The Maayan Continental Defence Force

Karna teleported himself and Maayaa into the Innermost part of the Celestial Palace. This was a forbidden area for everyone except Karna and Araavan. Maayaa had been given the privilege to enter for the first time.

Maayaa saw that there was a small lake and a large garden. A hut made up of wood was situated right at the centre of the Garden. There were no Magical Devices or Artifacts.

The hut was surrounded by flowers of various colours – roses, lilies, tulips etc. on all sides in a circular arrangement. There were beautiful birds perched on the tree branches and on the land by the side of the lake.

The whole atmosphere was serene and peaceful. It gave you the feeling of divine tranquillity. One would feel that he or she has entered a meditative state. She did not know why, but Maayaa closed her eyes. Or one can say her eyes closed on their own.

At this point she heard a soothing angelic voice, "So you finally came."

Maayaa opened her eyes and saw the most beautiful lady she had ever seen in her life. The princesses and beauties she had seen so far, did not have even a fraction of this divine beauty. She looked ethereal.

"Grandma, you know I was busy with the tasks that you asked me to complete. Otherwise, I would come see you every day. Also, didn't I come just day before yesterday?" Karna replied.

"We live in the same palace. You should be able to come here at least once a day. How about you have lunch with me daily?" the angelic voice suggested.

Ignoring the other things, Maayaa turned to Karna and asked, "She is the Leader, right? And did you just call her Grandma? I know Celestial Beings live much longer than us, but why would you call her Grandma, especially with her looks? You can just call her Leader." She did not know why, but Karna addressing a celestial beauty with the term 'Grandma' irked Maayaa very much.

Before Karna could even reply, the Celestial beauty explained with a smile, "He calls me Grandma because he is my Grandson."

At this explanation Maayaa was dumbfounded.

"You… you, didn't you say that you weren't a celestial being?" Maayaa asked half stammering.

"Yes, I said I am not a Celestial being. And I stand by that statement." Karna declared.

"He is right. He is a half-celestial. My Son had a child with a Human girl. Although the girl was extraordinary, she was human. But Karna has the potential to become a true Celestial or even surpass that limit." Grandma proudly declared.

"How may I address you? Maayaa asked.

"Oh, I am sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Aditi. You can address me as Grandma Aditi. Technically, I am not a Celestial being either. I am one of the main progenitors of the Celestial race." Grandma Aditi said casually.

At this point, Maayaa not only did not know what to say, she actually forgot how to speak at all!

Karna said, "Grandma, why did you call us. Has anything changed?"

"Yes, something has changed indeed." replied Progenitor Aditi.

"What changed? Do I need to change the plans?" Karna asked a little worried.

"Two major changes have taken place. One on the World #10017 and the other on the World #10032. Both will affect the upcoming Great War." Progenitor Aditi replied.


In just a few days, the news of the defeat of the Albion East India Company had spread throughout the World. However, most people were ignorant of the Force that defeated the presumed invincible Goliath, known as the Albion East India Company.

A meeting of the top leaders of the Maayan Continental Defence Force was being held at their temporary Head Quarters at the John Vassall House in Cambridge.

The Maayan Continent was the ancient land of the Maayans. It was a land where the Mighty Maayan Empire had once flourished. Unfortunately, once the Imperial Family went missing, the state of the continent declined drastically.

The continent had been occupied by the United Albion Conquest Forces for quite some time now. The United Albion Empire called them Federation Colonies.

The natives had started a rebellion and built a Military Force slowly and steadily. After a few decades, they have grown into a proper organization called Maayan Continental Defence Forces.

Currently, they were led by their Six Star General and Commander in Chief George Washington. He had many capable people around him including Admiral of the Navy and Vice Commander Thomas Jefferson; Technical Advisor and Five Star General, Benjamin Franklin and Chief of Staff, John Adams.

Commander in Chief George Washington slammed his palm on his desk and remarked in frustration, "We lost another battle!"

Vice Commander Thomas Jefferson tried to be the voice the reason, "These are part of our struggle. We win some, we lose some. This time our loss was not big."

"Yes, we also won the battle in Boston recently, which was of more strategic importance", said Edmund Randolph, one of the aids of Washington.

"That is good to know. So can we trust them in the future?" asked General Washington.

"I think we can. Their information has been helpful both the times." Technical Advisor Benjamin replied.

"Oh, you are talking about the mysterious group from Jambudveepa, right?" asked John Adams, the Chief of Staff.

"Yes. They have also recently defeated the Primary Naval Unit of the Albion East India Company As a result, the United Albion Empire has sought out an alliance with the Dai Oda Empire to attack Pearl Harbour and Jambudveepa.", aid Edmund replied.

He led their Intel Group and was very efficient in his work. He formed the basis for the decisions made by the Advisor Benjamin Franklin.

"Ed, did they provide us with further intel and aid?" General Washington asked.

"Yes Sir! We have received intel that the Albions have identified our recently constructed secret base in Pearl Harbour. As planned, they think that it is the Head Quarters of the Allied Federation Defence Force. They plan to attack it with the Dai Oda Empire".

"This was one of the two major possibilities mentioned in their communication earlier. In my opinion, this mysterious organization not only has competent Elementalists, Mages and Warriors but also one of the best Strategists on the planet. To be able to predict this far in advance is almost inhuman." Benjamin Franklin explained.

"So should we accept their proposal for alliance?" General Washington asked.

"I think, we should at the very least, meet with their representative." Advisor Benjamin expressed his opinion.

"What do you think Tom?" George Washington asked Admiral Jefferson.

"I agree with Ben on this. I don't see any harm in forming an alliance." said Admiral Jefferson.

"What about you John?"

"I agree as well.", replied John Adams, the Chief of Staff.

"It is decided then. Ben and Ed will be responsible to carry out the negotiations for the alliance." George Washington declared.

"But what is the name of this mysterious organization?" asked Admiral Jefferson.

Edmund replied, "Until now, they had not revealed their name Sir. Only after defeating Albion East India Company, have they announced themselves to the World. They have chosen a pretty fancy name. They call themselves the…"


Chapter End.