Celestial Maiden

Maayaa entered Karna's study room. He was given a separate Palace by Emperor Vikramaaditya. Karna's palace called the 'Bhaaskara Palace' was just next to Emperor Vikramaaditya's 'Imperial Shrakari Palace' and was the second-best palace in the Empire.

On Maayaa's arrival, Karna asked, "Did we get any response from the Maayans or the Qin?"

Maayaa replied, "Yes. We received positive replies from both of them. Although they have not agreed to the alliance immediately, they have agreed to meet with our representatives."

Karna remarked, "That is good enough. Anyway, if they agree it will be beneficial for them and things will be easier for us. If they do not agree, we will proceed like we have done before."

He paused for a moment before asking, "What about the Alliance of the South East Indiana Nations?"

Maayaa answered, "We have not received any reply from them yet."

Karna remarked, "That is within our expectations. Since it is a multi-national alliance, politics and self-interests prevail. They have to come to an understanding amongst themselves first. So, it is expected to take some time."

"By the way, how did you come up with such a domineering name for our organization?" asked Maayaa.

"You mean 'Heaven's Judgement'?" I did not name it." Karna said with an expressionless face.

"Then who?" asked Maayaa.

"Isn't it obvious? It was the Celestial Maiden" replied Karna with a bright smile.

"Is she really Real? I mean does she really exist?", asked Maayaa.

"Obviously, she is real. I do not why are you asking such a stupid question." replied Karna.

"It is because we have only heard of her. No one has seen her", Maayaa explained.

"Well, I have..." Karna said before pausing. He then continued after a few moments, "Well Congratulations! You get to meet her".

"When?" asked Maayaa

"Now." answered Karna.

"You mean, right now?", a surprised Maayaa wanted to confirm if she had heard it right.

"Yes, right now. She just contacted me to meet her. And she asked me to bring you along" explained Karna.

"Wait, she contacted you right now? How?" asked a bewildered Maayaa.

"Through 'Super Conscious Communication'. How else?" shrugged Karna.

"Super Conscious Communication?" Maayaa could not believe Karna's words for a moment.

"Yes. She used Super Conscious Communication to contact me. Why, is that weird?" Karna asked.

"It is not about it being weird. If you had said telepathy, I would have no problem in believing. But you said Super Conscious Communication! It is not only a thing of legend that is supposed to be possible only for Celestial or Divine Bings or Elementalists who have transcended the human limits. Moreover, her being able to communicate with you also implies that you too have the same ability!" Maayaa replied with a suspicious look.

Karna shrugged and said, "Do you think 'Celestial Maiden' is just a title? She is a Celestial Being."

"But how is that possible? Celestial Beings stopped reincarnating in this world after the Ancient War with the Demons ended. So how is a Celestial Deity here on Mahi?" asked a flustered Maayaa.

Karna replied, "Huh! It is true that they stopped. However, it does not mean that they can't start again. Does it? There are no restrictions on them for doing so, are there?"

Maayaa said, "That is not what I meant. For us, Celestial beings are just legends. They are just myths, stories that parents tell and plays and movies we watch.

There are many people who believe in heaven and existence of Celestial Beings in heaven. Some might believe that such beings did reincarnate during the Ancient War to save the world. However, even they would find it hard to believe that a Celestial Being has reincarnated into this planet."

"Hmm. I see. So that is how you think." After saying those words, Karna began to smile and then that smile turned into a chuckle. He then started to laugh hysterically.

"What had gotten into you? What is so amusing?" asked a frustrated Maayaa.

"Nothing much. I was just imagining your reaction when you would come to know my true identity" Karna said with a smug look.

"Huh? Don't tell me you are a reincarnated Celestial Deity too?" asked a bewildered Maayaa.

"As you explained yourself, people do not get to meet even a single Celestial Deity. Do you think you are lucky enough to meet two of them?" asked Karna.

"So, you are not a Celestial Deity?" inquired Maayaa.

"I am not!" replied Karna.

"Are you sure?" Maayaa tried to confirm.

"Absolutely. I am definitely not a reincarnated Celestial Deity." Karna replied firmly.

He then said, "Enough of this. It is time to go and meet the Celestial Deity. We cannot keep her waiting."

"Ok let us go" replied Maayaa enthusiastically. She and Karna left the 'Bhaaskara Palace' to meet the Celestial Maiden.


Chapter End.