Elementalist Karna Vs Imperial Alliance

Without giving them any warning, Karna surrounded Tokugawa Eyeyasu and Lord Olyver Cromwel in glass. He left a little hole. Using his knowledge of the Elements of the Periodic Table, he sucked out all the oxygen from this transparent glass coffin and only other the gasses like nitrogen, carbon-di-oxide and others remained inside the glass coffin. He then closed the hole.

The process was carried out in an instant, without giving any time to Tokugawa Eyeyasu, Olyver Cromvel or any other person to react. The other soldiers of different ranks were stupefied at this display of unorthodox Elemental prowess. All they could see were the two commanders suffocating to death.

Even though they watched it, they couldn't really understand it. Karna's powers and actions were too unique and too unpredictable. Many of them were frightened. Some even peed their pants!

At this point, some Mages and the third Elementalist, Lieutenant General Thomash Pakanham attacked. And his fate was no different than the ones before him.

At this point, no one had the courage to attack, but they all had their mission to accomplish. Brigadier General Haward Clifton White tried to rally his troops. He said, "He might seem invincible, but he can only attack individually or at most a few people at a time. We have so many soldiers and Battle ships with us. He can't win. There is no reason to be afraid."

Just when he said that, something rose from the bottom of the sea. It was Karna's second Project.

It was a Big ass new kind of ship that emerged from the bottom - a f*cking Submarine!

Karna's way of fighting had its own intentions. One, he wanted to check the application of the Knowledge of 'Elements of Periodic Table' in real battle. Two, he wanted to check the effectiveness of the newly build Submarine. He also wanted to announce to the world that the Magic Technology developed by Heanve's Judgement Military outfit was far superior to that of any others in the whole planet.

The submarine that rose from the bottom, torpedoed all the UB Carriers and Oda Battle ships with the exception of one each - their main ships - UB Carrier Elizabeth I and the Yamato.

Karna then used his elemental powers again and encased everyone in a Huge Cuboid Glass Barrier and sucked out the Oxygen. But this time, his aim was not to kill anyone at all. He just knocked them out and then removed the Glass Barrier. He had already won the Battle. The Glass he had created with the help of knowledge of the Elements of the Periodic Table was stronger than any normal bullet resistant or bullet proof glass.

He made sure to save the people from the UB Carriers and Battleships. He did not want to kill, but he also couldn't let them go. So, he imprisoned them all.

He then made a deal with Akechi Mitsuhyde and Thomas Pakanham. He let them go with their respective UB Carrier Elizabeth and Oda Battle Ship Yamato with a minimum amount of crew. He sent a major warning to both Empress Victoriya and Emperor Oda Nubonaga.

The message was, "Do not even think of fighting me. I am not just any Elementalist. I am Supreme even amongst the Supreme Elementalists. I am the True Elementalist Karna. I will be visiting you soon."

He then made sure that he had captured all the Bryten and Oda soldiers and put them in the prison. The Prison was created on the Island very recently by the Amerigo Continental Defense Force, as per the orders of Karna. It was because they were transporting materials and building prison that Imperial Alliance thought that they were fortifying their Head Quarters.

Karna's plan was to let them rot in prison for a few days and then put them to work.