Kesripura - Pride of Lions

After their conversation with Prime Minister Li Lung Laai and Deputy Prime Minister Li Lung Sen, Karna and Maaya left the Island and moved towards the arriving Naval Fleet of the Dai Oda Empire.

Maaya had control over the Water and Air Elements. She also had contracted the Princess of the Wind Elementals - Hawaa. Maaya commanded Hawaa and flew over the Sea to welcome the Dai Oda Naval Fleet.

On the other hand, Karna, once again used the powers of the Elements of the Periodic Table. He gathered the salts in the Sea in the region he was thereby increasing the density of the minerals in that particular Sea Water region.

Karna then increased the strength of the inter-molecular hydrogen bonds between water molecules thus increasing the surface tension of Water. This allowed him to Walk on Water.

Moreover, he used the concept of Water and Wind Pressure to drive the water surface forward like a Flat Escalator also called a Travellator or a Moving Pathway.

Looking at Karna's bizarre display of powers Maaya could not contain her curiosity and asked, "Deputy Leader, how are you able to Walk on Water without having a contract with the Water Elementals?"

"You do remember about the otherworldly knowledge I gained after achieving the Perfect State of Divine Wisdom, right? Progenitor Aditi mentioned it to you when you met with her for the first time." Karna replied.

"Yes I do."

"And you also received Divine Knowledge. So you should have some idea about the concept of Atoms, Molecules and bonds."

"Of course I do. It is very interesting. The humans of the other world called such collective theories Chemistry, a branch of Science, right?" Maaya asked.

"Yes. And if you use the Divine knowledge to dig deeper, you will know about other related concepts, for example, Surface Tension of Liquids." Karna explained.

"Yes. From what I can dig up, the Surface Tension is the concept which describes the tendency of Liquids, to shrink into a shape that has the least surface area. It allows insects such as Water Striders to float and slide on the surface of Water without even partially submerging into the Water. Similarly, water and leaves are able to float on the Water surface because of the Surface Tension." Maaya used her Divine Knowledge to learn the concept of Surface Tension.

"True. You see, Divine Knowledge gives us access to the Supreme World's knowledge. However, that too is limited. Knowledge is just a collection of facts. To apply that knowledge and known when to apply that knowledge, requires Intellect and Wisdom." Karna explained.

He paused briefly before asking, "Do you want to know about how I can apply the knowledge of Surface Tension to use its prowess in Battles?"

"Will I be able to do what you are doing if I know that?" Maaya asked.

"Of course." answered Karna.

"Then please do." Maaya did not need to think much. She wanted to gain power.

Karna started with his explanation.

"At liquid–air interfaces, surface tension results from the greater attraction of liquid molecules to each other than to the molecules in the air.

The cohesive forces between molecules in a liquid are shared with all neighboring molecules. Those on the surface have no neighboring molecules above and, thus, exhibit stronger attractive forces upon their nearest neighbors on and below the surface.

For example, the molecules at the surface of a glass of water do not have other water molecules on all sides of them and thus they bond more strongly to those directly associated with them. In this case, there are water molecules next to and below them, but not above them.

This stronger bonding between surface molecules creating a considerable barrier between the atmosphere and the water. Because of such high level of inter-molecular bonding a web of hydrogen bonds is created resulting in water having a very high surface tension about 73 millinewtons (mN) per meter at 20 °C.

The Surface Tension of water is one of the highest surface tension for liquid. At room temperature, the only natural liquid having higher surface tension than water is Mercury, a liquid metal with the surface tension of almost 500 mN/m.

The surface tension of water has many applications in nature, such as-

First, walking on water- small insects such as the water strider can walk on water because their weight is not enough to penetrate the surface.

Second, a floating leaf or paper or even a small need can be made to float on the surface of water even though it is several times as dense as water. If the surface is agitated to break up the surface tension, then needle will quickly sink.

Third is soaps and detergents. In this world Mages, Sorcerers are common but there are folks who do not possess such powers. They use soaps and detergents for cleaning of clothes. The soaps and detergents are able to clean because they lower the surface tension of the water so that it more readily soaks into pores and soiled areas.

Fourth is the shape of droplets of liquids. Surface tension is again at play when it comes to the shape of liquid droplets. Although easily deformed, droplets of liquids and more specifically water, tend to be pulled into a spherical shape by the cohesive forces of the surface layer."

Karna took a break and asked, "Understood?"

"So far so good." replied Maaya. She then pleaded, "But this doesn't explain how I can use the power of Surface Tension. Please continue."

Karna looked at her, smiled and then said, "Ok. For that you need to know about Hydrogen Bonds.

A hydrogen bond electrostatic force of attraction between a hydrogen atom that is covalently bound to an electronegative atom or group like the elements nitrogen oxygen or fluorine. Hydrogen bonds can be intermolecular meaning a bond between atoms of two different molecules; or it can be intramolecular, that is, a bond between atoms of the same molecule.

The intermolecular bond between Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms in the Water is responsible for the Surface Tension of Water. Since Sea is filled various salts, using that, I can increase the electronegativity of the Oxygen atoms thus making stronger Hydrogen bonds, leading to stronger surface tension.

Coupled with the rise in density of Sea Water due to the presence of various Salts and Minerals in it, I can not only stand or Walk but also Run on Water."

With that Karna ended his explanation. While Maaya fell into contemplation, Karna began to think of his plans to deal with the Dai Oda Naval Fleet.


Karna and Maaya arrived in front of the Dai Oda Naval Fleet led by the Flagship Yamato. It was closely followed by another Battleship Misaka. Oda Hidekatsu and Oda Natsunaga had separated. Hidekatsu was aboard the Yamato, while Natsunaga had boarded the Misaka now.

There was also a United Bryten Battle Cruiser named 'Lion' amongst the various Battleships of the Dai Oda Empire.

Karna's voice was transmitted throughout the Naval Fleet region like thunder, " I am Karna of the Heaven's Judgement. This is your first and last warning, Imperial Alliance, Go Back. I promise not to harm those who surrender. As for those who do not, their fate will be the same as that of the soldiers who attacked Pearl Harbor."

Oda Hidekatsu, Oda Natsunaga and the United Bryten's Vice-Admiral Jon Fisher were all surprised at Karna's declaration. They hadn't anticipated him arriving. However, they had their pride as the Imperial Alliance as well as Elementalists. They also had so many Battleships and a few Battlecruisers. They obviously decided to take on the challenge.

The Naval Fleet split into two. Oda Natsunaga took a round about turn to go to the Kesaripura mainland with about 3 Battleships and 2 Cruisers. The reamining Naval Fleet led by Oda Hidekatsu and Vice-Admiral Jon Fisher remained to confront Karna.

When Oda Natsunaga was leaving, Maaya wanted to intercept but Karna stopped her. Maaya was confused and asked Karna for explanation.

Karna asked her instead, "Do you know what a group of Lions is called?"

"A Pride" replied Maaya.

"Exactly. That is why it is important for the Kesaripureans to display their prowess to maintain their Pride. Remember, I told you origin of the name Kesaripura? It is derived from Singa meaning Lion and Pura meaning City. It is thus a City of Lions.

What kind of Battle for Independence would it be if the Kesaripureans didn't fight the invaders?

The Imperial Alliance had vastly underestimated Kesaripura. After all, Kesaripureans are akin to a Pride of Lions."


Chapter End.