Whirlpools, Waterspouts & Sun's True Fire

While the Kesaripura Navy engaged the minor Dai Oda Naval Fleet led by Oda Natsunaga, Karna had engaged the main Dai Oda Naval Force led by Oda Hidekatsu.

Hidekatsu had used a High level Ancient Artifact to enhance his Water Elemental powers to its limit creating a huge Tsunami. Karna realized it was too much for Maaya to handle and countered it by his Sun's True Fire.

An overconfident Hidekatsu was bewildered by Karna's Might. He had never seen a Fire this Hot and Fierce. It seemed to be able to burn the World to a crisp. In a few moments, the Tsunami's water got converted into Water vapor and spread throughout the battlefield.

As per the thermal effects, hot air rises above due to its low density. Because of this, the Water Vapor rose above else everyone would have been burnt by the heat of the Water vapor. Hence, the effects of burning because of rise of atmospheric temperature was not much.

Karna also instructed Maaya to use her Wind Elemental Princess Hawaa to ensure that most of the Water vapor rises above quickly rather than affecting the Dai Oda Naval Fleet. Not many realized this fact and hence could not understand the full effect of Karna's conversion of Tsunami's water into water vapor.

Though Karna did make it so that the water vapor rose above, he also made sure that it was available for use for his next steps.

Karna then addressed Oda Hidekatsu, "Prince Hidekatsu, I once again suggest that you return to your own nation. This is the land of Kesaripureans. They do not welcome you."

Oda Hidekatsu replied, "We have got Kesaripura as a part of our deal with the United Bryten Empire. You and the Heaven's Judgement are interfering in our matters. I do not know how you got your hands on an Superior Elemental Artifact, but I am sure you can not use it multiple times."

Listening to Prince Hidekatsus's words, Karna realized that the Prince had mistaken Karna's Elemental powers to have been supplemented by a Superior Ancient Elemental Artifact. Karna had mixed feelings about it.

The enemy was underestimating him, which is an obvious advantage for future battles, but at the same time, since they did not believe that Karna had used his own strength, they would not budge and return immediately.

Karna decided to persuade and warn them for the final time, "Prince Hidekatsu, you are mistaken about the fact that I used an Artifact. I do not need an artifact, since I am a Superior Elementalist. If you think I am trying to deceive, you are welcome to try. However, you and your Navy will bear the brunt of my attacks in case you do not return."

Hidekatsu arrogantly replied, "Even if you are a Superior Elementalist, which I do not think that you are; I think I am capable enough to be able to handle you with the help of my Artifact."

Hidekatsu had done some calculations of his own. He decided that he could boost the power of the Tsunami using the Ancient Elemental Artifact if multiple Water Elementalists including himself used it together rather than him doing it alone.

Usage of an Ancient Artifact by multiple users was indeed possible but needed great coordination and cooperation and most importantly, the other Elementalists must have absolute faith in their leader.

Prince Hidekatsu had practiced this with his soldiers using low and mid level Ancient Elemental Artifacts. He could not waste the number of usage of High Level Ancient Elemental Artifact allowed. Hence, although this was the first time he was doing it with a high level artifact, he was quite confident of achieving the feat.

Karna realized what Prince Hidekatsu was up to but did not bother with a counter-measure. His Sun's True Fire could easily handle even this multi-boosted Tsunami. Rather, he was preparing for his experiment. He instructed Maaya to create Whirlpools and Waterspouts using Super conscious Communication.

The Super conscious communication is a high level telepathy method in which Space-Time continuum is under user's control and hence the flow of time could be altered. This allowed for more conversation in less time.

Karna used it to briefly explain the science behind Whirlpools and Waterspouts to Maaya and the practical actions to take to implement them.

He wanted to see the results of this experiment - using the elements of Periodic Table along with the powers of Wind, Water and Fire Elements to create Waterspouts, Whirlpools, Snowfall and Rain. He wanted to trap Prince Oda Hidekatsu and his Naval fleet in an enclosure caused by these phenomena.

He had planned to imprison the soldiers of the Naval fleet and take the two Princes Hostage for negotiation and demand war reparations from the Dai Oda Empire. This way, not only Karna could gain funds for the various initiatives taken up by Heave's Judgement like Orphanages and Tuition fee free Schools and University, but could also dent the funds of the Dai Oda Empire making them rethink their stand about the Conquest War and the Alliance with the United Bryten Empire.

Prince Oda Hidekatsu was unaware of Karna's foresight and planning and used his full might to create an even bigger Tsunami Wave than the last one. It was almost double the previous one. Looking at it, he became more confident about his chances.

However, his hopes were dashed immediately, when Karna's Sun's True Fire vaporized his Tsunami Wave into Water-vapor. This time, Karna made sure that the temperature of battlefield rose higher than the last time. He wanted to frighten the soldiers.

Many soldiers who were on the decks of the Ships got severe burns and jumped into the Sea. However, Prince Hidekatsu and other Water Elementalists survived without injuries since they covered themselves in multiple layers of water.

By now, Prince Hidekatsu had realized that he had truly underestimated Karna's strength. Right now it did not matter whether Karna used his own Elementals powers or boosted them with Ancient Elemental Artifacts. What mattered is the fact that Karna could deploy such high level Elemental measures which was beyond what the Elementalists of Dai Oda Empire could perform.

Since Prince Hidekatsu had still not seen Karna's true strength, he still mistakenly believed that his father will be able to take on Karna. To him, even such a comparison was an honor for Karna.

Realizing his folly he said, "Fine. I agree that you are superior to me. But we have a mission and if you agree to give us the research data and techniques of the 'Kesaripurean Laboratory for Study of Elemental Evolution', we will withdraw right now."

For Prince Hidekatsu, this was a good compromise. On the other hand, Karna smiled and said nothing. He was busy communicating with Maaya using Super Consciousness.


Chapter End.