Princes Oda Hidekatsu and Oda Natsunaga

On the deck of Yamato, the Prince Oda Hidekatsu and Prince Oda Natsunaga were conversing amongst themselves.

"Nii-sama, do you think Heaven's Judgement will interfere again?" Oda Natsunaga

"I do not think so. They were just sighted in Hon Kong Island. I do not think they know of our simultaneous attack plan. And even if they knew, it will take them sometime to arrive here. Hence, there should not be a problem, I think." Oda Hidekatsu replied.

"But Nii-sama, why did we not attack at the same time? The plan was to attack when the Bryten Empire attacked the Island nation of Aaryavart. So why are we attacking ahead of schedule?" Oda Natsunaga asked.

"The Heaven's Judgement defeated the Hon Kong Division of the Imperial Bryten Naval Force. This shows their prowess. However, they must be busy dealing with the aftermath, so this is the best time according to the advisory council.

Also, once we are done here, the Bryten Imperial Conquest Forces will most likely attack Aaryavart. So, the Heaven's Judgement will be busy dealing with them." Oda Hidekatsu explained.

"Nii-sama, I think a storm is coming." Oda Natsunaga shouted. He couldn't pay attention to his elder brother's explanation because a Huge Storm could be seen approaching them.

He couldn't pay attention to his elder brother Oda Hidekatsu's explanation about Heaven's Judgement and their battle with the Imperial Bryten Conquest Forces at Hon Kong Island. He could see a Huge Storm approaching them.

Oda Hidekatsu started giving orders to the crew and communicated with other Battleships. The two Princes that commanded the Naval fleet were aboard their flagship Battleship - Yamato, which was the only Battleship from the Dai Oda Empire that Karna had spared during the battle at Pearl Harbor.

The two brothers were not aware of the fact that Akeshi Mitsuhyde had turned traitor and was now Karna's spy. They were hoping to take Kesaripura by Surprise.

Karna on the other hand has his own plans. He wanted to trap them instead. Akeshi Mitsuhyde had informed him that the arriving Naval fleet from the Dai Oda Empire will be commanded by the two Princes. Prince Oda Hidekatsu was a High Level Water Elementalist; on the other hand, Prince Oda Natsunaga was a Mid Level Earth Elementalist.

The two were an ideal pair when it came to attack an Island. The power of both Water and Earth can be used and combined as well. The two brothers had grown up together and often practiced together. So, usually they could sync their attacks as well.

"Nii-sama, We need to get rid of this storm" Oda Natsunaga said.

"Do not worry, I am on it" Oda Hidekatsu said with confidence.

His confidence came from his prowess in using the Water Element. There were on Ocean, practically his home ground. He created a Huge Tsunami like Wave and hit the Storm hard. The Storm's momentum slowed down considerably. He then hit the the Storm a couple of more times with Huge Water waves and the Storm subsided.

The Dai Odajin people were releived. Cheers rang across all Battleships of the Dai Oda Naval Fleet.

Shouts and battle cries of "Hidekatsu sama Banzai", "Tenno Heika Banzai", "Hidekatsu Denka Banzai" and "Dai Oda Teikoku Banzai" could be heard on all Battleships.

The morale of the Soldiers had reached its peak. The two Princes were very pleased with the current situation.

"As expected from Nii-sama" Oda Natsunaga praised his elder brother. Growing up together with him, Natsunaga had always looked up to his elder brother Hidekatsu. To him he was an idol, always leading from the front and winning battles after battles.

The Nippon Continent was a small one and was surrounded by many Islands - it was a good example of an archipelago. The mainland was the Dai Oda Empire. When the Empire began its conquest wars in the nearby archipelago, Oda Hidekatsu shown brightly amongst all brothers because of his Water Element.

He was always able to demonstrate his prowess in Naval Battles and had won them many small Island nations around the Dai Oda Empire. He was valued highly by the Emperor, their father Oda Nubonaga.

"It is good that you are pumped up. We will add another Island Nation to our Empire today. From today onwards, Kesaripura will be ours. And this is just the beginning. We will conquer the so called Alliance of the South East Indiana Nations and then the whole continent of Indiana." Oda Hidekatsu confidently declared.

He got some great reactions from his soldiers further increasing their morale.


The Island Nation of Kesaripura was crucial because of it's location. It connected the Continent of Nippon to Indiana and then further to Jambudvipa, Europa and Americas. Its location alone made it highly desirable for the Dai Oda Empire. However that was not all.

Kesaripura was a city-state. But it was very Prosperous country compared to many of its nieghbors, so much so that it was termed one of the Four Island Tigers. It was because of their foresight in Technology Business.

Although Elementalists reigned Supreme on the Planet Mahi, they were few in number. On the other hand, Mages, Sorcerers, Ninjas and users of other powers like Holy Power, Martial Arts, Curse Magic and Black Magic were more predominant.

Thus for most nations it was an obvious choice to focus on developing artifacts for a few of those categories of users. Even if highly advanced nations like the United Bryten Empire, the Great Kemet Empire, the Harappa Empire, the Mayan Empire and the Mohanjodaro Empire focused on developing Technologies for several categories of Users, not one specialized in the Manufacture of Technology for the Elementalists.

It was the foresight of the Government of the Republic of Kesaripura to develop and specialize in developing advanced equipment for Elementalists. Their research was highly advanced and they had gained several insights in the power of Elementalists. Some even believed that if their theory can be practiced, ordinary people will be able to use Elements at least at the low level.

This was a secret highly guarded by the Republic of Kesaripura, however, the Dai Oda Empire's Spy Network was able to obtain that information. Even the United Bryten Empire was unaware of this fact and that is why they had agreed. On the other hand, the Dai Oda Empire had given up on the Aaryavart Island Nation and the Pearl Harbor because of many reasons, but this was the Primary one.

If the Dai Oda Empire could have this technology, they could rule the whole planet, even the United Bryten Empire will have to surrender to them. And this is the reason why Oda Natsunaga, the Earth Elemental was sent by Oda Nubonaga, the Emperor. Oda Nubonaga didn't even trust his Prime Minister of General with this information. That is why even Akeshi Mitsuhyde was unaware of such a plan.

Only the two Princes were made aware of the Kesaripura's Research on the Elementals' power. Oda Natsunaga's job was to obtain all the Research Data and they destroy the lab and bury it under the earth so that no one could find it. As an Earth Elementalist, he was the ideal choice.

"Hidekatsu-denka, the Island of Kesaripura is in sight" the captain of the Battaleship Yamato infromed the Prince.

"Good. Natsunaga, prepare the forces. You lead the force to the lab as per the plan" Oda Hidekatsu ordered Natsunaga.

"Yes, Nii-sama" Oda Natsunaga replied and got busy to brief the team about the details of the mission. They were only be told that a lab has to be destroyed. They weren't be told about the research data.


While the Imperial Japanese Naval fleet was sighted, Kesaripura issued an Island wide signal to all its residents. The Military took their posts while the citizens retreated to the Underground shelters.

Karna told Maaya, "Remember to do as I told you. This is also a test for you, to see if you can apply the theory into practice."

"Yes, I will keep that in mind." Maaya replied.


Chapter End.