Heaven's Judgement

"Hey, you are not joking right? Tertiary elements are just theoretical at this point. No one has ever been able to use it. And even if you include the Unorthodox and Unclassified Elements, there are only about 150 or so. So, isn't your claim about being able to handle a little over 200 elements ridiculous?" Maayaa almost shouted. She thought Karna was exaggerating.

"Didn't you hear Grandma? Didn't she say that the Sun's True Fire is made of Divine Light, Divine Heat and Divine Fusion Elements? That is a tertiary element right there. Also, I found a way to use other elements other than orthodox, unorthodox and unclassified elements. With the help of Divine Knowledge and Divine Wisdom I gained insight into something called as Periodic Table of Elements. And there are 118 such elements. It is an otherworldly knowledge."

"Wait! What? Sun's True Fire is a tertiary element? There are 118 more elements? Otherworldly Knowledge? And you already reached the Divine Wisdom state? Isn't this too much?" Maayaa was frustrated.

This Military Commander of hers, never used such powers in front of them. So far, he had only used Primary elements like Air, Water, Wind, Fire. Although the quality and quantity were on a level way beyond humanly possible but he didn't even use the Lightning or Thunder Elements. He always said it brought bad memories.

Although he was still very powerful as he was classified as a Supreme Elementalist. But if he could really control over 200 elements and there exists more elements called the 'Elements of Periodic Table', then the basic definition of Elementalist will need to change.

"But may be he did use other things, but we did not know or understand.", thought Maayaa.

Just thinking about it made her head hurt.

Karna chuckled and said, "I think her brain froze."

"You did that intentionally, didn't you?" Progenitor Aditi asked.

"Hehe. You know me too well Grandma." replied Karna with a grin.

"Forget it. It will take a couple of days for her to adjust. You tell me how is the progress? Has Heaven's Judgement been announced to the World? Is the Heaven's Punishment ready?" she asked.

"Yes Grandma. Everything is ready as per your instructions." Karna replied.

"Good then. Go and purify the world with Sun's True Fire."


Karna left with Maayaa to prepare for the war with the Alliance formed by the United Albion Empire and the Dai Oda Empire. As per Karna's spy network, since the Albion-Oda Alliance did not have a grasp of power possessed by their Military Outfit 'Heaven's Judgement, the Alliance gave up on attacking Aaryavarta for the time being. They wanted to collect information first.

The Albion-Oda Alliance had decided to focus their attack on the Pearl Harbour Head Quarters of the United Federation Defence Force headed by the Seven Star General George Washington.

The information that the Head Quarters of the United Federation Defence Force was hidden at Pearl Harbour was deliberately leaked by the operatives of the Heaven's Judgement to lure out the Imperial Alliance under orders from Karna. He had planned way in advance owing to his Divine Wisdom.

He had practiced for 10 years under her Grandmother, Progenitor Aditi. He had been honing his skills and levelled up with the help of 'Kundalini Yoga'. His Lesser Divine Knowledge evolved to Standard Divine Knowledge and further to Great Divine Knowledge. He then acquired Divine Intellect and evolved it to Divine Intelligence and finally Divine Wisdom. Such growth was exponential and only possible because of his natural ability as a half-deity and the guidance of his grandmother, Progenitor Aditi.

He estimated the minimum time it would take for the Albion-Oda Alliance to gather their forces and weapons and then coordinate an attack. So he began his own preparations.

There were two projects he had asked Emperor Vikramaaditya to work on. And the King had informed him that the progress was smooth. In a week the first project was completed.

It was a Supersonic Jet Plane with advanced weaponry. Karna had used the knowledge of humanity of the planet Earth to create this with the help of resources provided by Emperor Vikramaaditya.

Karna had personally trained the Magicians, Mages, Architects and designers etc. on the process. He did this, so that they would be able to work independently of Karna later on, since they will be needing more of them in the future.

Of course, for now, he made sure that only a Supreme Elementalist was able to pilot such a plane. Otherwise, it would be a disaster if someone with evil intentions got their hands on such an advanced weaponry. After all, not everyone wielded the weapons for protection. In this era of Conquest, weapons were meant to be used to kill, dominate and enslave!

Karna used his Elementalist powers to pilot the Supersonic Jet Plane to go to the John Vassall House in Cambridge which was the current Head Quarters of the Maayan Continental Defence Force. Of course, Maayaa tagged along.


Chapter End.