Chapter 5

4 days later summer has grown bigger as is the size of a 6 year old meaning that only 10 or less days are left until she gets back to her normal height and age.

"Mirio, I don't want to be small anymore" summer complained sat on the floor not wanting to colouring anymore realising that she was talking to herself.

"Summer, Mirios at school remember"Takashi said remembering summer that he's at UA and won't be back until almost late at night.

"Oh, can you play with me?" Summer asked realising that his dad could maybe play a game with her as he kneeled down with a smile before lifting her into his shoulders.

"Sure! What do you want to play?" He asked as she began to think of the perfect name to play while Takashi waited patiently for a answer.

"Do you wanna play hide and go seek?" She asked as he looked confused on the way she said it and sighed.

"Sure hide and seek it is" he said putting her back down onto her two feet. "You hide and I'll count to 20" he said as summer quickly rushed off to hide somewhere as Takashi turned away and closed his eyes to count before finding the little giddy summer.

Summers PoV:

I hid in mirio's room deep inside of his closet under the spare blankets he had for sleepovers. It has been seconds before mirio's dad began to walk around the house to find me but this time he'll never find in here under the blankets.

"I wonder how long it'll take him this time?" I thought to myself as the door of mirio's room opened while footsteps stopped as the person observed the room they stood in before walking around for me.

"Where are you buttercup? I'm sure Mirio would've found you way quicker than me" he said as I giggled before putting a hand over my mouth realising that I messed up. I panicked a little bit but all it did was make me fall through the floor with my clothes still on screaming not liking this at all before seeing Takashi come down after me grabbing me before I could go any further, I held him close as a thank you for help me before taking me back upstairs to calm down my shivering body from the horrible memories of when I first got the permeation quirk.

"You alright summer?" He asked sitting me back down but in the sofa this time as I was left still scared while my breathing became more frequent leaving me to hyperventilate scaring him as I held onto my chest in shear panic.

"Summer!" He said as fell sidewards on the sofa before blacking out still breathing uncontrollably unaware of what's happening around me or what was gonna happen to me next.

It was strange I began to warmer after feeling a different comfortable surface underneath me but I wasn't able to wake up which made me panic even more.

"She's having a panic attack but we need to calm her heart down or she'll get worse or possibly got into cardiac arrest" a different said talking to someone about me but I don't remember having a panic attack before but where's my teddy?. Something sharp was felt going into my arm which hurt making my arm tighten not like it at all feeling something pour into my veins before pulling away and then pressure on to prevent any bleeding. The thing they gave me seemed to work and slowly stopped me from panicking but why do I feel so tired?

"We're loosing her!" Another voice was heard before someone ripped my clothes off to get to my chest while a strange charging up began to come before something was pressed on my chest causing me to jolt up sending it through my body.

"You out too much she's just a child! We're here to protect not kill!" A nurse said as I felt myself finally breathing normally and heart was beating normal showing that everything was fine but the other people were arguing about what the other did wrong.

"Take it outside! I have patient to take care of" a male voice said demanding the others to leave before giving some similar check up like recovery girl does that mean I'm in a hospital or something.

"Is she gonna be alright?" Takashi's voice was heard asking about my well-being in a worried tone as he sighed.

"For now she needs to stay tonight for some observation Incase she gets worse" he said talking to Takashi but why can I hear him and not move am I dead or something.

"Sure, but can I stay for a while until my son finishes school?" He asked leaving the doctor no choice but to allow him since I was 6 right now meaning he doesn't know about me being struck by a ageing quirk.

Minutes or hours has it been since I was knocked out or maybe paralysed by that other doctor that tried to kill me.

"Father! Is she alright?" Mirio yelled coming into the room as I listened still and silent hearing his footsteps stop in front of my bed seeing me but not saying a word.

"I'm sorry Mirio this is my fault her quirk activated when we played hide and seek causing her to have a panic attack but she blackout so I panicked and brought her here but they.....couldn't do anything to wake her up" Takashi said back to his son by did her know that I could hear him but why can't I wake up.

"But how could a panic attack cause this?" Mirio asked just as confused as everyone else in this room but something is wrong they lied to them they know what's happening and I need to tell them but how.

"I don't want to speak to my father but only he could help me but would he kill me instead?" I thought to myself not knowing what to do or if I'm going to make the right decision but the fate lays in my choices right now.

"Look who's alive and well" a familiar voice said as I my body shivered in fear knowing exactly who it was making me want to wake up even more.

"Go away you aren't hurting my friends!" I said back as he 'tch tch tch' at me like I said something wrong.

"You've got me all wrong sunshine, I'm here to help you not hurt you.... I am your father after all" he said as I still regretted thinking about wanting his help after what he did to yusaku. "Sunshine?..... you do want to wake up again right? All you have to do is ask" he said trying to make me fall of his tricks but was he lying or actually wanting to help me.

"You're lying! You want to hurt me and my friends!" I said back reminding him of the decision he chose to make.

"Oh sunshine... that wasn't me it was my father your grandfather making me do that so I wouldn't be gay..... so he killed yusaku against my will" he said explaining a his situation but I met my grandfather before he never seemed to be that evil up close but would he be evil only around dad.

"But he was so nice when I visited him with you?" I said completely confused on what was actually happening right now.

"Look, your grandfather never liked you and will never do because your just like your mother.... which is alive and happily married with twins but when I told him that I was gay he didn't like that and made me kill the one I dearly loved making you hurt and hate me in result" he replied actually making more sense than he did before but why now? If grandfather really homophobic against my fathers desires to love men instead of women.

"So you're saying that you lied about my mother all along and she actually is a good person! And grandfather was the one who too my bestie away from me?!" I exclaimed as my father sighed back but what I was gonna get next I really wasn't prepared for.

"I'm not your father... you only have 10% of my DNA but the rest is your mother and fathers I used to make you" he said a I went silent as I felt hurt and lied to by the one that raised me all of these years to find out that he wasn't actually my true father but I don't care he was there for me and I ain't gonna leave him all alone like everyone else did even after everything that has happened.

"No matter what you'll always be my father, after all you did raise me, protected me and helped me get to where I am today" I said back to him as he seemed touched by the words I said to him.

"I'll stop trying to kill all might just my sunshine to be happy! But I'll still kill the evil unless gangsters though who forget to pay me" he said as I sighed knowing I can't change that but at least he won't be after all might anymore. "I need to come to your room so I can actually bring you out of that stupid coma you're in" he said as he seemed to vanish out of my mind as Mirio and Takashi were heard jumping of shock probably seeing my father.

No one PoV:

"What are you doing here?" Mirio asked quite serious as Scorpio looked at him seeing the boy that his daughter loves so much before sighing seeing a resemblance.

"I'm here to save my daughter from a stupid life threatening coma" he responded as Takashi's and mirio's jaw dropped seeing that summer was actually related to the villain that is second to all for one dangerous villain in all of Japan.

"Wait aren't you supposed to be a villain?" Takashi asked being strangely calm about this as Mirio was completely mind blown while Scorpio placed a hand next to his diagnostic face as something glowed allowing her to slowly wake up seeing her dad their before noticing Mirio.

"I need an explanation" Mirio said completely unsure of what to think of this as summer began I feel very nervous.

"Why? you wouldn't be my friend now though so what's the point" she relied as Mirio gasped hurt that she would think that's he would do such a thing to his childhood best friends and crush.

"Why would you think that! I would never judge you from your past but I just want to know more about your father and why you wouldn't tell me about him" Mirio said making himself a bit more clear as her father laughed at the boy smiling which was rare to see firm the devil himself.

"I love your spirit young man! You're fit to date my daughter alright especially when sh—-" Scorpio said as summer quickly took over him.

"Dad! Stop! You're embarrassing" summer said blushing of embarrassment in front of everyone.

"He's right you two are completely adorable together" Takashi said agreeing with Scorpio without a problem in the world.

"Oh yeah and you're the one talking when you talk about him" Mirio said reminding his after about the things he would say to him about summer's father as she laughed seeing the childish side of Mirio.

"Summer why is your boyfriend teasing his father?" Scorpio said making summer stop before going completely red before hiding her face with her hands.

"Sir do I have permission to call her sunshine?" Mirio asked as he began to think about while Mirio made his way to summer not giving her any idea of what he was going to do next.

"Psst, love you" he said in her ear as she squealed before peaking at him before moving her hands of her face.

"Love you too" she mumbled back as he kissed her in front of her father as he gave him a quite scary look.

"Hey! Im letting you date my dad so let me have your daughter!" He said before realising what he just said before looking as summer as she passed out of embarrassment of Mirio and everyone in the room.

"Fine! But can I take her back home now?" Scorpio said picking us daughter up before using his demon quirk to take Mirio and his dad home. "Here, no funny business I'll be coming back to check on my princess" he said before leaving again with summer in mirio's arms unsure of what to do so he took her back into his room laying her on top of his blanket until she wakes up again.

"Son, I think summer is back to her normal self and can continue going to UA without a problem unless....." Takashi said trying to think of something that could happen to them.

"Dad stop I just want her to get some rest despite being big again so I'll need you to go so I can change her" Mirio asked nicely as he left the room allowing Mirio to change summer's clothes without being a total perv which was quite brace of him to do.

Mirio's PoV:

I sat on the edge of my bed waiting for her to wake up which didn't take longer than 5 minutes or I'll be a monkeys uncle if she didn't.

"M-Mirio?" She said as I quickly looked at her seeing that she was beginning to sit up but she still needs to rest so I quickly lushes her down.

"You need sleep... please" I said really wanting her to listen to me this time but instead I was yet again too close to her making her grab my shirt dragging me down With her as she hugged me not letting me leave.

"I want cuddles with my favourite person.... I mean oh fudge! forget it I meant what i said" she said slowly realising what she just said as I chuckled at her little word mumbles but we kinda did confess at the hospital and I really want to kiss her right now but is it really a good time to do that.

"Come on Togata you're a man not a pussy!" I thought seeing that she was still awake and red so I gently lifted her face up to me making her lock eye contact with me making me gulp.

"What are you doing?" She asked unsure of what I was going to do right now as my mind went blank.

"I-I can I kiss you?" I asked with a stutter red as a tomato seeing her eyes widen shocked at my question before going as red as I was.

"If you want to" she replied as I slowly and gently placed my lips against her as we slowly began to match each other's pace unsure of what to do but I was starting to like it before summer began to try and dominate me.

"Not today sunshine" I said in the kiss before taking full control showing her who's boss int he relationship but still not trying to rush things too fast.

The door opened as Takashi came in surprising the two before seeing what was happening.

"Hey! Damon said no funny business" he said as Mirio began to panic a little parting his lips away from summer's before going to his after to calm him down.

"It's just a kiss dad and my first one" Mirio said as he seems to calm down a little hit before realising something.

"No your first kiss was with summer in kindergarden before making a promise to be with each other in the future fighting side-by-side as heroes" Takashi replied as the two began to remember some of the old memories they lost as mirio laughed nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"I did that?!" Summer said surprised that she actually made another promise with Mirio beside her father too.

"Yep you two are unbelievable" he replied before leaving the room with a smile knowing the two so incredibly well.

I'm summer wanted to join her aunt Julia's agency while Mirio chose sir nighteye but the two still were inseparable despite being in different classes and agencies becoming incredibly strong and loveable.

"The sport festival is coming up I bet you guys can't wait to see how strong you've gotten these past weeks!" Nejire said excitedly as tamaki wasn't really paying attention he was looking at Luna seeing her transformation type of quirk which is similar to the main character in blue exorcist she can't hide her tail which is white but she can with her horns and wings plus her flames and capability to summon weapons of any choice with her flames.but some people call her a Goul because of the black very black tentacle vines that come out of her back when she feels like or let's it do what it wants if she was in danger and can't fight anyone her quirk would take control and do it for her instead.

"Training was tough but I'm sure we'll get through the tournament just great" summer said trying to be as supportive as possible since she was exhausted with how much energy she used to control most of the quirks she had but not the one that first activated when she turned 5 making her hair flowed glowing golden and eyes shines as blue and green diamonds looking for her opponents to crush in her frightened rage.

"Yeah talk about nighteye he's a big help in giving me ideas for some new moves that involve my quirk" Mirio Said pumped and tired for the sports festival that is only a couple of days away.

"Yeah but summer is gonna totally smash it!" Nejire said wrapping her arm around her shoulder while Mirio held her pinky with his not ready to reveal their relationship just yet.