Chapter 4

2 weeks have passed and summer was beginning to look very bored of staying inside and not going to UA but she also wonders if her father has given up on finding her like the others.

"I wonder if they actually miss me?" Summer whispered to herself while sat on the bed waiting for something interesting to happen or maybe someone to find her but that would be unlikely.

Julia had a high reputation of changing the future with her evolved version of rewind giving her the option to go back and change Time but she also has another quirk that's just like Scorpio's but that has to be hidden so people wouldn't think that she was a villain by the look for her wings, horns and tail.

"Do you ever think we'll find her?" Nighteye said pacing back and forth in Julia's office as she sat down thinking while using her quirk for possible places for a run away to hide but she quickly stopped before reaching her limit.

"Yes, but I can't use my quirk for a couple of hours now so I'll leave the rest to you" she replied as he sighed knowing the risks of her quirk and its limitations. Nighteye continued to think but his foresight hasn't shown anything about summer yet and her whereabouts.

Summer decided to take a walk around the neighbourhood and down some dark alleys only heroes love to go down without fearing about villains. As she walked a dark silhouette could be seen coming out around the nearby corners behind summer as she quickly turned around a couple of seconds too late while the person placed a hand on her chest obviously using their quirk on her standing there as summer got a quick glimpse of the person who did this. Their hair was long and blue in a manly ponytail and well built chest as his eyes glowed yellow while summer began to suddenly shrink lower and lower to his knee level.

"What have you done to me?!" Summer exclaimed demanding and explanation of this despite not knowing the dude at all but he just chuckled before walking off away from her as her clothes began to get bigger on her before covering her body whole.

"Wha—" Summmer said looking at her hands trying to speak but it was no use she now had baby hands meaning that he used a ageing quirk to make her very small and vulnerable. Summer tried to use her quirk but she couldn't nothing seemed to come out but all she had left was a teddy besides her as she hugged it to keep her warm until someone finds her.

It has been 10 minutes and nobody has seemed to have come around meaning that summer was in danger at this point on the dark cold floor with a teddy bear that was almost her size.

Summer's PoV:

The sight of people walking last the alley seemed to piss me off knowing that they're too cowardly to come down here. "If yusaku was here I wouldn't be in this type of situation!" I thought to myself as I began to what a baby was well known for..... crying, so I placed my weak baby butt down because I couldn't even walk her which was a bummer so I began to cry so that someone could hear me.

"Is that a baby?!" A random person said stopping with some friends who seemed to be like UA students before looking down seeing me which brought me relief.

"Oh, my god, it is!" Another said before rushing down towards me as I continuously cried until she got to me and picked me up with my teddy before stalling my naked baby body up and went back to her friends.

"Aww, aren't you gorgeous!" One of them said as I looked at them seeing that they're high school students at UA that used to bully me but they seemed to different right now.

"She looks just like her!" Another pointing out especially to my eyes and hair but they didn't seem to take my teddy off me as they continued to take me somewhere which made my baby body seem like it was calming and decided to take a nap..... not fair.

I think it was about 15 minutes when they stopped walking feeling my stomach wobble like they were going up some stairs waking me up seeing that I was in UA. Did they really think that bringing a naked baby to UA was a good idea. Students stared seeing the three with me in one of the popular students arms as they walked down the corridor.

"We must tell aizawa sensai" one of them said as I squeezed my teddy to the sound of his name not knowing who he was at all.

"Yeah, I bet he'll know what to do?" Another responded before going to the staff room with me in their arms completely wrapped up in my own clothing.

They reached the staff room door before entering inside with a baby inside shocking the teachers inside of the sight.

"What are you doing bringing your siblings to school?" A teacher asked demanding an explanation immediately of why they brought a baby to school.

"We found her in a nearby dark alley on are way to UA and had to take her with us we didn't want to leave her there to freeze, but we need your help!" The girl said that held me completely concerned about my well-being but they would think that I was just some random baby not actually summer.

"Alright, I'll take care of the child until we find out where she came from" a familiar voice said as I turned to face her locking eye contact but she didn't change her expression and still wanted to take me in. The girl that held me walked over to her and gently passed me other allowing the hero to hold me in her arms like an actual baby.

"My dear, are you sure you're ready to take her in despite having two of your own?" A male asked making Lilith sigh knowing how to take care of a baby.

"Don't start toshi, I know what I'm doing since I'm still am taking care of the twins you made me give birth too! They're absolute gems" she said before quickly getting back i the situation at hand looking at me seeing my eyes. "But you remind me of someone?" She said suspiciously looking at me before smiling knocking away the suspicion off her face.

"Bah" I said starting to act like a baby catching all of the teachers attention like a baby should do but how long can I do this for?.

Lilith's pov:

The baby seemed quite similar to someone I used to teach here but who, my suspicions have to stop while taking care of this child while wondering around UA.

"Who's that sensei?" Tsuka asked seeming they infant in my arms as his eyes widened noticing it as the child yet again made eye contact with another student.

"Oh a student brought her in from a dark alley so I'm taking her to recovery girl to give her a quick check up to see if she'll be alright" I said he came closer to the child really interested of her.

"She adorable!" He said using his finger as the child held onto it before using her other hand to wack it like a toy before allowing me to take her to recovery girl.

"You should head to class, I don't want you to get detention again" I said as he realised that I was right before quickly taking off not really wanting to get anymore detentions. I was making my way to recovery girl when the child fell asleep in my arms obviously tired as I sighed agreeing with that I was going to be a hard day today with all the classes and paperwork to do.

In recovery girls medical room.

She seemed to look satisfied with the way the baby was looking and seemed to be very healthy and happy to be here at UA. She was able to give the child some clothes and diapers to wear while staying around in the school.

"Why don't you go to class and let the baby stay with me for a bit?" She asked as I sighed knowing I can't leave her here recovery girl is known for her sleeping naps after using her quirk.

"No thanks but if I'm in a big situation I'll sure bring her to you" I said kindly declining her offer as I picked her up realising that I haven't got the baby's name or anything.

"What's the child's name?" Recovery girl asked pointing at the baby as I looked at her with shear panic not knowing the name of it.

"I don't know" I replied being as honest i could possibly be making her sigh at me.

"Let do a swob at her mouth so I can check her DNA. I'll let you know about the results in a few hours" she said as I lifted the baby low enough for her to do a swob test getting some of her saliva before allowing be to go to my class hoping that they wouldn't mind having her with me while teaching and training.

"There you are teacher! You're late!" A student said before seeing the baby in my arms before gasping for not seeing her there.

"It's alright now go back inside and take your seat we'll be join with class 1-B today on the field" I said as the baby looked like it panicking waving her arms showing discomfort as I entered the room but stopped looking inside of the class at one of the student I had like she recognises them.

"Aww, she likes me!" Nejire said happy to see that the child liked her still waving her arms like she wanted to be held.

"Alright class, I would need you to go Inside of the changing rooms and put your hero uniforms on and meet me on the field" I said as the I allow all the students to go and get changed as I made my way to the field slowly floating there noticing that class 1-B was already there waiting.

"Where have you been?! We've been waiting!" Their teacher said as I sighed before looking at the child that clenched my uniform not liking the teacher that was yelling at me.

"Shut up Vlad, you're scaring her" I said giving him a Intense stare shutting him up putting him in his place for now.

"Sorry, ma'am" he responded shocking his whole class before mine arrived in the field seeing one another and friends which seemed to please me.

"Miss? May i see her again?" Nejire asked shocking me as I showed her the child I held as her expression went to complete 'aww' seeing them look eye contact. "I bet togata would love to see this" she said looking at me but I was unsure but training has to be started before anything else happens.

"Alright class! Choose your today's training partners groups of three please!" I said yelling as everyone began to get into their groups of three within the two classes mixing with one another.

"Why did you choose to take care of the kid anyway?" Vlad said bringing up the as I ignored him wanting to get straight to the lesson.

The students seemed to be getting along with one another but some were unlucky to lick their partners like Tsuka and Luna they were stuck with a stuck up loser from class 1-B.

"No fighting!..... hey Tsuka stop that!" I yelled before quickly giving the child to Nejire since she was close by with the other two allowing me to go and stop the fighting before sending the two to the principal's office them mixing Luna with Nejire's group.

No ones PoV:

Nejire seems to be quite interested in holding the baby in her arms that looked quite similar to one of her best friends.

"Summer?" She said as the baby looked at her before smiling adorably making her heart melt catching mirio's attention.

"I see you were able to hold the ba—-" he stopped seeing the child then instantly am started thinking about summer like Nejire was.

"Wanna hold her?" She said handing her over to Mirio carefully since he never really held a child like this before before seeing the close resemblance of summer in her eyes but the personality was completely different she seemed more happy.

"Looks like I can finally hold you like this" he said grabbing his finger putting it in her mouth nibbling on it. "Kawaii" he said again loving this and every moment of this.

"Hey don't you ask the teacher if you could take care of her for a couple of days" Nejire said obviously wanting to sprang time with her but mostly knows that he doesn't want to let the child go either.

"I don't know what my parents would say?" He said using one of his arms to rub the back of his neck nervously.

"Yes!" His father said picking Summer up in his hands smiling just like Mirio did glad to see such a adorable child.

"Really?!" He replied back as his father held her in his arm obviously willing enough to accept her in the house.

"Of course! She's such a little bundle of joy!" He said before giving her back to Mirio knowing that he would like to spend time with her.

"Thanks dad I love you" Mirio said before heading into his room with Nejire and tamaki to see what the little summer could do.

"Are you sure that it's really summer?" Tamaki asked looking at the child who seemed really offended at him making his second guess everything. "Sorry" he quietly said as Mirio sat her down in front of him between his legs to keep her stay straight for extra support.

"What about Tsuka?" Nejire asked holding summer's teddy as she did this thing with her hands showing that she wants it. "Oh yeah sorry" she said giving the teddy to her showing that it was exactly summer, who else would hug a teddy like that.

"I'm unsure but I want to get used to this first" Mirio said not used to seeing summer so small and adorably cute. The only time he remembers her being like that's was either in nursery or kindergarden.

"I guess we could finally get to spend some time with summer until she get bigger... she'll get bigger right?" Nejire said really unsure of how all of this happened as summer decided to turn around and clench onto Mirio's shirt as he hugged.

"Hugies !" He said knowing exactly what she wanted hugging her before grabbing his hair making him regret everything. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Be careful you might rip my hair off" he said as summer let go allowing him to let go before sighing with relief glad to still have his hair on his head.

"Haha mirio is getting beat up by a baby!" Nejire said with a laugh as he pouted in response not really thinking that it was funny.

"We are seeing nighteye about this" Mirio brought up but he was kinda scared of him despite his glare and cold looks but it was worth a shot.

At the nighteye agency!

"Don't be a chicken! Just go!" Nejire said nudging Mirio inside as not only I was scared but I had to go alone to see the man.

I managed to go through the receptionist and head up to the elevator to get to the floor of his office with summer in my arms.

Mirio's PoV:

I never felt so much fear in my life but I came here once before i sure it won't be as bad this time especially if I have summer with me surely he'll be calm. The doors open allowing me on the floor as I went down the corridor seeing how empty and quiet it was making my way to this office before knocking.

"Come in" he said as I gulped before allowing myself through his doors with summer the words that were gonna come out quickly vanished as his glare went from me to the summer in disbelief.

"Sir, I can explain" I said as he came close to me picking Summer up out of my arms with her teddy seeing how tiny she was making the guy smile at her.

"It's alright uncle mirai is here" he said as she actually was getting used in his arms but I guess it was mainly trust.

"Will she be like this forever?" I asked as he turned to be a bit serious before using his quirk on summer and sighed.

"No, but in a couple of days she'll be fine so she'll be staying with me" he said as my body drop hearing that I won't be able to hold her again until she gets bigger.

"Aww, but I really wanted to spend some

Time with her too" I said before hearing him sigh again a little annoyed but it was alright for him to be quite mad and overprotective of his niece.

"Fine, but you'll bring back and no excuses!" He said as I felt hope again as he handed her back to me hugging her gently while she pulled my hair but I let it be this time.

"Mi, mi" she asks almost saying my name as sir watched her pull my hair smiling thinking it was funny and it was especially when it was a child.

"Alright, go but remember she need to be back here by 7 no excuses and uninjured" sir said as I knew that I can't let him down on this one before feeling her let go of my hair allowing me to rise back to my height again before slapping her hands on my cheeks making me laugh since she used to do that in primary school when I used to get down upset with my quirk especially with the bullies to helping me strive and get stronger.

"I won't let you down sir!" I said with a smile that seem to remind him of someone with a big smile like mine but I was more focused on taking care of summer until 7 o'clock or I'll be in trouble with sir nighteye.

No ones PoV:

A day past and summer is currently in sir nighteye's office playing on the floor with her teddy while he does his work also keeping an eye on her every second he can.

"Don't go hurting yourself summer! Keep away from the bookshelf" nighteye said but summer didn't seem to hear him and scrawled there anyway before using it as a thing to lift her up onto her feet. It only took a second for it to begin to tip in summer's direction as she baby screamed seeing it fall alerting nighteye but he was already on his way and got her out of the way of the falling bookshelf before sitting her down on the floor again.

"This really needs to be nailed in or someone could've gotten seriously hurt!" He complained as noticed that her teddy was underneath seeing that the head was chopped clean off like yuaku's was when Scorpio mercilessly killed him. Summers cries were heard as he noticed that the teddy was completely broken before picking up the separate pieces of the teddy and headed to his desk where he quickly began to sow it together.

Nighteye's PoV:

I had to get this teddy attached and fixed quickly or Julia will have my head and I really don't want to die over a teddy. It didn't take longer than 5 minutes for me to quickly down it together and given it back to summer as she stopped crying and held it close to her as I sighed with relief before getting to my knees and gently patted her head with a smile glad to see that she was alright again.

"Just don't do anything that dangerous like that ever again" I said as she smiled giving me the idea before kissing her forehead allowing me to head to my desk and finish the rest of my work but I also needed to put the bookshelf back up too but If I do then it'll fall again and maybe hit summer. "I really need to stop overthinking" I thought to myself before continuing doing my work as my door opened hoping that it wasn't Julia.

"How's my little sun!?" Mirio said excitedly as I sighed glad that it was her allowing him to go ahead with his free day with summer and her teddy that she always keeps on her 24/7.

"Remember—" I said as Mirio cut me off knowing what he must do.

"Be back by 7 and unharmed I know" he said before vanishing again with summer allowing me to work in peace and without anything to make my mind overthink what a relief.