Jamey Lai - Shero of Heung Gong Freedom Movement

After the surrender by Rudolph Lambar, the Earl of Cavan and Chief of General Staff Heung Gong Division of the Imperial Bryten Naval Unit, a faction of the Imperial Bryten Conquest Forces, Karna met with Jamey Lai, the leader of the Heung Gong Freedom Movement.

She had been detained and put in prison several times by the United Bryten Empire. However, she and her followers always carried out peaceful protests and hence, the United Bryten Empire couldn't charge her with extreme crimes.

Though they did try to frame her on couple of occasions, however, they gave in because of the pressure of the citizens. They did not want to anger the masses too excessively. They relied on them for many of the tasks, after all human resources were just as important as other natural resources.

"It is an honor to meet the great Freedom Fighter, Shero Jamey Lai of Heung Gong" Karna welcomed Jamey Lai with a Smile.

"No, the honor is mine. To be able to meet the Deputy Leader of the Heaven's Judgement, when he has helped us gain Independence. Honestly, there were few times when I had given up hope about seeing a Liberated Heung Gong in my lifetime." An emotional Jamey Lai replied.

Karna could understand his sentiments. He said, "I can't take all the credit. After all it was intelligence provided by your people that helped us a lot. You have contributed immensely to this victory. I see a bright future ahead for Heung Gong under your leadership."

"I am not sure if I deserve such praise, but I must admit it feels really good and encouraging at the same time." Leader Jamey Lai replied with a Smile.

Karna and Heung Gong Shero Jamey Lai conversed for a few moments, discussing about the future tasks and possibilities. They also signed a formal alliance treaty between Heung Gong Island and Heaven's Judgement.

Jamey Lai then left to oversee the various tasks as the new Leader of an Independent Heung Gong.


A few moments later, Karna received a communication from Akeshi Mitsuhyde, now Karna's spy in the Dai Oda Empire. Mitsuhyde informed him about the handover of the Kesaripura city-state Island by the United Bryten Empire to the Dai Oda Empire.

The Kesaripura Island was once part of the United Bryten colonies. However, they had gained their Independence and were now part of the Alliance of the South East Indiana Nations (ASEIN).

However, the United Bryten Empire was still treating them as one of its own dominion and presenting it to the Dai Oda Empire as a 'transaction gift' for the Alliance formation.

The communication was carried out through a new Magical Artifact. developed jointly by the Research and Innovation Group under the Heaven's Judgement, headed by Nicola Tesla.

This communication device was first of its kind in the planet of Mahi, with Technology and Magic Integrated into it. It was also this planet's first electronic and encrypted transmission Magical Artifact.

Upon receiving such information, Karna wanted to leave immediately, however, he had to wait for the Military unit of the Shenzhou Empire to arrive.


After a few hours the Naval Fleet of the Shenzhou Empire led by their Capable Generals Wan Jian and Xin Li arrived. The two Generals were Highest Grade Elementalists.

While Wan Jian had control over the domain of Air, Xin Li had control over the domain of Water. For Naval Warfare, they were an ideal combination. However, it had its disadvantages as well.

"Welcome Great General Wan Jian and Admiral Xin Li", Jamey Lai, the leader and Shero of the Heung Gong's 'Freedom Movement' welcomed the people of Shenzhou Empire.

"Thank you for your hospitality" replied Xin Li, Admiral of the Shenzhou Imperial Navy.

"Please take us to Supreme Elementalist Karna", Wan Jian said politely. He held the rank of the Great General and was the Commander-in-Chief of the entire Shenzhou Military consisting of Naval and Army Units.

"Of course. Deputy Leader Karna has been waiting for your arrival." replied Jamey Lai as she guided them to the Fortress constructed by the Heung Gong Division of the Imperial Naval Unit of the Imperial Bryten Conquest Forces.

On their way, they continued to converse.

"We appreciate your efforts for keeping the Resistance alive." General Wan Jian said.

"Thank you. We did what we were supposed to do. We wanted freedom from those racist bastards." replied Jamey Lai.

"Was there too much discrimination?" General Xin Li asked.

"Yes. Discrimination run rampant across all fields. Those Brytens believe they are superior just because of their skin color. Even in this era, they do not understand that it is they themselves who lack the pigment."

"Haha. I understand what you mean. I hope they suffered under the attack of Heaven's Judgement." Admiral Xin Li's sadistic nature was displayed for a moment.

"They did indeed. I do not know exactly what Element did Deputy Leader Karna did, but the skins of those Brytens, that they were so proud of, were full of boils and burnt marks." explained Leader Jamey Lai.

"Wait! You mean Deputy Leader Karna fought against all those Mages and Elementalists all by himself?" Grand General Wan Jian asked.

"No, he did not fight alone…" replied Jamey Lai, the Leader of the Freedom Movement of Heung Gong.

"Exactly. That's what I thought. How could he take on a group of 450+ Mages and Elementalists alone?" Admiral Xin Li interjected. He did not let Jamey Lai finish her explanation.

"How many people from Heaven's Judgement came?" asked Grand General Wan Jian.

"Two people. Karna, the Deputy Leader of the Heaven's Judgement and his friend & aid, Maaya, the Captain of their Mages Unit" Jamey Lai replied.

"You mean only the two of them made one of the divisions of the Imperial Bryten Navy surrender?" asked Admiral Xin Li.

"Yes. Inconceivable right? I wouldn't have believed it either, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes." Jamey Lai answered.

"He is much more powerful than what we had previously thought." Admiral Xin Li quipped.

"Yes, we have to deal with him carefully." Grand General Wan Jian concluded.

And thus conversing, they reached the entrance of the Office where Karna was seated.


Maaya heard a knock on the door and opened it.

"Welcome. We were awaiting your arrival." Maaya greeted Grand General Wan Jian and Admiral Xin Li.

"Thank you. Is there something we need to do?" asked Wan Jian. He could understand that there was something Maaya wanted to talk about.

"Hmm. There a few things to discuss. On a second thought, it is better if you talk to the Deputy Leader. He will explain it to you." Maaya replied.

She was acting like a present day personal assistant.

The 4 of them (Maaya, Wan Jian, Xin Li and Jamey Lai) entered the inner room of the office. Since Karna was a Supreme Elementalist, even the arrogant Wan Jian was being polite. He used the traditional greeting of the Jambudvipa.

"Namaste! It is an honour to meet you Deputy Leader Karna" Wan Jian said.


Chapter End.