Negotiations for the Alliance Begin

A few days before Karna and Maayaa arrived at Pearl Harbour, three very important and high level meetings took place.

First was the meeting of the Albion Imperial Senate and the bureaucrats of the United Albion Empire. The second was the meeting of the Oda Imperial Family and the Commanding Officers of the Oda Imperial Conquest Forces.

The third was the joint meeting of the Conquest Expedition Force known to the outside world as the Imperial Alliance.


The Mable Hall of the Buckingham Palace in the Imperial Capital Albion was lively once again. After all, it was the first time that the United Albion Empire was considering an alliance with another Empire.

So far, they had always thought of themselves as the best Empire and the representatives of Humanity, based on their race and skin colour. They had always believed themselves to be the God's chosen ones, or at least that is what they told their citizenry.

Hence, forming an alliance with another Empire which wasn't part of their race and especially an Empire that is from the East had many ramifications, but the order of the Monarch was final. Empress Victoria made it clear that there was no room for discussion on the matter even before the meeting began.

The began with Empress Victoria Alexandrina as the Chairperson. The attending members included general level soldiers of the Conquest Forces from both the Army & the Navy. It also included representatives from the House of Commons and the House of the Lords.

Although some of them were not fully satisfied with new Imperial Order but their selfish interests led them to believe that they would have to ignore their White Supremist beliefs for now and focus on the plans for the formation of the alliance with the Dai Oda Empire. Once they had succeeded, they could even Conquer the Dai Oda Empire.

Since, they were making such a great sacrifice with respect to their Unofficial Imperial Policy, they wanted to make sure that they contributed the minimum to the Alliance and gained the maximum benefit out of it.

According to their beliefs, they were still the Superior White race, who were descendants of the Divine Beings and hence were the leaders of all of Humanity and had the right to enslave the rest. They had been doing that in their conquered territories of the Alkebulan and the Maayan continents for decades now, and they wanted to do it to other continents as well.

Empress Victoria initiated the conversation, "Prime Minister Winston, you will be the main Spokesperson for today. You are to tell everyone here; about the terms and conditions of the negotiations being carried out with the Dai Oda Empire for the formation of Imperial Alliance in brief."

Prime Minister Winston Churchill replied, "As you command, Your Majesty!"

He then turned towards the audience and moved his gaze from left to right. Then, he smiled and said, "Proud members of the United Albion Empire, as you are aware, in the first round of negotiations for the alliance with the Dai Oda Empire, we had suggested 70 : 30 split for the territories we conquer, and they accepted."

A sound of applause could be heard throughout the Marble Hall.

"That is great news indeed. Those Oda-jins ought to know their place after all." said Sir Ivor Philipps, a member of the Liberal Party. He had a seat in the 'House of Commons' and held an Officer's position in the United Albion Army.

"I agree. But the terms are too good to be true. I think they would have made a demand to compensate for the uneven split. Aren't I right Prime Minister Winston?" asked Sir Charles Kavanagh, the Lieutenant General who commanded the Cavalry Corps at the battle of Amiens.

"That is indeed the case. Those damned Oda-jins are indeed greedy dogs." Prime Minister Winston Churchill replied. After a brief pause, he continued, "In exchange they want either the Hong Kong or the Lakshadveepa Archipelago."

"That is a ridiculous demand. That Demonic Emperor Oda Nobunaga is very arrogant to demand things from the United Albion Empire." George Giffard, the Commander-in-Chief of the Conquest Forces of the United Albion Empire flared up.

"Relax George, I am sure Prime Minister Winston has his own plans. He is shrewder than the evil Oda when it comes to negotiations." Sir Dudley Pound, the Admiral of the Imperial Albion Navy tried to calm down his friend.

"Hahaha. Since being shrewd is my job, I will take Sir Dudley's remarks as a complement.

It is indeed the case that I have planned things out already. We need them both – the Hong Kong Archipelago as well as Lakshadveepa Archipelago. First of all, we have already conquered the Hong Kong Archipelago so giving it away is impossible.

While Hong Kong Archipelago is the gateway to Shenzhou Continent and hence the Qin Empire, Lakshadveepa Archipelago is the gateway to Jambudveepa Continent. Both can serve multiple purposes and provides lot of benefits like trade routes and ports for business and rest, land for prison, experimentation and reconnaissance base.

They also have exotic spices and dense forests which have species of flora and fauna that are not found on our continent. Hence, they are of immense importance for us as resource hubs.

Additionally, if the port is properly developed, it can be used as a pit stop by the Naval Units. We can also build a military unit there. So, giving them away, is out of the question."

"Then what do you propose we should do?" asked Prince Charles.

"Maybe we can offer a joint custody of Lakshadveepa Archipelago?" John Stewart Murray, the Duke of Atholl and a Unionist Politian suggested.

"I think that should be our last resort. For now, in the second round of negotiations, we can suggest a 60 : 40 split. If they do not agree, then we suggest a 55 : 45 slip and finally a 50 : 50 split, but we keep both the Islands." Her Highness Diana, the Princess of Wales suggested.

"Her Highness is as Smart as she is beautiful. I intended to do something similar." said an amused Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

"That is acceptable. Prime Minister Winston, proceed with the negotiations as discussed here today." Empress Victoria declared.

And so, the meeting about the negotiations with the Dai Oda Empire for the formation of Alliance concluded.


Chapter End.