Kesaripura's Prime Minister Li Lung Laai

After everything was concluded, Kautilya asked Karna, "You are going for Kesaripura next. Will you also help the other two Island Tigers as well?"

Karna's smile was all the reply he needed.

After everything was concluded, Kautilya asked Karna, "You are going for Kesaripura next. Will you also help the other two Island Tigers as well?"

Karna's smile was all the reply he needed.

After signing all the contract and treaties, Karna left for Kesaripura with Maaya on his Supersonic Jet.


On the Jet, Karna told Maaya the History of Kesaripura-

"The Island Nation of Kesaripura was a Prosperous country before the Bryten occupation. Its history started with King Parmeswara, who on his Naval Voyage accidently discovered the Island Nation. He loved Hunting Lions and found many of them on this Island. Hence, he named the Island 'Kesaripura', which meant a city of Lions [Kesari = Lion, Pura = City].

He was succeeded by his descendants. During the third King Rana Wikramaa's reign, Eslamic influence started to rise with the invasions of the Ghaznavids and the Myugals when he established relations with a few Eslamic Rulers. His son Padooka Maharaja converted to Islam and tried to make Eslam a state religion.

Many citizens and Courtiers were unhappy about this. Following that, an incident led to Padooka doubting his concubine who was accused of Adultery. Following the Religions Law as opposed to the National Law, Padooka Maharaja had her stripped in public. This was humiliating for the bride's family.

Her father could not tolerate this any longer and sent a secret message to the King Vikramvardhana of Majapahit to inform him of his support in case the King decided to invade Kesaripura. The invasion involved 20,000 men along with 300 Commanders and 30 Marshals. The Naval Fleet was huge and they laid waste to Kesaripura's Army.

King Padooka, who had now adopted the name Eskander Shah, fled to the north and established a Malakka Sultanate.

Later, after the Elemental Revolution that took placed in Europa Continent, the Portucale Empire invaded several nations including Malakka and Kesaripura laying waste to the two settlements.

When the Bryten Empire gained dominance, it battled the Portucale Empire for Kesaripura and Malakka. A Bryten statesmen, Stamford Russel, who was just a Major in the Albion East India Company at the time, noticed the potential of Singapura as a trading port and established the modern day Kesaripura.

Kesaripura gained independence with the help of the Alliance of the South East Indiana Nations and formally joined the Malai Federation. However, citing ideological differences the Malai federation expelled Kesaripura, and thus, it became the first modern country to gain independence unwillingly." With that Karna ended his history lesson for Maaya.

"Hmm. So that is why their culture is so open and different races and nationalities live in harmony." Maaya concluded.

"Not only that, but they are also technologically advanced. They paid special attention to the education of their youngsters and welcomed foreigners with open arms. They are even democratic and republic. There is no monarch. The citizens decide their rulers.

Though each of the 4 Island Tigers have their own merits, but when it comes to policies, I like Kesaripura the most." Karna applauded Kesaripura's policies further.

"Hmm. So what is the plan now?" Maaya asked.

"Of course to help them gain their independence. And to teach those Imperialists Bastards a lesson again." Karna replied nonchalantly.

He then added, "We shall go to the Coney Island. Prime Minister Li Lung Laai should be waiting for us there."

Karna and Maaya arrived at the Coney Island, one of the nearly 60 uninhabited Islands of Kesaripura, and hid their Supersonic Jet with Maaya's Illusion.


Kesaripura, is a well known sovereign island city-state in the maritime Southeast Indiana Continent. It lies about one degree of latitude (137 kilometres) north of the equator, off the southern tip of the Melaayu Peninsula, bordering the Straits of Malakka to the west, the Riayu Islands of Jawadvipa to the south, and the South Chyna Sea to the east.

Kesaripura's territory composed of one main island and 64 minor Islands. It is a unitary parliamentary republic.

There are four official languages of Kesaripura: Mahi, Melaayu, Chynese and Tameel, with Mahi being the lingua franca. Multiracialism is enshrined in the constitution, and continues to shape national policies in education, housing, and politics.

Li Lung Laai was on 16 September Year 13 BER (Before Elemental Revolution). He is often referred to by his initials L3, a Kesaripurean politician and lawyer who was elected as the founding Prime Minister of Kesaripura.

He attended the Albion School of Economics in the United Bryten Empire and later transferred to and graduated from Fitzwilliam College in Cambrige, with starred-first-class honors in the Department of Law.

He became a barrister in the Year 20 AER (After Elemental Revolution) and practiced law until Year 29 AER. Li Lung Lai co-founded the Kesaripura People's Party (KPP) in the Year 34 AER.

As one of the founding members of the Kesaripura People's Party, Li Lung Laai was recognized as the Kesaripura's founding father, and credited with rapidly transitioning the country from a "developing third world country into a developed first world country within a single generation" under his leadership.

In short, he was a popular a leader.


Upon their arrival, Karna and Maaya were greeted by the Prime Minister Li Lung Laai.

"Welcome to Singapor, Supreme Elementalist Karna! We are honored to have you here. Though I wish it was under better circumstances." Prime Minister Li Lung Laai expressed his gratefulness and helplessness at the same time.

"There is no need for such formalities Prime Minister Li. We are here to help." Karna replied with a benevolent smile.

He then looked around and asked, "So this is the entrance to the Underground Prison?"

"I guess nothing can escape the eyes of a Supreme Elementalist. It is indeed the entrance to the Underground Prison. You may check if it meets your requirement." Prime Minister Li Lung Laai answered.

Karna turned to Maaya and said, "Maaya, ask Hawaa to order other Wind Elementals to check the Prison."

Maaya followed Karna's command and told Hawaa. Hawaa was the Princess of the Wind Elemental who had made a contract with Maaya when she became an Elementalist.

"If I may ask, why do we need such a big Prison facility for?" Prime Minister Li Lung Laai asked.

"Of course to keep Prisoners of War. I will be capturing those Imperial Soldiers alive." Karna declared confidently.

Prime Minister Li Lung Laai then introduced his confidant and friend to Karna, "This is Li Lung Sen, my friend and Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kesaripura. He will be our representative and in charge of the current crisis going forward."

The Deputy Prime Minister introduced himself, "It is an honor to meet the Supreme Elementalist Karna. I am Li Lung Sen. Please inform me of anything you may need for this operation. I will be glad to assist you in anyway possible."

"Thank you for your hospitality. We would surely inform you in case such a need arises." Karna replied politely. Both the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister were Mid level Elementalists.

After sometime, Maaya got the confirmation about the Prison from Hawaa and reported it to Karna. Happy with the response, Karna left to do, what he does best, and that is, beat the crap out of bad guys.


Chapter End.