Grand General Wan Jian & Admiral Xin Li

Karna was looking at some documents about the resources of Heung Gong Island. He wanted to make sure that the deal made with the Heung Gong Island and the Shenzhou Empire will enter into effect from today and is carried out sincerely.

When he heard the greeting, he raised his head looked at the guests, and said with a little smile, "Namaste. I have been waiting for you!"

"We did not mean to keep you waiting, we arrived as fast as we can. If the both of us did not have Air and Water elements or if we were not the Highest Grade Elementalists, we wouldn't have been able to arrive this soon." Xin Li tried to explain, thinking Karna might be angry with them for making them wait.

"Oh! I did not mean it that way. You see, I have an urgent task to take care of. I am just in a hurry to go there. However, the handover of the Heung Gong administration is just as important. And we need to conclude the contract so that it can take effect from today.

That's why I said I was awaiting your arrival." Karna explained the situation.

"If I may ask, what is that urgent task for the Deputy Leader Karna to be a little impatient?" Grand General Wan Jian tried to be as polite as possible while asking Karna.

He was just curious but did not want Karna to misunderstand his curiosity.

"Oh, about that. I have to go save Kesaripura." Karna answered.

"If I may ask, what is that urgent task for the Deputy Leader Karna to be a little impatient?" Grand General Wan Jian, Commander in Chief of the Imperial Shenzhou Military asked. He tried to be as polite as possible while asking Karna, because of Karna's status of a Supreme Elementalist.

He was just curious but did not want Karna to misunderstand his curiosity.

"Oh, about that. I have to go save Kesaripura." Karna answered.

"Kesaripura? Are you planning to lend them a hand as well?" asked Admiral Xin Li.

"Yeah, something like that." Karna did not want to explain anything further.

"If you need any help transporting your men, we are at your disposal, the combination of our Water and Air Elements give us superiority in Naval Battles in terms of speed." Admiral Xin Li wanted to return Karna's favor.

Karna understood his intentions but declined politely, "Thank you for your kind offer Admiral Xin Li, but we have our own arrangements. Additionally, you will be needed here to handle the Prisoners of War."

"How many of them are there?" Grand General Wan Jian asked.

"Except the 6 that died of all them are imprisoned. I will take the 5 Elementals and 10 Supreme Mages. You can take the rest. As per our previous negotiations, you are to treat them fairly should they chose to join you.

If they do not, the can join Heaven's Judgement's Spy and Information Network. If they do not want to join either, let them be in the Prison unless they wish to join. Aaryavart Kingdom will provide rations for them regularly if the Shenzhou empire can't manage it." Karna replied.

"Oh. There is no need. Our Shenzhou Empire will keep its promises. We will treat them fairly and provide for them." replied Admiral Xin Li.

"Good. Then all that is left it to sign the treaty for the Annexation of Heung Gong Island to the Shenzhou Empire. As discussed earlier, officially the Heung Gong Island will become the territory of the Shenzhou Empire.

However, Heung Gong Island will remain independent and will govern itself democratically. The Shenzhou empire has not right to influence its Government's working or internal policies. The Empire will have the right for the foreign policies and overseeing its Military.

The Heaven's Judgement is very clear about its policy regarding those Conquering other territories and its people. You both know well, Zhao Zhen's apatite is big. Although he has swallowed the whole Zhonghua continent, he still might try to expand his territory.

I hope you will remind him if such a time comes. Otherwise..."

Karna did not get to finish his sentence because Grand General Wan Jain said hurriedly, "Deputy Leader Karna can rest assured, Qing Shi Huang has no ambitions outside the Zhonghua Continent. He just wanted to unite the continent to put an end to the 'Warring Nations Era'. The Qin, Zhao, Han, Qi, Wei and Chu Nations had been waging wars for centuries.

Although what Qing Shi Huang did result in a lot of bloodshed, but it also ended the century old War and now peace has returned to the continent. Now, there is no need to wage wars.

As for Heung Gong, once it was part of our lineage and is an important port. It is also one of the former 'Four Island Tigers'. Although they may have fallen to the hands of the Imperial Alliance, its potential and worth can't be neglected.

It is also in Heung Gong's best interest to have a protective Umbrella. Although you and the Heaven't Judgement can do that, I don't think bothering you will little mischiefs or trade trouble would be worth your time.

Qing Shi Huang is dedicated and committed to honor the treaty. We are here to sign the trade agreement, Prisoner Exchange and Weapon Technology Exchange contract after all." Grand General Wan Jian explained the situation to Karna truthfully.

"I am well aware of the circumstances of the 'Warring Nations Era'. That is the exact reason why neither me nor the Heaven's Judgement Interfered. But now things are different. That is why I think it was my duty to remind you." Karna said with a stern voice.

After that, the treaty and contracts were signed by General Wan Jian and Heaven's Judgement's Strategy & Business representative Kautilya.

Another declaration about the status of Heung Gong Island was signed between three parties - Heaven's Judgement as the observer, The Shenzhou Empire as the Guardian and the Heung Gong Island as the Main Party. It was signed by Jemmy Lai, who represented the people of Heung Gong.

After everything was concluded, Kautilya asked Karna, "You are going for Kesaripura next. Will you also help the other two Island Tigers as well?"

Karna's smile was all the reply he needed.

The Four Island Tigers referred to the Nations of South Goryeo, Taaiwan, Heung Gong and Kesaripura. Karna had already liberated Heung Gong from the United Bryten Empire.

Kesaripura was had gained its independence but the United Bryten Empire claimed it to be one of it's colonies. Now, it was in the process of being handed over the Dai Oda Empire as a part of their deal for the Imperial Alliance.

The South Goryeo, a part of the Nippon Continent was already conquered by the Dai Oda Empire. Taaiwan was also recently taken over by the Dai Oda Empire. Karna's mission involved liberating all those 4 Island Tigers.


Chapter End.