Pearl Harbor, Huwaii Island

Before the Imperial Alliance's Naval Fleet arrived at Pearl Harbor, Karna wanted to made sure that he was completely prepared and has all his bases covered. They wanted a swift victory, while minimizing the casualties as much as possible.

He had to choose between the Elements - Fire and Lightning. He thought about it for a while. Being the son of Sun Deity, his affinity with Sun's True Fire was highest. On the other hand, he did not have a good relationship with Indra, the Heavenly King and the Lord of Lightning and Thunder.

Although it was a thing of the past life, Karna wasn't comfortable in using a power that originates from the source which is the same as that of Indra. Also, for the current scenario Fire was indeed the better choice.

For Karna's plan, the Pearl Harbor was the most suitable place as it had a lot of sand. Karna first made sure that he used his knowledge of 'Elements of the Periodic Table' to remove clay and other impurities from the sand.

He then used Sun's True Fire to heat up the Sand, turning a portion of it into Glass. Sun's core temperature could reach twenty seven million Fahrenheit! So, heating sand to make glass was like child's play for Karna, who used the power of orthodox and unorthodox elements.

However, this glass was in liquid form. He needed Solid Glass for his purposes. So, he drew out Nitrogen from the atmosphere, absorbed its heat, converting it into it's Liquid form called the Liquid Nitrogen, one of the most used coolant for extremely low temperatures. He used Liquid Nitrogen to turn Liquid Glass into Solid Glass.

Since the sand that he separated had the right content, he was able to create a glass similar to Fulgurite, which is naturally created when lightning strikes a beach. These Fulgurites look like corals.

Karna was satisfied with his preparation. And that was not all the preparation he had done. Apart from the Supersonic Jet Plane, he had another project that King Vikramaditya had helped him create. And that 'Project' had also arrived. It was hidden, for the most opportune moment to announce itself to this world.

After he had completed all his preparations, he simply waited for the Imperial Alliance to arrive and arrive they did.


On the deck of the UB Carrier Elizabeth I, Vice Admiral Harasio Neilson and others were trying to locate the entrance to Pearl Harbor. They could see the land in front of them.

"Finally, we have arrived." Vice Admiral Harasio Neilson said with excitement.

"It has been a long journey." commented Brigadier General Haward Clifton White.

"Indeed it has. I wonder how are the Oda-kins doing." said Lieutenant General Thomash Pakanham, the Earl of Longford.

And for a few minutes their little conversation continued.


At the same time, on the deck of Battleship Yamato, another similar conversation was taking place.

"Tokugawa-denka, I believe we have arrived." Akechi Mitsuhide said.

"So this is Pearl Harbor of the newly discovered Island?" asked Tokugawa Eyeyasu.

"Hai, Tokugawa-denka. This new Island will be a new a start."

"Yes. It is the start of our World Conquest." Tokugawa Eyeyasu said with a smug look on his face.


As soon as a fleet of 8 Oda Battleships and 10 UB Careers were sighted by Maaya; as per Karna's instruction, she covered the harbor with Fog.

With the help of Progenitor Aditi's blessing and training, Illusionist Mage Maya had become a mid-level Elementalist, with the power to control Air and Water. Thus Fog, a secondary element formed by the mixing of Air and Water elements, had also become her specialty.

Karna made Maaya create the Fog to frighten the Imperial Alliance's Naval fleet. He did not want to kill innocent poor soldiers who were just following orders. So he thought, maybe just maybe, some of them would hesitate to attack because of fear of the fog or think of it as a bad omen.

Karna wanted to see if he could persuade them to go back. Karna knew such a thing was unlikely, even so, he wanted to give it try.

In his previous life, he had seen countless Warriors fall. He had seen enough of bloodshed. He had killed many warriors and soldiers himself. He was a 'Kshatriya' then – a Warrior, so it was ok for him to fight to pay his debts to Duryodhan.

However, he could never forgive his friend best friend Duryodhan or his brother-nephews Pandavas who drove many to death just because of a family dispute over the throne of a Kingdom.

[In his previous life, Karna as well as Pandavas were sons of Kunti, he was their half-brother. On the other hand, he was Son of Sun Deity and Yudhisthira was son of Yamraja/Dharmraja who himself was the son of Sun Deity. So basically, Karna was a brother if his maternal side was considered; but he was their uncle if his paternal side was considered.]

He could never forgive such selfish beings who only thought of their benefits and waged wars for selfish reasons. That is why he hated these Warmongers of the Imperial Alliance.

After all, so many soldiers are killed in every war and every battle. As a result, the soldiers' families are destroyed. Karna was not naïve to think that he could win wars without killing.

However, this time he wanted to avoid killing the innocents, as much as possible. And that is why, he had made so many preparations.

The Imperial Alliance Army led by their Commanders, Generals and Admirals landed on the Pearl Harbor port. They all felt something was off when the port was suddenly surrounded by Fog, but it was also a natural phenomenon that occurred near ports so they did not think much of it at the time.

However, they all had felt something very basic. It was an instinct. An instinct giving them a warning signal, telling them to run far away. It was an emotion they rarely felt these days. Ever since they begun their war of Conquest, they had almost never felt it. It was Fear they were feeling right at this moment.

Karna and Maaya appeared before them. Karna said, "If you go back now, I promise to not kill anyone."

"Oh? You and what army?" asked Lord Olyver Cromvel.

"Go back when I am telling you nicely, once I begin, you won't have a chance." Karna replied.

"If I were you, I would listen to him. He is an Elementalist!" Maaya interjected.

"So, he is an Elementalist. No wonder he is so proud and arrogant. But what if he is? We have three Elementalists on our side as well. I am one of them. I want to see what he can do to us." argued Tokugawa Eyeyasu.


Chapter End.