite proud that summer had the courage to make friends after everything she's been through. School was the least of her problems.

"Me too it's better to see her smiling that frowning" nejire said agreeing with Mirio but she noticed that mirio's facial expression changed. "You feeling alright?" She asked as he rubbed the back of his neck nervous.

"I'm fine It's just now I have to get used to her being around another boy, but I'm not jealous!" Mirio said as nejire crossed her arms knowing that Mirio was exactly jealous that tsuka was with summer and playing with her hair which he would do.

"She can guy friends Mirio, but I'm sure she'll be fine" nejire said assuring that everything will be fine and there was no need for him to worry.

"But I to-gata go see her" Mirio said making a very cheesy pun as he went over to them.

Tsuka saw Mirio approaching him as he did the Final touches before letting go of summers hair.

"Oh, hi Mirio" summer said greeting her tall blonde best friend as he swiped her in his arms in front of tsuka.

"We only been away for 5 minutes and I already miss you!" He said before putting her down with hands on her shoulders.

"You two buddies or something?" Tsuka asked not wanting to think of the wrong thing about the way Mirio was treating summer like.

"We're knew each other since we were in kindergarden" Mirio replied being as nice as he could not posing a threat or a challenge to tsuka.

"It's fine i wasn't expecting summer to have such a bright friend" tsuka said as Mirio locked eye contact with him before holding a hand out.

"I hope we could become great buds" Mirio said as tsuka grabbed his hand before pulling Mirio close before going to his ear.

"I know you're her big bud an all but if I hear that you hurt summer, I will desomate you" tsuka whispered to Mirio showing that ge would become a problem if anything happens to summer. "Also Luna wouldn't like it either and she's a softy" he said again before allowing Mirio to speak back.

"If you do anything that makes summer uncomfortable I'll..... a hero would never say this but I will beat the shit out of you" Mirio threat back before pulling away with a smile as the hands that were so aggressively gripped released allowing Mirio to go back to the others.

"Girl, your boyfriend is so scary" tsuka said as summer went red of embarrassment from her friends random comment.

"Bakka!" She yelled before rushing off to find Luna who normally hides in quiet places like library's.

Luna PoV:

I was sat in the table drawing something in my sketch book as the library stayed silent while a Bakka was heard echoing down the Corridor but I could tell that it was summer and that she would be looking for me.

"Please don't yell, please don't yell, please don't yell!!" I thought to myself as the doors behind opened but I kept my back turned not knowing if it was her or not.

"Luna!" Summer yelled as I groaned embarrassed while I put the book over my head hiding myself from shame as the librarian shushed summer before making her way to me. "I'm so dead" I thought again as she pulled a seat beside me siting down while I kept the book on my head being over dramatic knowing that everyone was staring or is it me being paranoid.

"Luna are you okay?" She whispered as I slowly moved the book off my head closing it before putting it down onto the table seeing summer bright red knowing that I've missed something very interesting.

"I'm fine, but why are you so red?" I quietly asked back as I always do since I hate being loud and annoying. Summer gently scratched her finger on her cheek looking away from me embarrassed to speak. "Did tsuka say something bad again?" I asked once more trying to get summer to speak as she usually was the one to be the funniest and loudest out of all of us.

"He..... he said that Mirio was my boyfriend" Sumer whispered back blushing a bit more and by the looks of things it seemed that summer has got a crush on Mirio.

After school!

Summer was on her way to see her father when yusaku came to her with a scared face which wasn't good.

"You need to go.....NOW!" He said pushing summer in the direction of the elevator as doors slammed open breaking off before tumbling to the floor as footsteps were heard thumping towards them.

"You traitor! How dare you turn your back on your father! After everything I've done for you!" Scorpio yelled as summer looked at the crimson red eyes as the angrier he got sending shivers down her spine.

"I did what I had to!" Summer yelled back not wanting anything to get out of control between herself and Scorpio.

"What betray me! You're just like your mother!" He yelled before shutting his mouth catching summer's attention but he kept his intense scary stance and serious. Summer growled at the mention of her mother since she never saw the bitch in her life at all but who gave him the oudacity to compare her to his ex.

"I never met my mother, so don't start matchmaking you demon!" She yelled back as his eyes widened at the way she yelled back before really getting serious as a demonic growl echoed the hallway shutting her and yusaku up.

"Don't you dare call me a demon! You don't know what It's like to feel left out and treated like a lowlife nobody!" He growled back revealing some of his past when he was younger but the things he's been through also happened to summer when she lost control of her quirk killing 10 students and 2 teachers in primary due to bullying.

"Sir, wasn't it your idea to make a daughter and raise her to take out all might by betraying them" yusaku bravely stood up remembering his boss but he didn't listen to him but instead Scorpio used his quirk to absolutely destroy the man right in front of summer as she watched in horror while the true friend she had for years died for nothing.

"Don't talk over me, you sack of shit" he said dropping the dead man as a puddle of blood began to surround the body as summer stared in disbelief. "That will happen to your friends if you dare talk about my plans or aunt Julie or she'll pay the price" he threatened before walking back into his office as summer stood in silence not wanting to cry. It only took a couple of seconds for the feeling to rush over her as she collapsed onto her knees in front of yusaku's dead body while his blood stained her trousers as tears escaped her eyes feeling guilty that he had to end this way because of her making her father even more angry at her than he already did.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault" summer mumbled to herself as the rest of her body collapsed onto the floor as blood stuck onto her body while she sobbed away in grief loosing a great friend.

"Summer!" A voice yelled her name but she didn't pay attention she was too busy crying and blaming herself for this problem if she kept it to herself. "Summer!" The voice yelled again getting closer and closer to her as it sounded a bit like nighteye's but why would he be here.

Summer slowly sat up still having tears streaming down her face as footsteps were heard coming toward her before slowing down seeing the body that laid in front of her.

"It's my fault!" Summer said as a hand was placed on her right shoulder aching her to look back seeing that it was nighteye he seemed quite concerned but only one person could get through all of the security guards and that's Julia.

"Calm down! We are taking you away from this place, Julia is waiting down stairs for us so let's not keep her waiting" he said standing up and looking around for anyone before picking summer up back onto her feet. "We need to go" he said grabbing her arm and taking her to the elevator which would mostly be a death trap but the doors were still open as if they were waiting for them to go inside.

"Why are you here? My dad could easily come and get you!" Summer said making herself more to blame especially to this random and mysterious rescue mission.

"Do you think that I'm gonna let my niece be forced to kill people against her will? No I'm not!" He said while the elevator went down with the pair quicker than any normal elevator that only took 7 minutes to reach ground floor allowing them to exit seeing Julie and Lilith waiting there like the food heroes they are.

"You took your time, 1 minute over due" Julia said looking at her watch then back at nighteye who really wasn't in the mood to argue about time regulations.

"Can we just get back to the agency already I really need to get the rest of my files done before Scorpio decides to come down" nighteye said really watching to go back to his agency were it is mostly safe for himself. Summer really didn't want to stay here or be a problem for anyone else so when they were walking ahead not keeping an eye on her at all summer decided to make a run for it and not be a nuisance to anyone anymore.

"What do you think? Summer?..... summer!" Julia said before quickly realising that her niece was ran off or was kidnapped by Scorpio but if he did she would've been able to track him or sense his demonic smell but it was clear meaning that she must have ran from them.

At nighteye's agency!

Julia was sat down panicking about summer as nigtheye thought of what would be the best cause of action as Lilith reported a missing person report.

"What if we can't find her? She did run away after all" nighteye brought up out of the blue as Julia looked up at him not really wanted to be reminded of summer taking off.

"It isn't her fault her life has been though! Mirio and the others don't even know about it" Julia said bringing up a student in particular a he sighed in response kinking that it would be a problem if her friends find out about summer running off away from home because of her father.

"We have to search and keep at it if it takes us years to find her we will get her back and give her the love and family she truly deserved". Nighteye replied obviously wanting her back as soon as possible without any problems or villains butting in.

Summers PoV:

I took my chance and legged it down the nearest alley wanting to get away from them and everyone in my life so they won't be next on my fathers killing list.

"I'm sorry..... Mirio" I thought to myself as I closed my eyes while running continuously down the dark alley hoping to not bump into anyone.

I hated every minute of being alone in this alley but I chose to run away so my only friends and family stays alive and to keep my father busy looking for me not giving attention to the real threat in hand. I was able to slow down my pace before coming to a hault so I could catch my breath so I can continue my hiding.

The next day!

The place I chose to hide and stay for probably the rest of my life before I being found was a very old building that had boarded up windows but it had some good rooms that were very dusty so a good clean would make it way batter for me to cope for a while.

"It's been a day and police are already driving around but they probably be searching for a criminal..... or me" I thought to myself hoping that it wasn't me or it'll make things harder for me when it comes to hiding away from everyone. I chilled in the house for over an hour mostly napping and throwing screwed up paper at the walls before the front door shakes like some desperate criminal tried to get in to hide from some heroes but it quickly stopped as footsteps went round the building while the chain fencing shook as if they climbed over it showing that they were desperate to get into this place but I only stayed here for a day and I wasn't planning to share with some old lousy criminal.

"Pssst, Summer you in here?" Tsuka's voice was heard whispering echoed from the downstairs as I stayed quiet but why would he be here in just a day *dying inside* why can't I be left alone. I stupidly decided to stand up onto the creaky weak old wooden floor but I only put a little bit of pressure on it causing the floor to collapse sending me falling down onto the floor below landing on someone.

"Get off you big idiot!!" He yelled at me as I quickly got up allowing him to get from under the broken wooden floor that crushes do to him with some scratches on him. He looked at me before sighing crossing his arms like he expected more from me.

"What I forgot it was weak and old! Cut me some slack man!" I moaned as he scoffed tapping his foot mad before huffing giving up.

"No, I want to know... I mean... just tell me the reason why you ran?" He said trying to get the real question to ask me which was obviously gonna be a touchy one.

"My father... I didn't want anyone else to be killed by him like he did to yusaku" I replied knowing that he would or hopefully understand but not the way I expected.

"Wait! Hold up! Your pap is a villain!? Who is he!? I'll beat him up!" He responded quite pumped up and pissed at the same time about my father but does he really want to know who my father is.

"You want to know about my father?" I asked reassuring that what I heard was actually real and not just my imagination as he cleared his throat.

"Yes and no matter what I will always be by your side girl! I promise" he said making a terrible decision of being my friend which would probably get himself killed staying with me but he did find me I could at least tell him why.

"If you say so...... my father is Scorpio either wise known as Damon Diablo, a very weird but scary name I know.... when I was younger he killed some of my friends in kindergarden because their parents laughed and pointed at me for my looks..... after I got my quirk I was forced into a simulation to activate it which went too far when I crushed someone with anti-gravity. Because of that I wanted to run away and leave my friends so they don't get killed because of me.... he killed my best friend! He killed yusaku!" I said with tears trying to explain in as much detail as I can to tell him about my past and reasons why I wanted to leave and run away. Tsuka seemed shocked about what horrible things I have spoken and the way I was crying about yusaku but it would be fine if he didn't want to be my friend anymore.

"Dude, I have mad respect for you right now. No one and I mean no one would've had the guts to go face to face with that man let alone live with him!" He said back with a smile showing that he was actually telling the truth but I quickly began to feel uncomfortable about discussing about him. "If it makes you feel better, i and Luna will personally visit you after school and kelp your were abouts secret from everyone until things calm down alright?" He asked as I looked him in the eyes glad to have a friend like him as I smiled nodding agreeing that it would be great to have some company while hiding from the outside world.

"I'm glad to have a friend like you Tsuka" I relied as he smiled back glad to help one of his friends in their hour of need.

As days went by Luna and Tsuka came by like

He said he'd do so I wouldn't be left out or alone but sometimes he or Luna wouldn't be able to come round and visit due to family or tiredness because of UA and intense training and exams.

Mirio's PoV:

Everyday day just wasn't the same without summer around but Tsuka and Luna seemed a bit fine without her around which seemed to give me a little hint of suspicion but they could be hiding that they're missing her but who wouldn't miss summer.

"Cheer up Mirio, I'm sure the heroes will find her soon!" Nejire said being as supportive as always knowing that summer would be somewhere safe already or could be in trouble but I shouldn't let by thoughts get the best of me, summer was very strong and smart when the time comes to her own solo strategy or team effort.

"I know but I really miss her and that beautiful smile" I said telling her and tamaki my feeling about her but that day before she went missing she was acting very strangely but she still kept a smile on her face. I really miss her.

"Everyone knows you love her, but Tsuka is quite protective despite just meeting her but he's a quite chill guy if you give him a chance" she said giving me a little nudge to speak to my little frenemie but she was right he was quite chill when he can be.

"But what if he doesn't want to?" Tamaki shyly spoke as I sighed glad that Tamaki stood in despite his anxiety.

"But if tsuka is trying to protect summer then Mirio need to prove that he's trust worthy" nejire spoke back but I really don't want to go speak to someone who I technically threatened.

"He's just doing what friends do, nothing bad" I said a bit serious to nejire so she could stop pushing me in his direction but I was already close enough so I made myself go to him.

"Sup, Mirio what do you want?" Tsuka asked as if everything was totally fine despite summer not whine here but he could be using something.

"I wanted to knelt if you've seen summer around lately since you guys are so close" I asked as he eyes widened like he surprised but he quickly cleared his throat before grabbing Luna's wrist.

"Sorry man but we gotta go" he said beg the taking off leaving me entirely suspicious but it could be my imagination. As I headed back to nejire she seemed confused why he took off that quickly too.

"What's his problem?" She asked as I looked back seeing him bro their but I really want to go deeper into this.

"I don't know but when I mentioned summer he just took off... somethings off and I need to find out what he's hiding?" I said as she gave a thinking look as she turned to Tamaki who jumped not really wanting to be apart of this.

Tsuka's PoV:

As I took off from Mirio I could tell by the expression he made that he was onto me meaning that summer would be in serious trouble if he followed me and Luna today.

"Why did you say that? He's totally gonna suspect us now" Liam quietly complained as I sighed knowing that she was right.

"I know! I'm a terrible person" I groaned kneeling how stupid I was for replying like that but I need to do something about since I did agree to bring her teddy which I snuck out of her house almost getting killed by her scary father.

"You still have it?" She asked as I nodded as the bag it was in is still in the locker that I locked tight hoping that no one will try and open it thinking I'm a kid or something.

"Just don't tell anyone about it, they'll think it's mine" I said but it was obvious that she knew it wasn't mine since i don't have any.

On ones PoV:

Summer is currently wearing one of mirio's old hoodies he gave her when they were in primary school so she could hide herself in the public when she goes shopping for food.

"As long as I keep my head low they can't see my eyes or face" she whispered to herself before entering the closest shop to by some food that would feed her for the week before coming back again.

"Milk, bread, noodles, chocolate and vegetables and some easy cookable meat" she thought looking at the paper list she always keeps while walking skeins the shop picking up the things she needs to survive.

"That will be £10.57 please" the tiller asked as she gave them the money waiting for the change and recipe before leaving the shop to head back to the abandoned home she stays at before noticing some familiar faces before quickly moving her face down hoping that they don't see her.

"I swear I saw that hoodie before" one said to another as eyes could be felt kidding off her shoulders before sighing glad that they didn't see her but how long could that last.

A random song click in her head as she slowly danced while humming along on her way back home not becoming obvious to the eye like every suspicious hooded person would be if they were a criminal but not all are bad.

Fighting could be heard in the back but summer ignored the possible danger as a Serra in thud caused her to tumble before looking back seeing Lilith fighting with a villain and was way closer than she was supposed to be and quickened her lace not to get sent away with the strong gusts of wind that blew as she held onto her hood not wanting it to go down her it was no use her hair was flowing out in front of her causing her to quickly hide her hair again.

A up coming piece of concrete are flying in her direction when the hero stopped it from hitting her head while summer continued to try hide her hair.

"Are you alright little one?" She asked as summer looked behind her accidental showing her face to the hero as their eyes widened seeing her before dropping the concrete to the floor. "You're alive!" She said seeing summer's eyes but it could be a coincidence making her freeze in shock not able to move or what to do.

"Sorry I need to go!" Summer said before taking off again with her bag wanting to get away from her or more death will rain.

"What! Wait!" Lilith yelled wanting her to stop but she didn't listen and carried on to run leaving the hero to rush wanting her to stop but summer knew some sharp turns that will sure confuse the hero.

The poor girl had to take the long way for looking at the hero that saved her and now running from so that she would stay safe firm her father. Summer was able to get back and permeate through the wall of the old house she chose to stay in before using another quirk to prevent her footsteps from being heard allowing her to hover up the stairs and the creaky flooring before slowly landing onto the bed that was next to the hole she once went through when Tsuka first found her.

Hours went by and no cars or heroes appeared near the house yet making it a perfect time for Tsuka and Luna to come round and give her the teddy she desperately wanted. Summer laid back on the bed she freshly cleaned looking at the ceiling waiting patiently for them to arrive or at least hoping that they would if no one was chasing them or anything.

"Quick!" Tsuka was heard yelling as he climbed I've the chained fencing obviously talking to Luna before entering the house as move footsteps were heard outside of the house while the two slowly creeped into the room summer was in before going near the window seeing the ones that followed them.

"Are they still there?" Luna whispered as Tsuka stayed quiet looking out of one of the boarded up windows showing that they were still there.

"Would they be in there Mirio?" Nejire aske Mirio as he looked around at the front of the house knowing how unstable it was not seeing Tsuka silently watching him in the window.

"No, it's too dangerous but if you want to check make sure you take caution" he relied back as nejire slowly came o to the premasis shaking that summer's location would be revealed to Julia or her father so making sure that she doesn't get in was a big gogo.

"Luna we need to stop her from coming up here.... Summer you hide we're got this" Tsuka said as he purposely made a loud noise leaving summer no choice but to use her quirk to permeate through the roof into the attic and hide there.

"Mirio! Tamaki! They're in here!" Nejire yelled as the two came to the house while Mirio used his quirk to go through the walls to search the insecure house hearing them upstairs.

"We know you're here Tsuka and Luna!" Mirio said making himself known before slowly going up the stairs of the house hearing it creak on almost every step he stood on before seeing one of them at the top.

"Why are you following us!?" Tsuka asked demanding an explanation now before letting him anywhere closer to where summer could possibly be.

"We know, that you're hiding something...... where's summer?" Mirio asked as Luna peaked from one of the walls nearby but yet the two hiding they are really unaware of the other two creeping through the bedroom walls by bashing through making themselves known in an instant.

"My bag!!" Tsuka yelled but his bag was nowhere to be seen knowing that summer would've got to it first before hiding as he sighed knowing that it want their.

"Just answer my question please? I want to know if she's alright?" Mirio asked again showing Tsuka that he wasn't here for anything serious but he could tell that Mirio really wanted to see if summer was alright.

"What? But isn't she missing?" Tsuka replied acting stupid but Mirio and they group knows that he has something hidden.

"Just let the liver boy know or Luna gets it!" Nejire said making the poor girl flinch but tamaki held her tight not wanting her to get hurt but he didn't know that she was joking.

"This isn't the time for jokes nejire! Just tell us the truth" Mirio said as nejire floated Mainly because of her quirk as she sighed knowing that he was right.

"Fine! She alive and here! Now can you go she doesn't want to see anyone important right now or they'll get killed by her father! Do you want to see her cry?" Tsuka replied absolutely loosing it to Mirio as something was heard slipping in the attic making everyone look up.

"I just want to see her that's all" Mirio as Tsuka sighed allowing him to go up into the attic as he watched Mirio go through the attic flooring until they couldn't see him anymore.

Mirio was able to get to the attic hearing nothing besides scattering of rats and mice around him but he wasn't bothered he was more focused on finding summer.

"Summer? It's me Mirio, you can come out I won't force you to go if you don't want to I promise" he said as he began to get a little feeling of panic wanting to see her that badly like he hasn't seen her in years.

"Promise?" Her voice was heard as he looked to his right seeing her stood their with his old hoodie and teddy in her arms like a innocent little child as his eyes began to water finally seeing her again.

"I.....I promise, just don't leave me again" Mirio said back he made his way through the boxes that were covering the path to summer.

"If he knows that I'm alive he'll hurt you and everyone else" Summer said again clenching into the teddy she was given by yusaku when she was younger.

"Don't worry but you have to find a better place than this to hide though" Mirio suggested as he finally got to her allowing her to see his face once again and how happy he was to see her again.

"I missed you.. idiot" summer said back to him as he laughed before hugging her close to him while tears went down his face.

"Don't do that ever again!" He said not wanting her to run away like that without warning him but would he still do the same if he knew what she was?.

Summer was able to leave the attic with Mirio and find a more stable and safe place to stay in for the time being before going back to UA again.

"I'll one round now and then when you need me to" Mirio said sitting down with her in the living room. They managed to find a place that was abandoned but fully stable and clean with electric and heating which was enough to keep her warm and alive as long as possible from the heroes and from Scorpio.