Dai Oda Empire's Ambition

After reading the message, Empress Victoria Alexandrina started to smile and said, "I don't think we need to worry too much about the Albion East India Company for now. For the time being it has already been taken care of."

At these words, lot of people were confused.

Empress Victoria continued, "The Albion East India Company has suffered a huge loss recently. Not only their advanced reconnaissance unit, but a Primary Naval Unit was annihilated en route to the Jambudveepa."

Prime Minister Winston Churchill couldn't contain his surprise and mumbled, "Who defeated them? Which army or navy has the capabilities to take on such an advanced fleet which uses our advanced Magical Weaponry?"

Empress Victoria said, "That is not mentioned in the message. You tell me, which nation possesses such strength?"

Prime Minister Winston Churchill replied, "In that region, perhaps the Dai Oda or the Qin Empire can accomplish this. But even so, they would suffer huge losses. I don't think they would do so. Only if they were to combine their elite forces… But even so, it is way too swift."

Empress Victoria turned to Vice Admiral Horatio Neilson and asked, "What is your assessment?"

He replied, "Your Majesty, I do not have an exact answer at the moment, but in my opinion, only the power of a team of High Level Elementalists can accomplish this. Whether they are supported by an Empire or an alliance of nations, or a team of powerful Elementalists, is yet to be determined.

However, I can assure you that no army consisting only of Advanced Magic tools and weapons, mages, witches, wizards, sorcerers, cultivators, knights and warriors will be capable of annihilating the Primary Naval Unit of the Albion East India Company.

Only Elementalists wielding the Power of Nature can achieve such a feat. Still, such a result is indeed inconceivable."

Empress Victoria said, "Hmm, we have to wait for further investigation. However, one's loss is another's gain. We have avoided a potential problem for the time being. However, if such a powerful foe exists, we need to be prepared.

Inform King Arthur and Knights of the Temple to be prepared for an expedition. We may be facing another different level of Enemy."

"Yes, Your Majesty", replied Winston Churchill.

The news a Primary Naval Unit of the Albion East India Company was annihilated spread throughout the world. This was the first time that the Albion East India Company had been defeated.


An Imperial Meeting was taking place at the Azuchi Castle situated in Omihachiman of Shiga Prefecture of the Dai Oda Empire.

"Niwa Nagahide did an excellent job in constructing this castle."

"I am glad that you like it Heika. I am sure Nagahide-san will be happy to know that you praised him.". Akechi Mitsuhide replied.

"I am also happy with decorations by Kano Eitoku. He is an excellent Artist."

"He just followed your instructions, Heika" commented Tokugawa Ieyasu.

"Other clans are already envious of this Castle", said Akechi Mitsuhide.

"This was made to make them envious. The 'tenshu' and the 'donjon' are remarkable", said Tokugawa.

"Enough about the Castle. I want to know what happened to the War?" Heika demanded.

"Heika, Toyotomi-denka was successful in winning the battle. We have successfully destroyed two Naval outposts of the Goryeo Alliance." replied Akechi Mitsuhide.

"That is indeed good news. At least we have given them a fair warning. Those tribal fools thought that by joining the Goryeo Alliance they would be under the protection of the three Kingdoms of Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla! But they do not know that the three Kingdoms can't spare their forces since they have to be on the lookout for the Qin Empire."

"Heika, Toyotomi-denka's plan to attack and alienate the tribal states seems to be working as predicted. After their defeat, the Usan clan of the Ulleungdo Island and the Tamna clan of the Jeju Island have surrendered unconditionally." Tokugawa reported.

"Haha! A celebration needs to be arranged. Toyotomi Hideyoshi has been performing his job excellently. He had previously won us the battles with Iga and Koga Clans too. He needs to be rewarded." Heika commented.

"Toyotomi-denka would be glad to hear this." said Tokugawa.

"We have almost unified the land of Yamato and will soon conquer the Goryeon Peninsula. Then we will conquer the other lands of the Indiana Archipelagos." Oda Nobunaga thought and smiled. The conquest of the largest archipelagos of the Known world that was the long cherished dream of the Oda Empire.

At that moment one of the Imperial Guards reported something to Akechi Mitsuhide, who then reported it to the Emperor.

"Heika, we have an urgent message from Empress Victoria."

"What does that old hag want?" asked Heika.

"She seeks an alliance with you, Oda Nobunaga Heika in order to counter a new threat." replied Tokugawa.

"Why does she want to do that? Which enemy is so big for the two of our Empires to form an alliance?" asked Oda Nobunaga in surprise.

"She has mentioned that in the letter. It says they plan to attack Pearl Harbour, the Head Quarters of the rebellion in their United Federation's Colonies, and the Lakshadveepa Kingdom of the Jambudveepa." Tokugawa explained.

"I can understand why they want to attack Pearl Harbour. But why do they want to attack that small Kingdom of Lakshadveepa? Also, why do they need an alliance for either of these. Is there something that we do not know?" asked Emperor Oda Nobunaga.

"That they have also explained. Both the Vanguard and Primary Naval Unit of Albion East India Company, comprising of Witches, Wizards, Mages, Sorcerers and even two Elementalists were wiped out near the Island Kingdom of Lakshadveepa." Tokugawa answered.

"How is that possible? The pitiful Kingdom of Lakshadveepa does not have the required Military strength to pull it off. Who helped them? Did one of the sleeping giants of the Jambudveepa help?" Emperor Oda Nobunaga inquired.

"About that, we need a detailed investigation. All we know right now is that the force that annihilated the Albion East India Company's Primary Naval Unit does not belong to any Kingdom or Empire. They are a Military Organization acting on their own whim. They call themselves the…."


Chapter End.