Sun's True Fire

While Karna was processing the information given to him, Maayaa was practically absent minded. This sudden reveal of World Secrets was too much for her brain.

"Grandma, you asked me to bring Maayaa. I am sure there is a role for her to play. But look at her. She may not be able to handle this!" Karna expressed his doubts about Maayaa's capabilities.

"She just needs a blessing, and everything will be alright." After saying this, Progenitor Aditi turned to Maayaa and blessed her. As a divine light enveloped Maayaa, she closed her eyes.

After a few moments when she opened her eyes, she could feel that something was different about herself. She could notice many details just by glancing at objects, which would have been impossible earlier.

"I have blessed you with Divine Knowledge of this World. For a couple of days, your brain will continue to absorb and process the information shared with you. Once you are stable, Karna will help you learn some Meditation techniques using Chakra Points to awaken your Kundalini.

Once awakened you can practice meditation and yogic techniques and you will be able to obtain higher level of Divine Knowledge. The next stage is Divine Intellect. Divine Intellect uses facts from Divine Knowledge to make important decisions.

After that, if you continue to progress, you will gain Divine Intelligence. It will give you control over your feelings and emotions and the ability to process them and judge other people's feelings as well.

And final stage would be the Divine Wisdom. The ability to make Wise Decisions." Progenitor Aditi explained.

After thinking for a while Maayaa said, "I am just a mere Illusion Mage. Why give me such a high blessing? Honestly I am a bit scared right now."

"Maayaa you do not need to worry. Grandma has her reasons, but she will never harm you or let anyone harm you either." Karna tried to calm down Maayaa.

"Actually, even Karna does not know why I asked you to come here or why I gave you the blessing. The thing is I was supposed to give you the blessing a little later, but, as I mentioned, some unexpected events have taken place.

I know Karna told you that he is a reincarnated Demi-Celestial. The thing is, you too are a reincarnated Demi-Celestial. Now with my blessing, your real abilities will awaken." Progenitor Aditi dropped another bomb on them.

"Wait! Me? A Demi-Celestial? How is that possible? I am just a mid level illusion mage!" Maayaa exclaimed.

"You, the self-proclaimed mid level illusionist, tell me, how can you caste a wide area illusion spell that even high level mages can't withstand? I am sure you have had doubts about this." Progenitor Aditi tried to use reason to pacify her. Maayaa was a bit agitated and anxious right now.

"Yes, I have often wondered about that. So, you are saying it is because of my Celestial Lineage?" Maayaa asked politely.

"Yes, and the effects will increase now, with my blessing and as you continue to grow." Progenitor Aditi answered.

She continued, "Before I explain your task, let me ask you some questions. Try to access your Divine Knowledge and answer.

First Question, what is Karna's Element?"

"It is Fire, but unlike any. Even Holy Fire and Divine Fire pale in comparison. I don't know what it is." replied Maayaa.

"That must be because you haven't yet fully absorbed the Divine Knowledge. Karna can use many elements. When he learnt about Elementalist in this world, he started using Fire, one of the commonly known orthodox elements.

But as you pointed out, his fire is special. Because his fire is Sun's true fire. Karna was born as the Son of Celestial Sun from the Central World. Karna and you are not from this world. In that world, the Celestial Sun is my son. His name is Aditya.

Every world has a different Celestial Being for a particular Celestial Power. But the origin of power is the same. Which means that they draw their power from the same source. Thus, the Celestial Sun in this World is different from Karna's father.

So, Karna's Fire is Sun's True Fire. That is his Primary Element. It is a combination of Divine Light, Divine Heat and Divine Fusion"

"What? Sun's True Fire is your Primary Element? That means you are capable of wielding more than one element?" Maayaa asked.

This time Karna replied, "Yes, right now, I can use over 200 elemental powers. Primary, Secondary even Tertiary elements are no problem."


Chapter End.