Maaya's Might Vs Hidekatsu's Tsunami

Melvin On Su Kyat, the Chief of Defense Forces of the Republic of Singapor, used the Wind Elementals to announce to everyone, "My dear Lions of Singapor, all the citizens have evacuated safely. There is no need to hesitate. Use your full power to obliterate the enemy. However, do not kill those who surrender. It is time the World knows of the Singapor's true Might."

The Naval units of both forces got ready to fight. Oda Natsunaga led the charge for the Nihon Empire. He had Earth Elemental Affinity, however, the Singaporeans engaged him on the Sea, which became a bit disadvantageous for him.

It is basic strategy to use the terrain to one's advantage and the Singaporean had prepared well in advance for this. They had decided to not give Oda Natsunaga a chance to land at the harbor and wreck havoc with his Earth Elemental powers.

The Battleships and Cruisers engaged in mutual fire-fight. Mages and Sorcerers exchanged blows. Singaporeans had their best Water Elementals deployed who used the low and the high tides effectively to battle the Imperial Nihon Naval Forces.

Oda Natsunaga was troubled at first but quickly reorganized his fleet.

The Seashore consists of lots of loose particles typically made from rock, sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, etc. It also comprises of biological sources, such as coralline algae or mollusk shells. The sediments settle in different structures, composition and densities. It depends on the local tides and climate, creating different layers of material.

The geomorphic features compose what is called the Seashore profile. The Seashore profile varies depending on seasons based on the changes that take place in the wave energies due to temperature difference of summer and winter. The removal of sediments from the Seashore decreases the Seashore profile.

Sometimes storms and waterspouts that coincide with high tides or a tidal surge such as a tsunami cause significant coastal flooding. It results in heavy quantity of materials being eroded from the Seashore. Sometimes, this changes the shape of the coastline and alter other areas of the Seashore.

Thus high and low tides were not only beneficial for the Singaporean Water Elementalists but Oda Natsunaga as well, who was an Earth Elementalist. Having been a part of various Naval battles he understood this concept well, and had utilized some strategies at the Seashores and Harbors at other battles.

There were a couple of low and mid level Water Elemental with Oda Natsunaga as well. He joined forces with them and used his Earth Elemental powers to change the terrain of the Seashore. He also created a Sandstorms using the few dunes that had formed at the Seashore.

Rear Admiral and Chief of Sinagapor Navy, Aron Ben retaliated immediately. He was a High Level Water Elementalist and had a few Mid and Low level Water Elementalists at his command. He thwarted Oda Natsunaga's Storms by creating a Huge Tsunami like Wave.

Natsunaga countered this by creating a minor Earthshake. An earthshake is different from an earthquake. Earthshake is a minor phenomenon which is accopanied by an Earthquake. Earthshakes can happen without Earthquakes, for example, Sonic booms create Earthshakes.

The Earthshake resulted in Sea Surface vibrations, which in turn resulted affected the aim of the Magical Weapons on the Battleships. Before they could regain their balance, the Imperial Nihon Naval fleet launched several attacks on the Singaporean Navy, demolishing a few of their Battleships. With that the Singaporeans suffered a few losses of life as well.


On the other Battlefield, Karna and Maaya faced off against the Main Fleet of the Imperial Nihon Naval Forces led by Oda Hidekatsu.

Hidekatsu was a Highest Level Water Elemental with a vast battle experience. He had great knowledge and practical experience of using High and Low tides to his advantage. He started off but Karna did not take any action. He ordered Maaya to counter Hidekatsu.

"Maaya, you go and practice your skills with him." Karna ordered.

Maaya nodded and went ahead. She knew that Karna could end the battle easily, but he was giving her the chance to experience a much needed proper Naval battle for her growth.

Oda Hidekatsu created mini-Tsunami like waves which Maaya countered with Mighty Waves of her own. She also utilized the help of the Princess of Wind Elementals Hawaa, to shift the waves by a few degrees so that they lose their effectiveness.

Since Karna and Maaya were the only two engaging the enemy, they were free to do as they wished. Oda Hidekatsu, on the other hand, was at a disadvantage; since, he had to take care of his whole Naval Fleet.

Although, the Battleship 'Yamato' was the second most advanced Battleship of the Nihon Empire, it was still insufficient for use against Maaya who was not only an Mage - an Expert Illusionist but also well versed into utilizing two Elementals Water and Air. Not only Water and Air supplemented each other; when it comes to Naval Battles, they were the best ones to use. Most Naval fleets utilized a combination of Water and Air Elementals in their Naval Fleets.

The Battle between Maaya and Oda Hidekatsu continued for a while. The ones suffering were the soldiers of the Imperial Nihon Naval Forces. Oda Hidekatsu realized this, and decided to utilize his full power.

It wasn't just Singapor that was conducting research about increasing powers of Elementalists; others were doing it too. The difference was that not everyone was as successful. The United Bryten Empire's whole Conquest War was based on the ability to increase the power of Elementalists.

The difference was that instead of modern research and technology, they had obtained some ancient artifacts. They concluded that such artifacts might exist in other parts of the world and hence their War of Conquest started.

Oda Hidekatsu was carrying such an Ancient Artifact that could boost an Elementalist's power. Though it could be used only for a limited number of times and drained a lot of energy from it's user, Hidekatsu realized he had no other choice. There was no other way for him to win over Maaya.

He theorized that he could use the artifact twice in the current scenario - once for Maaya and once for Karna. But when he did so, the results were totally unexpected.

The moment he used the Artifact, Karna took action. He knew that currently, Maaya wasn't able to handle the powers of Hidekatsu that were amplified by the Artifact. So he moved in front of Maaya and used his Sun's True Fire.

The Sun's True Fire - the hottest Fire in existence burnt the Tsunami wave generated by Oda Hidekatsu, who was left bewildered by Karna's prowess.

Karna decided it was enough practice for Maaya. He had his experiments to conduct as well. "It has gotten pretty hot, some snow and rain should help." Karna said with a smile.


Chapter End.